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Created September 8, 2015 01:36
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Connected Texture Manager
package izzyaxel.arcaneartificing.main.helpers;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IIconRegister;
import net.minecraft.util.IIcon;
public class AAConnectedTextureManager
private static AAConnectedTextureManager INSTANCE = new AAConnectedTextureManager();
* Get the manager instance
* @return Returns the singleton instance of the Connected Texture Manager
public static AAConnectedTextureManager getManager()
return INSTANCE;
private boolean shouldTextureConnect(IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z, Block block, int dir)
//0 - Bottom, y neg
//1 - Top, y pos
//2 - North, z neg
//3 = South, z pos
//4 - West, x neg
//5 - East, x pos
case 0: return world.getBlock(x, y - 1, z) == block;
case 1: return world.getBlock(x, y + 1, z) == block;
case 2: return world.getBlock(x, y, z - 1) == block;
case 3: return world.getBlock(x, y, z + 1) == block;
case 4: return world.getBlock(x - 1, y, z) == block;
case 5: return world.getBlock(x + 1, y, z) == block;
default: return false;
* Gets the appropriate IIcon texture for the given side based on the blocks surrounding the current one<br><br>
* Use this in conjunction with {@link Block#shouldSideBeRendered(IBlockAccess, int, int, int, int)} for transparent blocks<br><br>
* Follow this format for Block texture permutations:<br>
* 0 - None Connected<br>
* 1 - Up Connected<br>
* 2 - Right Connected<br>
* 3 - Down Connected<br>
* 4 - Left Connected<br>
* 5 - Up & Right Connected<br>
* 6 - Up, Right & Down Connected<br>
* 7 - Right & Down Connected<br>
* 8 - Right, Down & Left Connected<br>
* 9 - Down & Left Connected<br>
* 10 - Down, Left & Up Connected<br>
* 11 - Left & Up Connected<br>
* 12 - Left, Up & Right Connected<br>
* 13 - Up & Down Connected<br>
* 14 - Right & Left Connected<br>
* 15 - All Connected<br><br>
* Override {@link Block#getIcon(int, int)} to return a constant icon index to be used for the inventory render's texture<br>
* Override {@link Block#getIcon(IBlockAccess, int, int, int, int)} to call this method, such as:
* <br><br>return AAConnectedTextureManager.getManager().getIconForSide(iblockAccess, x, y, z, side, this#IIconArray, YourBlocks#blockInstance);<br><br>
* And finally, override {@link Block#registerBlockIcons(IIconRegister)} to register the 16 icons required.<br><br>
* @param world IBlockAccess, pass in from {@link Block#getIcon(IBlockAccess, int, int, int, int)}
* @param x X coordinate of the block to check, pass in from {@link Block#getIcon(IBlockAccess, int, int, int, int)}
* @param y Y coordinate of the block to check, pass in from {@link Block#getIcon(IBlockAccess, int, int, int, int)}
* @param z Z coordinate of the block to check, pass in from {@link Block#getIcon(IBlockAccess, int, int, int, int)}
* @param side Side of the block to check, pass in from {@link Block#getIcon(IBlockAccess, int, int, int, int)}
* @param icons IIcon array, must have a length of 16 or it'll cause crashes
* @param block Block to check against
* @return Returns an index in the passed in IIcon array, which contains the texture suited for the side passed in based on the surrounding blocks
public IIcon getIconForSide(IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z, int side, IIcon[] icons, Block block)
boolean up, down, north, south, east, west;
down = this.shouldTextureConnect(world, x, y, z, block, 0);
up = this.shouldTextureConnect(world, x, y, z, block, 1);
north = this.shouldTextureConnect(world, x, y, z, block, 2);
south = this.shouldTextureConnect(world, x, y, z, block, 3);
west = this.shouldTextureConnect(world, x, y, z, block, 4);
east = this.shouldTextureConnect(world, x, y, z, block, 5);
//If no valid blocks are adjacent to this one
if(!up && !down && !north && !south && !east && !west)
return icons[0];
//If there are valid blocks surrounding this one, texture doesn't matter for opaque blocks, shouldn't be rendered on transparent ones
if(up && down && north && south && east && west)
return icons[15];
case 0:
if(!north && !south && !east && !west)
return icons[0];
else if(north && !south && !east && !west)
return icons[1];
else if(!north && !south && east && !west)
return icons[2];
else if(!north && south && !east && !west)
return icons[3];
else if(!north && !south && !east && west)
return icons[4];
else if(north && !south && east && !west)
return icons[5];
else if(north && south && east && !west)
return icons[6];
else if(!north && south && east && !west)
return icons[7];
else if(!north && south && east && west)
return icons[8];
else if(!north && south && !east && west)
return icons[9];
else if(north && south && !east && west)
return icons[10];
else if(north && !south && !east && west)
return icons[11];
else if(north && !south && east && west)
