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Created January 22, 2019 23:32
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Macro for responsive images
# macros for responsive images
# usage simple: {{ macro_img.responsive(asset) }}
# usage extra: {{ macro_img.responsive(assetThumbnail, {alt: 'some thumb', class: ['thumb-class'], {style: 'thumb'}}) }}
{# Class Attribute
# internal function used by responsive macro
# returns class='foo bar' or ''
{% macro _classAttr(classes) %}
{%- if (classes|length) -%}
class="{{ classes|join(' ') }}"
{%- endif -%}
{% endmacro %}
{# Responsive Macro
{% macro responsive(asset, options={}) %}
{% import _self as self %}
{% set options = {
alt: asset.title,
class: [],
style: 'default'
}| merge(options) %}
{% set transform = {
mode: 'stretch'
} %}
{% set nativeWidth = asset.width %}
{% set nativeHeight = asset.height %}
# Here is where you configure the image styles.
# You are going to have to modify this for your
# individual site.
# config is a hash, where the key is the style,
# and the value is another hash
# of srcsetWidths, sizes, and defaultWidth.
# There should always be a 'default' style.
# Redefine the 'default' to whatever makes sense
# for you, and add other styles as needed.
# srcsetWidths: image widths that should appear
# in the srcset.
# sizes: media queries that specify the widths
# of the image at different screen widths.
# The first one that matches is used.
# defaultWidth: image width for the src image
# (fallback for browsers that don't understand
# srcset)
{% set newClass = '' %}
{% if (nativeWidth > nativeHeight) %}
{% set newClass = 'landscape' %}
{% else %}
{% set newClass = 'portrait' %}
{% endif %}
{% set newClassArray = [newClass] %}
{% if (options.class|length) %}
{% set newClassArray = [newClass, options.class|join('')] %}
{% endif %}
{% set options = options|merge({
'class': newClassArray
}) %}
{% set transformedWebPImages = '' %}
{% if craft.imager.serverSupportsWebp() %}
{% set transformedWebPImages = craft.imager.transformImage(asset,
{ width: 1500 },
{ width: 450 }
format: 'webp',
allowUpscale: false,
mode: 'crop',
webpQuality: 94,
interlace: true
) %}
{% endif %}
{% set transformedImages = craft.imager.transformImage(asset,
{ width: 1500 },
{ width: 1280 },
{ width: 450 }
format: 'jpg',
allowUpscale: false,
mode: 'crop',
jpegQuality: 94,
interlace: true
) %}
<section class="placeholder">
<picture {{ self._classAttr(options.class) }} >
{% if (transformedWebPImages|length) %}
<source media="(min-width: 1281px)" srcset="{{ transformedWebPImages[0].url }}" type="image/webp">
<source media="(max-width: 450px)" srcset="{{ transformedWebPImages[1].url }}" type="image/webp">
{% endif %}
<source media="(min-width: 1281px)" srcset="{{ transformedImages[0].url }}" type="image/jpeg">
<source media="(min-width: 451px)" srcset="{{ transformedImages[1].url }}" type="image/jpeg">
<source media="(max-width: 450px)" srcset="{{ transformedImages[2].url }}" type="image/jpeg">
{% if (not options.lazy is defined) %}
<img src="{{ transformedImages[1].url }}" alt="{{options.alt}}">
{% endif %}
<section class='intrinsic-placeholder' style='padding-bottom: {{ nativeHeight / nativeWidth * 100 }}%'></section>
{% endmacro %}
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