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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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  • Save j-walker23/26aaa3891854ffcb9e1b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save j-walker23/26aaa3891854ffcb9e1b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// multi first char insert
C-v // select lines
shift-i // enter char
o // insert new line below and enter insert mode
O // insert new line above and enter insert mode
r // replace current char with next char typed
R // replace each char until <esc>
C // Replace to end of line
ciw // Replace current word
ci< // Replace from < - >
ci" // Inside " - "
>> // Tab selected forward
{n}>> // Tab n lines
yiw // yank current word to default resgister -- use again with "0p
diw // cut current word
vip // selects function block
"_dd "// delete line sending it to null register
vaw // select word
vas // select sentence
vap // select para
ab aB // select block (), and {}
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