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Created June 12, 2010 17:52
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;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; (Re)Introduction to Clojure
;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(ns j1n3l0
;; (:gen-class)
(:use [clojure.contrib.str-utils2 :only (capitalize)]
[ :only (read-lines)]))
(defn hello
"Simple 'Hello, name!' function"
(str "Hello, " (capitalize name) "!"))
(defn shout-at
"Use java function in clojure"
(.toUpperCase name))
(defn a-sequence
"Perform a sequence of actions/expressions"
(println (hello name))
(println (shout-at (str "oi " name "!"))))
(defn greet
"Simple multimethod greeter function"
([] (hello "world"))
([name & more] (map hello (list* name more))))
(defn sq
"Return the square of the number n or n to the given power p"
([n] (reduce * (repeat 2 n)))
([n p] (reduce * (repeat p n))))
;; user> (time (dotimes [_ 10000] (j1n3l0/digits-1 1234)))
;; "Elapsed time: 8.996 msecs"
;; nil
;; user> (time (dotimes [_ 10000] (j1n3l0/digits-2 1234)))
;; "Elapsed time: 47.653 msecs"
;; nil
;; user>
;; user> (time (dotimes [_ 10000] (j1n3l0/digits-3 1234)))
;; "Elapsed time: 129.459 msecs"
;; nil
;; user>
;; digits-1 is faster ;)
(defn digits-1
"Return the digits of a number as a list"
(map #(- (int %) (int \0)) (seq (str number))))
(defn digits-2
"Return the digits of a number as a list"
(let [m { \0 0 \1 1 \2 2 \3 3 \4 4 \5 5 \6 6 \7 7 \8 8 \9 9 }]
(map #(m %) (seq (str number)))))
(defn digits-3
"Return the digits of a number as a list"
(reverse (map #(rem % 10) (take-while #(> % 0) (iterate #(quot % 10) number)))))
(defn digits
"Return the digits of a number as a list"
(map #(- (int %) (int \0)) (seq (str number))))
(defn euler-016
"Solution to Euler problem 016"
(reduce + (digits (sq 2 1000))))
(defn factorial
(reduce * (range 1 (inc number))))
(defn euler-20
(reduce + (digits (factorial 100))))
(defn number-list
(def file "/Users/io1/Documents/clojure/euler/data/one-hundred_fifty-digit_numbers.txt")
(defn euler-13
(apply str (take 10 (digits (reduce + (map #(BigInteger. %) (remove #(= "" %) (read-lines file))))))))
;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; My attempt at the the Quicksort algorithm
;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; (defn less-than
;; [x xs]
;; (filter (fn [n] (< n x)) xs))
;; (defn more-than
;; [x xs]
;; (filter (fn [n] (> n x)) xs))
;; (defn quicksort
;; "My attempt at the the Quicksort algorithm"
;; ([] ())
;; ([ns] (let [x (first ns) xs (rest ns)]
;; (lazy-cat (less-than x xs) (list x) (more-than x xs)))))
;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; My attempt to write a GenBank file parser
;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defn parse-genbank-file
"Parse a Genbank file and return the contents as a Clojure data structure
Below is an example of the data structure I would like returned.
Add more features to the list as you expand your tests and code.
Moved my features to a clojure file (since code is data) and just
simply load the file here. In the long run these will come
straight out of the GenBank file"
(load-file file))
;; (load-file "/Users/io1/Documents/clojure/j1n3l0.clj")
;; (doseq [f (:features (j1n3l0/parse-genbank-file "/Users/io1/Documents/clojure/allele-imaging/features.clj"))] (println (:label f)))
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j1n3l0 commented Jun 12, 2010

testing gist.el

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