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Created December 9, 2019 15:17
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Playground MultiSigStateMachine
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
import Control.Lens (makeClassyPrisms)
import qualified Ledger.Interval as Interval
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Ledger.Validation (PendingTx, PendingTx'(..))
import qualified Ledger.Validation as Validation
import qualified Ledger.Typed.Scripts as Scripts
import Ledger.Value (Value)
import qualified Ledger.Value as Value
import Ledger (PubKey, Slot)
import Playground.Contract (printSchemas, ensureIotsDefinitions, ensureKnownCurrencies, KnownCurrency, mkSchemaDefinitions, ToSchema)
import qualified Language.PlutusTx as PlutusTx
import Language.Plutus.Contract
import Language.Plutus.Contract.StateMachine (ValueAllocation(..), AsSMContractError, StateMachine(..))
import qualified Language.Plutus.Contract.StateMachine as SM
import qualified Language.Plutus.Contract.Tx as Tx
import Language.PlutusTx.Prelude hiding (check, Applicative (..), (<>))
import qualified Prelude as Haskell
-- $multisig
-- The n-out-of-m multisig contract works like a joint account of
-- m people, requiring the consent of n people for any payments.
-- In the smart contract the signatories are represented by public keys,
-- and approval takes the form of signatures on transactions.
-- The multisig contract in
-- 'Language.PlutusTx.Coordination.Contracts.MultiSig' expects n signatures on
-- a single transaction. This requires an off-chain communication channel. The
-- multisig contract implemented in this module uses a proposal system that
-- allows participants to propose payments and attach their signatures to
-- proposals over a period of time, using separate transactions. All contract
-- state is kept on the chain so there is no need for off-chain communication.
-- | A proposal for making a payment under the multisig scheme.
data Payment = Payment
{ paymentAmount :: Value
-- ^ How much to pay out
, paymentRecipient :: PubKey
-- ^ Address to pay the value to
, paymentDeadline :: Slot
-- ^ Time until the required amount of signatures has to be collected.
deriving stock (Show, Generic)
deriving anyclass (ToSchema)
instance Eq Payment where
{-# INLINABLE (==) #-}
(Payment vl pk sl) == (Payment vl' pk' sl') = vl == vl' && pk == pk' && sl == sl'
data Params = Params
{ mspSignatories :: [PubKey]
-- ^ Public keys that are allowed to authorise payments
, mspRequiredSigs :: Integer
-- ^ How many signatures are required for a payment
-- | State of the multisig contract.
data State =
Holding Value
-- ^ Money is locked, anyone can make a proposal for a payment. If there is
-- no value here then this is a final state and the machine will terminate.
| CollectingSignatures Value Payment [PubKey]
-- ^ A payment has been proposed and is awaiting signatures.
deriving (Show)
instance Eq State where
{-# INLINABLE (==) #-}
(Holding v) == (Holding v') = v == v'
(CollectingSignatures vl pmt pks) == (CollectingSignatures vl' pmt' pks') =
vl == vl' && pmt == pmt' && pks == pks'
_ == _ = False
data Input =
ProposePayment Payment
-- ^ Propose a payment. The payment can be made as soon as enough
-- signatures have been collected.
| AddSignature PubKey
-- ^ Add a signature to the sigs. that have been collected for the
-- current proposal.
| Cancel
-- ^ Cancel the current proposal if the deadline has passed
| Pay
-- ^ Make the payment.
deriving Show
data MultiSigError =
MSContractError ContractError
| MSStateMachineError (SM.SMContractError State Input)
deriving Show
makeClassyPrisms ''MultiSigError
instance AsContractError MultiSigError where
_ContractError = _MSContractError
instance AsSMContractError MultiSigError State Input where
_SMContractError = _MSStateMachineError
type MultiSigSchema =
.\/ Endpoint "propose-payment" Payment
.\/ Endpoint "add-signature" ()
.\/ Endpoint "cancel-payment" ()
.\/ Endpoint "pay" ()
.\/ Endpoint "lock" Value
{-# INLINABLE isSignatory #-}
-- | Check if a public key is one of the signatories of the multisig contract.
isSignatory :: PubKey -> Params -> Bool
isSignatory pk (Params sigs _) = any (\pk' -> pk == pk') sigs
{-# INLINABLE containsPk #-}
-- | Check whether a list of public keys contains a given key.
containsPk :: PubKey -> [PubKey] -> Bool
containsPk pk = any (\pk' -> pk' == pk)
{-# INLINABLE isValidProposal #-}
-- | Check whether a proposed 'Payment' is valid given the total
-- amount of funds currently locked in the contract.
isValidProposal :: Value -> Payment -> Bool
isValidProposal vl (Payment amt _ _) = amt `Value.leq` vl
{-# INLINABLE proposalExpired #-}
-- | Check whether a proposed 'Payment' has expired.
proposalExpired :: PendingTx -> Payment -> Bool
proposalExpired PendingTx{pendingTxValidRange} Payment{paymentDeadline} =
paymentDeadline `Interval.before` pendingTxValidRange
{-# INLINABLE proposalAccepted #-}
-- | Check whether enough signatories (represented as a list of public keys)
-- have signed a proposed payment.
