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Created March 8, 2018 07:58
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Code from a ngParty talk @ 7th Mar 2018
const R = require("ramda");
const data = {
title: "Intro to functional lenses",
author: {
name: "Jiri Marsicek",
email: "",
position: {
name: "Software Engineer",
company: "MSD"
sections: [
title: "whoami",
points: [
'interested in functional programming (Haskell, Scala)',
'interested in static guarantees about software (strong static typing, formal verification)',
'wanabe full-stack'
title: "what is lens?",
points: [
'functional "getter" and "setter"',
"focuses on the specific bit of a larger data structure",
"cannot change the shape of data structure outside of lens focus"
// declaration of lens
const titleLens = R.lens(R.prop('title'), R.assoc('title')) // helper: R.lensProp('title')
// getter part is triggered via 'view'
R.view(titleLens, data)
// setter part is triggered via 'set', creates a modified copy, does not mutate
const dataModified = R.set(titleLens, "Not an introduction", data)
R.view(titleLens, data)
R.view(titleLens, dataModified)
// lenses over elements of arrays
const firstSectionLens = R.lens(R.nth(1), R.update(1)) // helper: R.lensIndex(1)
JSON.stringify(R.view(firstSectionLens, data.sections))
// over changes data under focus of the lens with a function, creates a modified copy, does not mutate
const dataWithUppercaseTitle = R.over(titleLens, R.toUpper, data)
R.view(titleLens, dataWithUppercaseTitle)
const firstPointInFirstSectionLens = R.compose(R.lensProp('sections'), R.lensIndex(0), R.lensProp('points'), R.lensIndex(0)) // helper: R.lensPath('sections', 0, 'points', 0)
// in JavaScript lenses are structural (titleLens can be used over any object with title property)
R.view(titleLens, data.sections[0])
const state = {
tables: [
const moveItem = state => (source, target, sourceIndex, targetIndex) => {
const { tables } = state;
const sourceData = tables[source];
const targetData = tables[target];
const sourceRow = sourceData[sourceIndex];
const targetRow = targetData[targetIndex];
const withReplacedSource = R.assoc(source, R.update(sourceIndex, targetRow, sourceData), tables);
const withReplacedTarget = R.assoc(target, R.update(targetIndex, sourceRow, withReplacedSource[target]), withReplacedSource);
return { tables: withReplacedTarget };
const modified = moveItem(state)(0,1,0,0)
const state = {
tables: [
const moveItem = state => (sourceLens, targetLens) => {
const sourceRecord = R.view(sourceLens, state);
const targetRecord = R.view(targetLens, state);
const withReplacedSource = R.set(sourceLens, targetRecord, state);
const withReplacedTarget = R.set(targetLens, sourceRecord, withReplacedSource);
return withReplacedTarget
const tablesLens = R.lensProp('tables')
const sourceLens = R.compose(tablesLens, R.lensIndex(0), R.lensIndex(0))
const targetLens = R.compose(tablesLens, R.lensIndex(1), R.lensIndex(0))
const modified = moveItem(state)(sourceLens, targetLens)
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