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Created November 18, 2023 05:48
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bazel run //tools:heir-opt -- --pass-pipeline='builtin.module(func.func(secret.generic(yosys-optimizer)))' $PWD/tests/yosys_optimizer/add_one_generic.mlir
module {
func.func @add_one(%arg0: !secret.secret<i8>) -> !secret.secret<i8> {
%c1_i8 = arith.constant 1 : i8
%0 = secret.generic ins(%arg0, %c1_i8 : !secret.secret<i8>, i8) {
^bb0(%arg1: i8, %arg2: i8):
%1 = comb.extract %arg1 from 0 : (i8) -> i1
%2 = comb.extract %arg2 from 0 : (i8) -> i1
%false = arith.constant false
%3 = comb.truth_table %1, %2, %false -> 8 : ui8
%4 = comb.extract %arg1 from 1 : (i8) -> i1
%5 = comb.extract %arg2 from 1 : (i8) -> i1
%6 = comb.truth_table %3, %4, %5 -> 150 : ui8
%7 = comb.truth_table %3, %4, %5 -> 23 : ui8
%8 = comb.extract %arg1 from 2 : (i8) -> i1
%9 = comb.extract %arg2 from 2 : (i8) -> i1
%10 = comb.truth_table %7, %8, %9 -> 43 : ui8
%11 = comb.extract %arg1 from 3 : (i8) -> i1
%12 = comb.extract %arg2 from 3 : (i8) -> i1
%13 = comb.truth_table %10, %11, %12 -> 43 : ui8
%14 = comb.extract %arg1 from 4 : (i8) -> i1
%15 = comb.extract %arg2 from 4 : (i8) -> i1
%16 = comb.truth_table %13, %14, %15 -> 43 : ui8
%17 = comb.extract %arg1 from 5 : (i8) -> i1
%18 = comb.extract %arg2 from 5 : (i8) -> i1
%19 = comb.truth_table %16, %17, %18 -> 43 : ui8
%20 = comb.extract %arg1 from 6 : (i8) -> i1
%21 = comb.extract %arg2 from 6 : (i8) -> i1
%22 = comb.truth_table %19, %20, %21 -> 105 : ui8
%23 = comb.truth_table %19, %20, %21 -> 43 : ui8
%24 = comb.extract %arg1 from 7 : (i8) -> i1
%25 = comb.extract %arg2 from 7 : (i8) -> i1
%26 = comb.truth_table %23, %24, %25 -> 105 : ui8
%27 = comb.truth_table %1, %2, %false -> 6 : ui8
%28 = comb.truth_table %7, %8, %9 -> 105 : ui8
%29 = comb.truth_table %10, %11, %12 -> 105 : ui8
%30 = comb.truth_table %13, %14, %15 -> 105 : ui8
%31 = comb.truth_table %16, %17, %18 -> 105 : ui8
%32 = comb.concat %26, %22, %31, %30, %29, %28, %6, %27 : i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1
secret.yield %32 : i8
} -> !secret.secret<i8>
return %0 : !secret.secret<i8>
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