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Created February 26, 2016 21:23
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Parsing JSON With Swift
//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import UIKit
import XCPlayground
var str = "Hello, playground"
{ "feed":
"apps": [
"developer": "Izotx"
let sharedImagePath = XCPlaygroundSharedDataDirectoryURL.path!
// get the file path for the file "test.json" in the playground bundle
let filePath = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("sample", ofType: "json")
// get the contentData
let contentData = NSFileManager.defaultManager().contentsAtPath(filePath!)
func serializeAndParse(){
do {
//Serialize it
let dictionary = try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(contentData!, options: .MutableContainers) as! NSDictionary
//parse lazy way
let data = betterParsing(dictionary)
catch let error as NSError {
/**Quick and dirty parsing - not recommended in a long run */
func parseLazyWay(dictionary:NSDictionary){
if let feed = dictionary.objectForKey("feed"){
if let feed = dictionary.objectForKey("feed") as? NSDictionary, apps = feed.objectForKey("apps")as? NSArray{
//print name =
//Better method
func betterParsing(dictionary:NSDictionary)->Data{
let data = Data()
if let feed = dictionary.objectForKey("feed"){
if let feed = dictionary.objectForKey("feed") as? NSDictionary, apps = feed.objectForKey("apps")as? NSArray{
for appString in apps{
if let appDict = appString as? NSDictionary{
return data
/**Used by better parsing*/
class Data {
var apps = [App]()
func addApp(dictionary:NSDictionary){
apps.append(App(dictionary: dictionary))
/*App Enum - listing the keys in app's dictionary */
enum AppEnum:String{
case developer
case price
case name
/**Data Structure of the app*/
class App {
var name = ""
var price = 0.0
var developer = "Apple"
/**Convieniene initializer - pass dictionary to create a new instance of the application */
if let developer = dictionary.objectForKey(AppEnum.developer.rawValue) as? String{
self.developer = developer
if let price = dictionary.objectForKey(AppEnum.price.rawValue) as? Double{
self.price = price
if let name = dictionary.objectForKey( as? String{ = name
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