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Created December 16, 2016 18:28
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  • Save j0hn/ddf410dc38fa77bf141ba21d7bb68dce to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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# Dependencies: imagemagick, i3lock-color-git, scrot
# IMAGE=$(mktemp).png
# scrot $IMAGE
# # convert $IMAGE -level 0%,100%,0.6 -filter Gaussian -resize 30% -define filter:sigma=2.5 -resize 333.33% $IMAGE
# convert -scale 10% -scale 1000% $IMAGE $IMAGE
# i3lock -i $IMAGE
# rm $IMAGE
icon="`dirname $0`/lock-icon.png"
# To change the font used add `-font $font`
# After pointsize in the 'add fortune text section'
# font="$HOME/.local/share/fonts/Aller_Lt.ttf"
# Expand is used to convert the tabs to spaces which
# are handled better by imageMagick
fortune=$(expand -t 2 <(fortune -s))
gradientStart='rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)'
gradientColor='rgba(39, 162, 33, 0.2)'
scrot "$scr"
convert "$scr" -scale 10% -scale 1000%\
-size "$gradientDimensions" -gravity south-west \
radial-gradient:"$gradientColor"-"$gradientStart" -composite -matte \
"$icon" -gravity center -composite -matte \
-gravity center -pointsize 20 \
i3lock -i "$scr"
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