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Created September 4, 2018 03:56
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Lambda Calculus reducer
data Expr = DeBruijn Int
| App Expr Expr
| Lambda Expr deriving Show
eval :: Expr -> Expr
eval (App (Lambda body) arg) = (arg `captureIn` body) 0
eval (App (App lhs rhs) arg) = eval $ App (eval (App lhs rhs)) arg
eval a = a
captureIn :: Expr -> Expr -> Int -> Expr
captureIn arg body@(DeBruijn i) depth
| depth == i = arg
| otherwise = body
captureIn arg (App lhs rhs) depth =
eval $ App ((arg `captureIn` lhs) depth)
((arg `captureIn` rhs) depth)
captureIn arg (Lambda body) depth =
Lambda $ (arg `captureIn` body) (depth + 1)
main = print $ eval $ App (Lambda (DeBruijn 0)) (DeBruijn 1)
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