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Created June 16, 2010 15:53
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HowTo: ensure values in your hash of objects are objects [perl,moose,typeconstraints]
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use Modern::Perl;
use Test::Most;
my @not_objects
= ( [ 'array', 'ref' ], { 'hash' => 'ref' }, \'string ref', 'string', 1 );
ANY: {
package Foo::Accepts::Any;
use Moose;
has 'bar' => (
'traits' => ['Hash'],
'default' => sub { {} },
'isa' => 'HashRef[Any]',
'handles' => { 'set_bar' => 'set' },
my $foo = Foo::Accepts::Any->new();
lives_ok { $foo->set_bar( 'some_key' => Moose::Object->new() ) }
'Foo::Accepts::Any::set_bar accepts objects';
for my $item (@not_objects) {
lives_ok { $foo->set_bar( 'some_key' => $item ) }
'Foo::Accepts::Any::set_bar accepts ' . ( ref $item || $item );
package Foo::Accepts::Object;
use Moose;
has 'bar' => (
'traits' => ['Hash'],
'default' => sub { {} },
'isa' => 'HashRef[Object]',
'handles' => { 'set_bar' => 'set' },
my $foo = Foo::Accepts::Object->new();
lives_ok { $foo->set_bar( 'some_key' => Moose::Object->new() ) }
'Foo::Accepts::Object::set_bar accepts objects';
for my $item (@not_objects) {
dies_ok { $foo->set_bar( 'some_key' => $item ) }
'Foo::Accepts::Object::set_bar does not accept ' . ( ref $item || $item );
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