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Last active July 16, 2020 17:12
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Reddit Scraper 2.0 with Imgur API
import datetime
import os
import praw
import pprint
import urllib2
from imgurpython import ImgurClient
from sys import argv
# Set Imgur authentication fields
client_id = REDACTED
client_secret = REDACTED
# Reddit authentication
r_client_id = REDACTED
r_client_secret = REDACTED
# Get arguments from command line
script, sub, lim, debug = argv;
# Downloads image to directory given imgur ID
def download_image(img_id, directory, author):
print(img_id + ': downloading...')
response = urllib2.urlopen('' % (img_id))
html =
path = directory + author + '.png'
group = open(path, 'wb')
# Downloads an album of images given an imgur album ID
def download_album(album_id, directory, author):
# create list of image objects
image_obj_list = client.get_album_images(album_id)
# empty list for image id's
id_list = []
i = 0;
for img in image_obj_list:
print( + ': downloading...')
response = urllib2.urlopen('' % (
html =
path = directory + author + ' ' + str(i) + '.png'
group = open(path, 'wb')
i += 1
# Optionally print list of ID's
if debug == '1':
# Initialize Imgur client and PRAW object
client = ImgurClient(client_id, client_secret)
r = praw.Reddit(client_id = r_client_id,
client_secret = r_client_secret,
user_agent = 'RedditScraper2.0 by /u/I_Am_Treebeard')
# Generate list of urls
subreddit = r.subreddit(sub)
link_list = = int(lim))
# Make directory for photos
directory = '/Users/j.mcc3093/Desktop/%s (%s)/' % (sub,
if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory)
# Main loop to scrape URLs
for link in link_list:
# Get URL and author name
author =
url = link.url
# Don't download gifs
if '.gif' in url:
# Check whether PRAW inserted a question mark
if '?' in url:
url = url[:url.rfind('?')]
# Check if link is an album
if '/a/' in url:
album_id = url[url.rfind('/a/')+3:]
download_album(album_id, directory, author)
# Check if link is a single image
elif 'i.imgur' in url or 'imgur' in url:
img_id = url[url.rfind('.com/')+5:].replace('.jpg', '')
download_image(img_id, directory, author)
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