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Created October 25, 2009 17:52
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#!/usr/bin/perl -w -CD
binmode STDOUT, ":utf8";
binmode STDIN, ":utf8";
no warnings;
# Written by: Danish Munir
# Purpose:breaks urdu text into sentences
# Syntax: [filename]
#or program_that_outputs_urdu_text | [-x] -s [docid(optional)]
# This script takes a utf8 encoded file with Urdu text as input
# and outputs to STDOUT, the text after segmenting it into sentences.
# The xml format of the output is as follows
# <DOC docid = "Filename" lang = "URD">
# <SEG id = "1">Urdu Sentence 1</SEG>
# <SEG id = "2">Urdu Sentence 2</SEG>
# <SEG id = "3">Urdu Sentence 3</SEG>
# </DOC>
# This script breaks urdu sentences based on the following punctuations:
# [dash]Unicode 06D4
# [question]Unicode 061F
# multiple newline characters
if ($ARGV[0] =~ m/^-h$/ || $ARGV[0] =~ m/^-+help$/){
print "\n
Syntax: [filename]
of -x [filename]
or program_that_outputs_urdu_text | -s [docid(optional)]
of program_that_outputs_urdu_text | -s -x [docid(optional)]
eg: more sourcefile1.txt | -s Title
The -x option is used to output xml tags, if and only if the -x option is used
This script takes a utf8 encoded file with Urdu text as input and outputs to STDOUT, the text after segmenting it into sentences.
The xml format of the output is as follows
<DOC docid = \"Filename\" lang = \"URD\">
<SEG id = \"1\">Urdu Sentence 1</SEG>
<SEG id = \"2\">Urdu Sentence 2</SEG>
This script breaks urdu sentences based on the following punctuations:
multiple newline characters
[dash]Unicode 06D4
[question]Unicode 061F
[ellipsis]Unicode 2026
[bullet]Unicode 2022
#Code Starts here
if ($ARGV[0] =~ m/^-s$/){
if ($ARGV[1] =~ m/^-x$/) {
$printxml = 1;
$filename = $ARGV[2];
} else {
$printxml = 0;
$filename = $ARGV[1];
else {
if ($ARGV[0] =~ m/^-x$/) {
$printxml = 1;
open(I,"<:utf8", $ARGV[1]) #Open the file passed, or exit upon error
or die "Cannot open file $ARGV[1]: $!";
$filename = $ARGV[1]; #This and the next 2 lines cleanup the
$filename =~ s/.*\///; #filename by removing the path and the
$filename =~ s/\.[^\.]*$//; #extension.
$/=undef; #Set the input delimeter to undef to
#read the entire file at once.
} else {
$printxml = 0;
open(I,"<:utf8", $ARGV[0]) #Open the file passed, or exit upon error
or die "Cannot open file $ARGV[0]: $!";
$filename = $ARGV[0]; #This and the next 2 lines cleanup the
$filename =~ s/.*\///; #filename by removing the path and the
$filename =~ s/\.[^\.]*$//; #extension.
$/=undef; #Set the input delimeter to undef to
#read the entire file at once.
if ($printxml) {
print "<DOC docid = \"$filename\" lang = \"URD\">\n";
s/\s*\x{2022}\s*/\n\n\n\n\n/g; #Replace bullets with sentence breaks.
s/\t* +\t*$/ /g;
s/[\n\x{000D}][ ]+[\n\x{000d}]/\n\n/sg; #This and the following 4 lines
s/^[\t\x{0020}]+$/\n\n/g; #attempt to remove lines with
#s/ +$/\n\n/g; #spaces only.
#s/([\x{06d4}\x{061f}\n\x{000d}]) *[\n\x{000d}]*/$1/g;
s/|//g; #Remove pipe character from files.
my @sentences=split(/(\n{2,}|!|\x{061f}|\x{06D4}|\x{2022}|\x{000d}|\s{2,}|\x{2026}|\x{002e})/); #This line actually splits the text into
###my @sentences=split(/(\n{2,}|!|\x{002e})/); #This line actually splits the text into
#sentences based on the various delimiters
#described above
my $i = 0; #Initialize loop counter i, and the
my $j=1; #segment counter j
sent: while ( $i < @sentences ) { #The @sentences array has a list of items such that
#an item at index i, is followed by the punctuation
#that marked the end of this sentence at index i+1
$string=$sentences[$i]; #Take a sentence and trim any white d
$string =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/g; #spaces at the start or en
if (length($string) <=3 || $string =~ m/^\s+$/){#Check to see if a sentence contains only white
$i += 0; #space. If it does, than discard it.
if ($printxml) {
print "<SEG id=\"$j\">$string"; #If it passes the test, than sentence is valid, so print it
} else {
print "$string";
if($sentences[$i+1] =~ m/[\n\x{000d}\x{2022}]/){#Check the punctuation follownig the sentence.
print ""; #If newline, carraige-return, or bullet than dont print it.
} else{ #If passes both tests than print it.
print "$sentences[$i+1]";
if ($printxml) {
print "</SEG>\n"; #Close segment tag.
} else {
print "\n";
$j++; #Increment segment counter.
$i+=2; #Increment sentence counter by 2, to move to next
} #set of sentence and its ending punctuation.
if ($printxml) {
print "</DOC>\n"; #Close DOC tag.
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