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Created May 16, 2015 20:19
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BMP Inspector
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
BMP Inspector: Prints BPM file information and pixel array statistics
Copyright (C) 2015 Jan Marjanovic <>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
import sys
import struct
from collections import OrderedDict
METER_IN_INCH = 39.3700787
class BMP_inspector(object):
''' Gets BMP (bitmap file) information, such as size, bits per color, ...
and also parses the pixel array '''
_dib_header_type = {
_dib_method_type = {
0: 'BI_RGB (none)',
1: 'BI_RLE8',
2: 'BI_RLE4',
4: 'BI_JPEG',
5: 'BI_PNG',
11: 'BI_CMYK',
12: 'BI_CMYKRLE8',
13: 'BI_CMYKRLE4',
def __init__(self, filename, verbose=True):
''' Open file, parses information and shows some information '''
self.array_offset = None
self.image_size = None
self.bits_per_pixel = None
self.bitmap_width = None
self.bitmap_height = None
self.verbose = verbose
print('Opening', filename)
f = open(filename, 'rb')
self.buff =
if self.verbose:
def parse_header(self):
''' Parses header -> gets pixel array offset '''
header = self.buff[0:14]
file_format = header[0:2].decode('ascii')
file_size = struct.unpack('<I', header[2:6])[0]
array_offset = struct.unpack('<I', header[10:14])[0]
self.array_offset = array_offset
if self.verbose:
print('File header')
print(' File format:', file_format)
print(' File size:', file_size, 'bytes')
print(' Array offset:', array_offset, 'bytes')
def parse_dib_header(self):
''' Parses DIB header structure -> get image size, bits per pixel '''
dib_header_size = struct.unpack('<I', self.buff[14:18])[0]
if self.verbose:
print('DIB header size:', dib_header_size, 'bytes')
print('DIB type:', self._dib_header_type[dib_header_size])
dib_header = self.buff[14:14+dib_header_size]
bitmap_width = struct.unpack('<I', dib_header[4:8])[0]
bitmap_height = struct.unpack('<I', dib_header[8:12])[0]
color_planes = struct.unpack('<H', dib_header[12:14])[0]
bits_per_pixel = struct.unpack('<H', dib_header[14:16])[0]
comp_method = struct.unpack('<I', dib_header[16:20])[0]
image_size = struct.unpack('<I', dib_header[20:24])[0]
hor_resolution = struct.unpack('<i', dib_header[24:28])[0]
ver_resolution = struct.unpack('<i', dib_header[28:32])[0]
# color_palette = struct.unpack('<I', dib_header[32:36])[0]
# imp_colors_used = struct.unpack('<I', dib_header[36:40])[0]
self.image_size = image_size
self.bits_per_pixel = bits_per_pixel
self.bitmap_width = bitmap_width
self.bitmap_height = bitmap_height
if self.verbose:
print('DIB header')
print(' Bitmap width:', bitmap_width)
print(' Bitmap height:', bitmap_height)
print(' Color planes:', color_planes)
print(' Bits per pixel:', bits_per_pixel)
print(' Compr method:', self._dib_method_type[comp_method])
print(' Image size:', image_size)
print(' Hor resolution:', hor_resolution // METER_IN_INCH, 'DPI')
print(' Ver resolution:', ver_resolution // METER_IN_INCH, 'DPI')
def parse_pixel_array(self):
''' Parses pixel array and stores it to list of bytes '''
pixel_array = self.buff[self.array_offset:
def chunks(l, n):
""" Yield successive n-sized chunks from l.
for i in range(0, len(l), n):
yield l[i:i+n]
self.pixel_array = list(chunks(pixel_array, self.bits_per_pixel//8))
def get_color_stats(self):
''' Finds 10 most used colors in bitmap '''
colors = dict()
for pixel in self.pixel_array:
colors[pixel] += 1
except KeyError:
colors[pixel] = 1
ord_colors = OrderedDict(sorted(colors.items(),
key=lambda t: t[1],
print('Color statistics')
for c, v in list(ord_colors.items())[0:10]:
_nr_pixels = self.bitmap_width * self.bitmap_height
if self.bits_per_pixel == 24:
b, g, r = struct.unpack('BBB', c)
percent = v/_nr_pixels*100
print(' R: {0:3}, G: {1:3}, B: {2:3}, {3:.3}%'.
format(r, g, b, percent))
elif self.bits_per_pixel == 32:
# pylint: disable=unused-variable
b, g, r, a = struct.unpack('BBBB', c)
percent = v/_nr_pixels*100
print(' R: {0:3}, G: {1:3}, B: {2:3}, {3:.3}%'.
format(r, g, b, percent))
raise NotImplementedError
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print('Usage: ', sys.argv[0], 'bmp-file')
filename = sys.argv[1]
bpmInspector = BMP_inspector(filename)
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Example output:

Opening outputs/ImageMagick.bmp
File header
  File format: BM
  File size: 307338 bytes
  Array offset: 138 bytes
DIB header size: 124 bytes
DIB header
  Bitmap width: 320
  Bitmap height: 240
  Color planes: 1
  Bits per pixel: 32
  Compr method: BI_BITFIELDS
  Image size: 307200
  Hor resolution: 99.0 DPI
  Ver resolution: 99.0 DPI
Color statistics
  R: 255, G: 255, B: 255, 86.0%
  R: 205, G: 205, B: 205, 2.24%
  R:   0, G:   0, B: 255, 2.02%
  R: 255, G:   0, B:   0, 1.91%
  R:   0, G:   0, B:   0, 1.14%
  R:  77, G:  77, B:  77, 0.305%
  R:   1, G:   1, B:   1, 0.259%
  R: 255, G: 254, B: 254, 0.0846%
  R: 225, G: 225, B: 225, 0.0755%
  R: 185, G: 185, B: 185, 0.069%

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eighty4 commented Jul 16, 2021

I wish I could buy you a beer for this script!

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