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Created April 14, 2010 22:40
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use Modern::Perl;
use Test::Most;
package RestClient;
use Moose;
use Data::Dumper;
has url => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Str',
required => 1,
sub POST { join '|', shift->url, @_ }
sub response_content { [ split( /\|/, $_[1] ) ] }
no Moose;
my $data = '{"mgi":"MGI:12345"}';
my $rest_client = RestClient->new( url => '' );
my $post_response = $rest_client->POST( 'alleles.json', $data );
is $post_response, '|alleles.json|{"mgi":"MGI:12345"}',
'POST works';
is_deeply $rest_client->response_content($post_response),
[ '', 'alleles.json', $data ], 'response_content works';
package CurryClass;
use Moose;
use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
has _url => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', default => '' );
has _rest_client => (
lazy_build => 1,
isa => duck_type( [qw/ POST response_content /] ),
handles => {
post => [ POST => 'alleles.json' ],
content => [ response_content => POST => 'alleles.json' ],
sub _build__rest_client { RestClient->new( url => shift->_url ) }
no Moose;
my $curry_class = CurryClass->new;
can_ok $curry_class, qw/ post content /;
is $curry_class->post($data),
'curry_class post works';
local $TODO = 'if only ... (partial application)';
is_deeply $curry_class->content($data),
[ '', 'alleles.json', $data ],
'curry_class content works';
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