return icons[12];
else if(north && south && !east && !west)
return icons[13];
else if(!north && !south && west && east)
return icons[14];
else if(north && south && east && west)
return icons[15];
case 1:
if(!north && !south && !east && !west)
return icons[0];
else if(north && !south && !east && !west)
return icons[1];
else if(!north && !south && east && !west)
return icons[2];
else if(!north && south && !east && !west)
return icons[3];
else if(!north && !south && !east && west)
return icons[4];
else if(north && !south && east && !west)
return icons[5];
else if(north && south && east && !west)
return icons[6];
else if(!north && south && east && !west)
return icons[7];
else if(!north && south && east && west)
return icons[8];
else if(!north && south && !east && west)
return icons[9];
else if(north && south && !east && west)
return icons[10];
else if(north && !south && !east && west)
return icons[11];
else if(north && !south && east && west)
return icons[12];
else if(north && south && !east && !west)
return icons[13];
else if(!north && !south && west && east)
return icons[14];
else if(north && south && east && west)
return icons[15];
case 2:
if(!up && !down && !east && !west)
return icons[0];
else if(up && !down && !east && !west)
return icons[1];
else if(!up && !down && !east && west)
return icons[2];
else if(!up && down && !east && !west)
return icons[3];
else if(!up && !down && east && !west)
return icons[4];
else if(up && !down && !east && west)
return icons[5];
else if(up && down && !east && west)
return icons[6];
else if(!up && down && !east && west)
return icons[7];
else if(!up && down && east && west)
return icons[8];
else if(!up && down && east && !west)
return icons[9];
else if(up && down && east && !west)
return icons[10];
else if(up && !down && east && !west)
return icons[11];
else if(up && !down && east && west)
return icons[12];
else if(up && down && !east && !west)
return icons[13];
else if(!up && !down && east && west)
return icons[14];
else if(up && down && east && west)
return icons[15];
case 3:
if(!up && !down && !east && !west)
return icons[0];
else if(up && !down && !east && !west)
return icons[1];
else if(!up && !down && east && !west)
return icons[2];
else if(!up && down && !east && !west)
return icons[3];
else if(!up && !down && !east && west)
return icons[4];
else if(up && !down && east && !west)
return icons[5];
else if(up && down && east && !west)
return icons[6];
else if(!up && down && east && !west)
return icons[7];
else if(!up && down && east && west)
return icons[8];
else if(!up && down && !east && west)
return icons[9];
else if(up && down && !east && west)
return icons[10];
else if(up && !down && !east && west)
return icons[11];
else if(up && !down && east && west)
return icons[12];
else if(up && down && !east && !west)
return icons[13];
else if(!up && !down && east && west)
return icons[14];
else if(up && down && east && west)
return icons[15];
case 4:
if(!up && !down && !north && !south)
return icons[0];
else if(up && !down && !north && !south)
return icons[1];
else if(!up && !down && !north && south)
return icons[2];
else if(!up && down && !north && !south)
return icons[3];
else if(!up && !down && north && !south)
return icons[4];
else if(up && !down && !north && south)
return icons[5];
else if(up && down && !north && south)
return icons[6];
else if(!up && down && !north && south)
return icons[7];
else if(!up && down && north && south)
return icons[8];
else if(!up && down && north && !south)
return icons[9];
else if(up && down && north && !south)
return icons[10];
else if(up && !down && north && !south)
return icons[11];
else if(up && !down && north && south)
return icons[12];
else if(up && down && !north && !south)
return icons[13];
else if(!up && !down && north && south)
return icons[14];
else if(up && down && north && south)
return icons[15];
case 5:
if(!up && !down && !north && !south)
return icons[0];
else if(up && !down && !north && !south)
return icons[1];
else if(!up && !down && north && !south)
return icons[2];
else if(!up && down && !north && !south)
return icons[3];
else if(!up && !down && !north && south)
return icons[4];
else if(up && !down && north && !south)
return icons[5];
else if(up && down && north && !south)
return icons[6];
else if(!up && down && north && !south)
return icons[7];
else if(!up && down && north && south)
return icons[8];
else if(!up && down && !north && south)
return icons[9];
else if(up && down && !north && south)
return icons[10];
else if(up && !down && !north && south)
return icons[11];
else if(up && !down && north && south)
return icons[12];
else if(up && down && !north && !south)
return icons[13];
else if(!up && !down && north && south)
return icons[14];
else if(up && down && north && south)
return icons[15];
default: return icons[0];
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