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Created May 21, 2019 06:06
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from import BaseCommand
from rest_api.models import (Phase, ProcessArea, CMMIPractices, Ceremony,
Problem, Glossary)
from django.db import IntegrityError
import csv
import re
# phaseTitle = ["Product Backlog","Sprint Planning","Sprint Execution","Sprint Evaluation"]
# for i in phaseTitle:
class Command(BaseCommand):
dct_manytomany = {'can_be_solved_by': Ceremony,'ceremonies_that_contain': Ceremony, 'problem_that_contain': Problem}
dct_foreignkey = {'to_satisfy': ProcessArea, 'phase': Phase, 'question_for': Phase,
'related_ceremony': Ceremony,'process_area':ProcessArea}
dct_combinedforeignkey = {'containing_ceremony':Ceremony,'containing_process_area':ProcessArea}
def _create_models(self, models, file_name):
with open(file_name) as csv_file:
csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',')
line_count = 0
lst = []
for row in csv_reader:
attr = {}
if line_count == 0:
for col in row:
line_count += 1
many_to_many = {}
for i in range(len(row)):
if row[i] == '':
if lst[i] in self.dct_combinedforeignkey:
if self.dct_combinedforeignkey[lst[i]] == Ceremony:
attr['process_area'] = ProcessArea.objects.get(related_ceremony=Ceremony.objects.get(title=row[i]),title=row[i+1])
elif lst[i] in self.dct_manytomany:
many_to_many[lst[i]] = row[i].split(';')
elif lst[i] in self.dct_foreignkey:
attr[lst[i]] = self.dct_foreignkey[lst[i]].objects.get(title=row[i])
attr[lst[i]] = row[i]
obj = models.objects.create(**attr)
if (many_to_many):
for key, values in many_to_many.items():
many_to_many_field = getattr(obj, key)
for value in values:
value_class = self.dct_manytomany[key]
value_obj = value_class.objects.get(title=value)
print(models.__name__, obj.title, 'has been created successfully')
except IntegrityError:
print(models.__name__, attr[lst[0]], 'has already been created')
def formatify_text(text, glossaries):
for glossary in glossaries:
regex = r'(?i)\b' + re.escape(glossary) + r'\b'
subs = '#' + glossary + '#'
done = False
index = 0
new_text = ""
while not done:
first = text[index:].find('#')
if first > -1:
new_text += re.sub(regex, subs, text[index:index + first])
second = text[index + first + 1:].find('#')
if second == -1:
new_text += re.sub(regex, subs, text[index + first:])
new_text += text[index + first:index + first + second + 2]
index = index + first + second + 2
new_text += re.sub(regex, subs, text[index:])
done = True
text = new_text
return text
def formatify_details(models, glossaries):
for obj in models.objects.all():
new_glossaries = glossaries
if models == Glossary:
new_glossaries = new_glossaries.copy()
new_detail = Command.formatify_text(obj.detail, new_glossaries)
obj.detail = new_detail
print(models.__name__, obj.title, 'detail has been formated successfully')
def handle(self, *args, **options):
self._create_models(Phase, 'rest_api/management/commands/Phase.csv')
self._create_models(Ceremony, 'rest_api/management/commands/Ceremony.csv')
self._create_models(Problem, 'rest_api/management/commands/Problem.csv')
self._create_models(ProcessArea, 'rest_api/management/commands/ProcessArea.csv')
self._create_models(CMMIPractices, 'rest_api/management/commands/CMMIPractice.csv')
self._create_models(Glossary, 'rest_api/management/commands/Glossary.csv')
dct = {}
for glossary in Glossary.objects.all():
word_count = len(glossary.title.split())
if word_count not in dct:
dct[word_count] = []
lst = []
for key in sorted(dct.keys(), reverse=True):
lst += dct[key]
Command.formatify_details(Phase, lst)
Command.formatify_details(Ceremony, lst)
Command.formatify_details(Problem, lst)
Command.formatify_details(Glossary, lst)
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