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Created October 9, 2012 00:52
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Naive and simple first crack at consistent hashing.
* Very naive approach to simulating a distributed cache using consistent hashing. Based on the following:
* Initially a translation of:
* And I also looked at this gist a bit from towards the end as well:
* It's a bit of a mess of traits at the moment, probably could benefit from more generics/Any usage in places
* but I basically just wanted a String -> String mapping in a cache to mess with.
package com.noisycode
import java.math.BigInteger //the Scala one doesn't play nice with Java's TreeMap.
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
trait HashFunction[K] {
def hash(key: K): BigInteger
trait Md5StringHash extends HashFunction[String] {
def digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5")
def hash(key: String) = {
new BigInteger(digest.digest(key.getBytes))
* Only providing the node/replica management stuff here as a trait. An actual
* cache follows later.
trait ConsistentStringHash[Node] {
this: HashFunction[String] =>
val replicaCount: Int
* I'm using the Java TreeMap here as I can't seem to find an
* equivalently _fast_ Scala alternative to TreeMap.tailMap(value) yet.
* From my limited research it looks like ranges on sorted maps in
* Scala 2.10 will help replace this. It's actually not a big deal if the
* number of nodes * replicaCount is small(< 1000) but I decided
* to play it safe for now.
var circle = new java.util.TreeMap[BigInteger, Node]
* I'm requiring a name here as I'm using Scala's Maps for caches and the toString()
* method is unreliable for uniqueness as a Map will simply return a representation of
* all its internal data - this will always be "Map()" initially and will lead to
* overwriting cache instances. There are better ways, I just wanted to get this
* to a functioning state that I could mess with.
def addNode(nodeName: String, n: Node) {
val nodeKeys = (1 to replicaCount).map(i => hash(nodeName + ":" + i))
nodeKeys map (nk => circle put (nk, n))
def removeNode(nodeName: String) {
val nodeKeys = (1 to replicaCount).map(i => hash(nodeName + ":" + i))
nodeKeys map (nk => circle remove nk)
def getNodeFor(key: String): Option[Node] = {
val hashedKey = hash(key)
if (circle.isEmpty)
else if (circle.containsKey(hashedKey))
else {
val k = {
val tail = circle.tailMap(hashedKey)
if (tail.isEmpty) circle.firstKey else tail.firstKey
* Basic simulated distributed cache.
* @param numberOfCaches the number of underlying mutable maps(simulated cache nodes).
* @param replicaCount how many times each node should get replicated in the ring.
class TestCache(numberOfCaches: Int, val replicaCount: Int) extends ConsistentStringHash[scala.collection.mutable.Map[String, String]] with Md5StringHash {
(1 to numberOfCaches).map(i => addNode("Node" + i, scala.collection.mutable.Map[String, String]()))
def add(k: String, v: String) {
getNodeFor(k).map(n => n.put(k, v))
def get(k: String) = getNodeFor(k).flatMap(n => n.get(k))
* I wanted a few functions to easily examine the state of the cache, minimal ones follow.
def detailsFor(k: String) = (('map, getNodeFor(k).hashCode()), ('mapSize, getNodeFor(k).size))
def nodeDetails = => circle.get(nk).size)
def nodeKeyHashes = circle.keySet.toList
* Rough function to calculate how far appart adjacent nodes are from each other.
def nodeDistances = {
def recursiveDistance(keySet: List[BigInteger]): List[BigInteger] = {
keySet match {
case (h :: Nil) => List(new BigInteger("0"))
case (h :: t) => (t.head.subtract(h)) :: recursiveDistance(t)
case _ => List(new BigInteger("0"))
val keys = nodeKeyHashes
keys.last.subtract(keys.head) :: recursiveDistance(keys)
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