proposalAccepted :: Params -> [PubKey] -> Bool
proposalAccepted (Params signatories numReq) pks =
let numSigned = length (filter (\pk -> containsPk pk pks) signatories)
in numSigned >= numReq
{-# INLINABLE valuePreserved #-}
-- | @valuePreserved v p@ is true if the pending transaction @p@ pays the amount
-- @v@ to this script's address. It does not assert the number of such outputs:
-- this is handled in the generic state machine validator.
valuePreserved :: Value -> PendingTx -> Bool
valuePreserved vl ptx = vl == Validation.valueLockedBy ptx (Validation.ownHash ptx)
{-# INLINABLE valuePaid #-}
-- | @valuePaid pm ptx@ is true if the pending transaction @ptx@ pays
-- the amount specified in @pm@ to the public key address specified in @pm@
valuePaid :: Payment -> PendingTx -> Bool
valuePaid (Payment vl pk _) ptx = vl == (Validation.valuePaidTo ptx pk)
{-# INLINABLE step #-}
-- | @step params state input@ computes the next state given current state
-- @state@ and the input.
-- 'step' does not perform any checks of the preconditions. This is done in
-- 'check' below.
step :: State -> Input -> Maybe State
step s i = case (s, i) of
(Holding vl, ProposePayment pmt) ->
Just $ CollectingSignatures vl pmt []
(CollectingSignatures vl pmt pks, AddSignature pk) ->
Just $ CollectingSignatures vl pmt (pk:pks)
(CollectingSignatures vl _ _, Cancel) ->
Just $ Holding vl
(CollectingSignatures vl (Payment vp _ _) _, Pay) ->
let vl' = vl - vp in
Just $ Holding vl'
_ -> Nothing
{-# INLINABLE check #-}
-- | @check params ptx state input@ checks whether the pending
-- transaction @ptx@ pays the expected amounts to script and public key
-- addresses.
check :: Params -> State -> Input -> PendingTx -> Bool
check p s i ptx = case (s, i) of
(Holding vl, ProposePayment pmt) ->
isValidProposal vl pmt && valuePreserved vl ptx
(CollectingSignatures vl _ pks, AddSignature pk) ->
Validation.txSignedBy ptx pk &&
isSignatory pk p &&
not (containsPk pk pks) &&
valuePreserved vl ptx
(CollectingSignatures vl pmt _, Cancel) ->
proposalExpired ptx pmt && valuePreserved vl ptx
(CollectingSignatures vl pmt@(Payment vp _ _) pks, Pay) ->
let vl' = vl - vp in
not (proposalExpired ptx pmt) &&
proposalAccepted p pks &&
valuePreserved vl' ptx &&
valuePaid pmt ptx
_ -> False
{-# INLINABLE final #-}
-- | The machine is in a final state if we are holding no money.
final :: State -> Bool
final (Holding v) = Value.isZero v
final _ = False
{-# INLINABLE mkValidator #-}
mkValidator :: Params -> Scripts.ValidatorType MultiSigSym
mkValidator p = SM.mkValidator $ StateMachine step (check p) final
validatorCode :: Params -> PlutusTx.CompiledCode (Scripts.ValidatorType MultiSigSym)
validatorCode params = $$(PlutusTx.compile [|| mkValidator ||]) `PlutusTx.applyCode` PlutusTx.liftCode params
type MultiSigSym = StateMachine State Input
scriptInstance :: Params -> Scripts.ScriptInstance MultiSigSym
scriptInstance params = Scripts.validator @MultiSigSym
(validatorCode params)
$$(PlutusTx.compile [|| wrap ||])
wrap = Scripts.wrapValidator @State @Input
machineInstance :: Params -> SM.StateMachineInstance State Input
machineInstance params =
(StateMachine step (check params) final)
(scriptInstance params)
allocate :: State -> Input -> Value -> ValueAllocation
allocate (CollectingSignatures _ (Payment vp pk _) _) Pay vl =
let vl' = vl - vp
in ValueAllocation{vaOwnAddress=vl', vaOtherPayments=Tx.payToPubKey vp pk}
allocate _ _ vl =
ValueAllocation{vaOwnAddress = vl, vaOtherPayments = Haskell.mempty}
client :: Params -> SM.StateMachineClient State Input
client p = SM.mkStateMachineClient (machineInstance p) allocate
contract ::
( AsContractError e
, AsSMContractError e State Input
=> Params
-> Contract MultiSigSchema e ()
contract params = go where
theClient = client params
go = endpoints >> go
endpoints = lock <|> propose <|> cancel <|> addSignature <|> pay
propose = endpoint @"propose-payment" >>= SM.runStep theClient . ProposePayment
cancel = endpoint @"cancel-payment" >> SM.runStep theClient Cancel
addSignature = endpoint @"add-signature" >> ownPubKey >>= SM.runStep theClient . AddSignature
lock = do
value <- endpoint @"lock"
SM.runInitialise theClient (Holding value) value
pay = endpoint @"pay" >> SM.runStep theClient Pay
PlutusTx.makeIsData ''Payment
PlutusTx.makeLift ''Payment
PlutusTx.makeIsData ''State
PlutusTx.makeLift ''State
PlutusTx.makeLift ''Params
PlutusTx.makeIsData ''Input
PlutusTx.makeLift ''Input
mkSchemaDefinitions ''MultiSigSchema
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