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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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Boggle solver
(ns interview1.core
(:require [clojure.set :as set]
[clojure.string :as string])
(def dice ["AAEEGN"
(defn generate-dist []
(vec (map vec (partition 4 (map #(rand-nth %) dice)))))
(defn adjacent-cells [i j]
(let [new-cells (for [i1 (range -1 2)
j1 (range -1 2)]
[(+ i i1) (+ j j1)])]
(set (filter (fn [[i1 j1]]
(and (>= i1 0)
(< i1 4)
(>= j1 0)
(< j1 4)
(not= [i j] [i1 j1])))
(defn get-letter [coll i j]
((coll i) j))
(def dict
(set (map #(.toUpperCase %)
(string/split-lines (slurp "/usr/share/dict/words")))))
(defn prefix-in-dictionary [word]
(some #(.startsWith % word) dict))
(defn in-dictionary [word]
(some #(= % word) dict))
(defn find-words
(apply sorted-set
(concat (let [starters (for [i (range 4) j (range 4)] [i j])]
(apply concat (map #(apply find-words coll %) starters))))))
([coll i j]
(find-words coll i j "" #{}))
([coll i j word visited]
(let [next-cells (set/difference (adjacent-cells i j) visited)
new-word (str word (get-letter coll i j))
new-visited (conj visited [i j])
descend #(apply concat (for [[i1 j1] next-cells
:let [new-list (find-words coll i1 j1 new-word new-visited)]]
(when (prefix-in-dictionary new-word)
(if (in-dictionary new-word)
(cons new-word (descend))
(defn -main [& args]
(let [dist (generate-dist)
words (find-words dist)]
(println "From distribution:" dist)
(println "The list:")
(doseq [word words]
(println word))))
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