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Last active October 24, 2022 22:43
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Validation of SecondaryCoolProps to Coolprop for use cases in pygfunction
import pygfunction as gt
import scp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import os
def make_dir_if_not(path_to_dir: str):
if not os.path.exists(path_to_dir):
def setup_meshgrid(x_min, x_max, T_min, T_max, num=10):
concentrations: np.array = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, num=num)
temperatures: np.array = np.linspace(T_min, T_max, num=num)
xv, yv = np.meshgrid(concentrations, temperatures, indexing='ij')
return xv, yv
def compute_coolprop(mixer, xv, yv):
rho_cp = np.zeros_like(xv)
mu_cp = np.zeros_like(xv)
cp_cp = np.zeros_like(xv)
k_cp = np.zeros_like(xv)
Pr_cp = np.zeros_like(xv)
for i in range(len(xv)):
for j in range(len(xv[i])):
fluid =, xv[i, j] * 100., T=yv[i, j])
rho_cp[i, j] = fluid.rho
mu_cp[i, j] =
cp_cp[i, j] = fluid.cp
k_cp[i, j] = fluid.k
Pr_cp[i, j] = fluid.Pr
return rho_cp, mu_cp, cp_cp, k_cp, Pr_cp
def compute_scp(mixer, xv, yv):
rho_scp = np.zeros_like(xv)
mu_scp = np.zeros_like(xv)
cp_scp = np.zeros_like(xv)
k_scp = np.zeros_like(xv)
Pr_scp = np.zeros_like(xv)
for i in range(len(xv)):
for j in range(len(xv[i])):
fluid = scp.fluid.Fluid(mixer, xv[i, j])
T = yv[i, j]
rho_scp[i, j] = fluid.density(T)
mu_scp[i, j] = fluid.viscosity(T)
cp_scp[i, j] = fluid.specific_heat(T)
k_scp[i, j] = fluid.conductivity(T)
Pr_scp[i, j] = fluid.prandtl(T)
return rho_scp, mu_scp, cp_scp, k_scp, Pr_scp
def _compute_error(predictions, targets):
_err = np.zeros_like(predictions)
for i in range(len(predictions)):
for j in range(len(predictions[i])):
# Calculates the percent error
p = predictions[i, j]
t = targets[i, j]
_err[i, j] = (p - t) / t * 100.
return _err
def calculate_errors(cp, sec_cp):
errors = []
for i in range(len(cp)):
errors.append(_compute_error(sec_cp[i], cp[i]))
return errors
def main():
# Ethyl alcohol - 'MEA' - Ethanol mixed with water
mixes = {'MEA': {'x_min': 0.0001, 'x_max': 0.6, 'T_min': 0.1, 'T_max': 40.},
'MEG': {'x_min': 0.0001, 'x_max': 0.6, 'T_min': 0.1, 'T_max': 40.},
'MPG': {'x_min': 0.0001, 'x_max': 0.6, 'T_min': 0.1, 'T_max': 40.},
'MMA': {'x_min': 0.0001, 'x_max': 0.6, 'T_min': 0.1, 'T_max': 40.}}
for mixer in mixes:
mixer_ranges = mixes[mixer]
xv, yv = setup_meshgrid(**mixer_ranges, num=100)
# Calculate the coolprop values
cp = compute_coolprop(mixer, xv, yv)
# Calculate the secondary coolant property values
sec_cp = compute_scp(mixer, xv, yv)
# Calculate the RMSE for each of the thermal properties
errors = calculate_errors(cp, sec_cp)
properties = ['rho', 'mu', 'cp', 'k', 'Pr']
summary = f'{mixer} max abs errors: '
# Create contour plots of all the errors
for i in range(len(properties)):
fig = gt.utilities._initialize_figure()
cs = plt.contourf(xv, yv, errors[i])
plt.title(f'{mixer} - {properties[i]}')
plt.ylabel('Temperature ($\degree$C)')
cbar = plt.colorbar(cs)'Error (%)')
fig.savefig(os.path.join(mixer, properties[i] + '.png'))
summary += f'{properties[i]} : {float(np.max(np.abs(errors[i]))):.2f}% '
if __name__ == '__main__':
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