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Created June 6, 2014 03:03
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Immutable OOP in Clojure
(defprotocol Shape
(perimeter [])
(draw [scene x y]))
(defrecord Square [s]
(perimeter []
(* s 4))
(draw [scene x y]
(draw-polygon scene
[x y]
[(+ x s) y]
[(+ x s) (+ y s)]
[x (+ y s)])))
(defrecord Circle [r]
(perimeter []
(* r 6.28))
(draw [scene x y]
(draw-circle scene r (+ x r) (+ y r))))
interface Shape {
public float perimeter();
public void draw(Scene scene, float x, float y);
class Square extends Shape {
float s;
public Square(float s) {
this.s = s;
public float perimeter() {
return s * 4;
public void draw(Scene scene, float x, float y) {
scene.startPolygon(x, y);
scene.moveTo(x + s, y);
scene.moveTo(x + s, y + s);
scene.moveTo(x, y + s);
scene.moveTo(x, y);
class Circle extends Shape {
float r;
public Circle(float r) {
this.r = r;
public float perimeter() {
return r * 6.28;
public void draw(Scene scene, float x, float y) {
scene.drawCircle(r, x + r, y + r);
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