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Last active March 27, 2017 10:59
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recursively gets size of object, guaranteeing not counting same obj twice. literally copied from but might contain further improvements.
import sys
from numbers import Number
from collections import Set, Mapping, deque
try: # Python 2
zero_depth_bases = (basestring, Number, xrange, bytearray)
iteritems = 'iteritems'
except NameError: # Python 3
zero_depth_bases = (str, bytes, Number, range, bytearray)
iteritems = 'items'
def getsize(obj_0):
"""Recursively iterate to sum size of object & members."""
def inner(obj, _seen_ids = set()):
obj_id = id(obj)
if obj_id in _seen_ids:
return 0
size = sys.getsizeof(obj)
if isinstance(obj, zero_depth_bases):
pass # bypass remaining control flow and return
elif isinstance(obj, (tuple, list, Set, deque)):
size += sum(inner(i) for i in obj)
elif isinstance(obj, Mapping) or hasattr(obj, iteritems):
size += sum(inner(k) + inner(v) for k, v in getattr(obj, iteritems)())
# Check for custom object instances - may subclass above too
if hasattr(obj, '__dict__'):
size += inner(vars(obj))
if hasattr(obj, '__slots__'): # can have __slots__ with __dict__
size += sum(inner(getattr(obj, s)) for s in obj.__slots__ if hasattr(obj, s))
return size
return inner(obj_0)
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