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Created November 23, 2012 00:04
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Patched _rake definition for zsh
#compdef rake
# rake, version 0.8.3
local curcontext="$curcontext" state line expl ret=1
typeset -A opt_args
_arguments -C -s -S \
'(--classic-namespace -C)'{--classic-namespace,-C}'[put Task and FileTask in the top level namespace]' \
'(--dry-run -n)'{--dry-run,-n}'[do a dry run without executing actions]' \
'(- *)'{--describe,-D}'[describe the tasks (matching the specified pattern), then exit]:pattern::' \
'(--execute -e)'{--execute,-e}'[execute some Ruby code and exit]:Ruby code:' \
'(--execute-print -p)'{--execute-print,-p}'[execute some Ruby code, print the result, then exit]:Ruby code:' \
'(--execute-continue -E)'{--execute-continue,-E}'[execute some Ruby code, then continue with normal task processing]:Ruby code:' \
'(- *)'{--help,-h,-H}'[display help information]' \
\*{--libdir,-I}'[include specified directory in the search path for required modules]:library directory:_files -/' \
'(--rakelibdir --rakelib -R)'{--rakelibdir,--rakelib,-R}'[auto-import any .rake files in the specified directory. (default is 'rakelib')]:rake library directory:_files -/' \
'(--nosearch -N)'{--nosearch,-N}'[do not search parent directories for the Rakefile]' \
'(- *)'{--prereqs,-P}'[display the tasks and prerequisites, then exit]' \
'(--quiet -q --silent -s --verbose -v)'{--quiet,-q}'[do not log messages to standard output]' \
'(--rakefile -f)'{--rakefile,-f}'[use specified file as the rakefile]:rake file:_files' \
\*{--require,-r}'[require specified module before executing rakefile]:library:->library' \
'(- *)--rules[trace the rules resolution]' \
'(--quiet -q --silent -s --verbose -v)'{--silent,-s}"[like --quiet, but also suppresses the 'in directory' announcement]" \
'(--system,-g)'{--system,-g}'[using system wide (global) rakefiles (usually '~/.rake/*.rake')]' \
'(- *)'{--tasks,-T}'[display the tasks (matching the specified pattern) with descriptions, then exit]:pattern::' \
'(--trace -t)'{--trace,-t}'[turn on invoke/execute tracing, enable full backtrace]' \
'(--quiet -q --silent -s --verbose -v)'{--verbose,-v}'[log message to standard output (default)]' \
'(- *)'{--version,-V}'[display version information]' \
'*:target:->target' && ret=0
case "$state" in
local -a dirs
dirs=( $(_call_program directories ruby -e 'puts\ \$:' 2>/dev/null) ${(s.:.)opt_args[-I]} )
_wanted libraries expl library _path_files -W dirs && ret=0
local -a targets
targets=( ${${(f)"$(_call_program targets $words[1] -sT $opt_args[(I)(-N|--nosearch)] ${(kv)opt_args[(I)(-f|--rakefile)]} 2>/dev/null)"}/(#b)rake ([^ ]##) ##\# (*)/${${match[1]}//:/\\:}:${match[2]:l}} )
if (( ! ${targets[(I)rake aborted!]} )) then
_describe -t targets 'rake target' targets && ret=0
_message -e targets 'rake target'
if [[ $PREFIX == *'='* ]]
# Complete make variable as if shell variable
compset -P 1 '*='
_value "$@" && ret=0
return ret
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j0ni commented Nov 23, 2012

Lines 49 to 55 added, lifted from _make

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