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Created May 9, 2014 15:40
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# Round 30: Things We Say
Hello Hackers.
Thank you to The Ladders for hosting the meetup. It was our second time there and we love the space. They're hiring, and there are a few hacker school alums over there so we know it's a great place for hackers to earn some dough. Reach out to John Connolly if you're interested:
## Projects
### Gabe Ghearing
Atari makes a iPad game controller called Duo and you can only use a Duo with Atari games. A whole controller, for just their games. Cmon. Gabe solved that though.
* [cmon](
* [code](
### Aditya Mukerjee
Goyo is a free (as in freedom), self-hosted yoyo for email. It allows you to automatically bounce emails back into your inbox at future dates, as reminders, but without having to give up access to your email to a third party (like Boomerang, Streak, LinkedIn, etc. all do).
* [code](
### David Branner
Regex Blaster is an arcade game to practice regular expressions. You are attacked by "attack strings" and must defeat them by matching them with a regular expression. You must also avoid matching "bystander" strings with the same expression.
* [code](
### Mike Biggs
Shok is a command-line shell that keeps a "real" programming language available but syntactically separate from the command-line (so it doesn't get in the way of running programs).
* [code](
* [project](
### Daniel Luxemburg
A little Node app for controlling LIFX multicolor LED bulbs using a Leap Motion gesture sensor. Wave hands in front of sensor, light changes colors. The node app uses the official client library, written in Ruby, so the communicatin takes place via JSON sent over STDIN/STDOUT. We're pretty sure this would be a lot of fun at parties.
* [code](
* [project](
### Andrew Gwozdziewycz
Wipes pipes stdin to your browser via websockets.
* [code](
### Eugene Millerman
There are plenty of online resources to learn the popular dynamic programming languages such as Ruby, Python and Javascript. Poor old SQL, despite its omnipresence, gets no love. No more! Three of us at Flatiron School got together and built Missql Command, a beginner-friendly interactive SQL tutorial, in about two weeks. It is 100% open source, built on Rails and Postgres.
* [code](
* [project](
### Ori Bernstein
Myrddin is a new programming language aiming to live somewhere between C and ML. gWoz and I are suckers for programming languages and, even though Ori recognizes the massive undertaking of building a new langauge, we couldn't be happier to see a hybrid of ML and C being developed.
* [project](
### Stewart Smith
Stew, like myself, is a huge Rubik's Cube fan. He wanted to learn about CSS 3D transforms so he built a browser-based Rubik'S Cube (and API) for hacking around cube logic in the JS console. It was used to create the logo for the "Beyond Rubik's Cube" exhibition currently at the Liberty Science Center and was blessed by Mr. Ernő Rubik himself.
The cube is not on Stew's site yet, but we know he'll update everyone when it is. For now, you might dig some of his other creations [here](
### John Threat
Musicpack takes any song and makes a music video out of it. Just submit a music track and the lyrics and the engine will spit out a music video for you! The basic idea is that it pairs up image metadata with the lyrical content to create the video.
* [project](
## Things We Say
There was some chatter about racism and sexism on the mailing list recently. There was also some awful racism and sexism recently. Things over at Github were nuts, the owner of the Clippers turned out to be a racist dick... The story over at Github is on-going, but I am elated to see that the asshole over at the Clippers got banned. They did the right thing in an insane situation.
Obviously, Hack And Tell is not a startup worth hundreds of millions. Nor is it a professional bacsketball team. Our policing comes from the community and it's important to both Andrew and I that everyone knows we think it's fine to piss all over the jerks and defend the honor of those who need a righteous hand. I am anti-racist and anti-sexist, and I encourage everyone else to be, but we wouldn't be much better if we became exclusionary as a result.
Bands like Gorilla Biscuits, Fugazi, and Propagandhi kept my head on straight when I was a kid, looking at the world and all of its wrongs, thinking "wtf... this planet is out of its mind", so we want to leave you with the lyrics to Things We Say, by Gorilla Biscuits.
Humor's got a place like all things.
Be aware of the pain it can sometimes bring.
A joke to you might not be so funny,
so take the time and think it out before you open up your mouth.
I can't belive the things we say.
A cutting word can ruin days.
I can't belive the things we say.
Now I wish I hadn't spoke.
Can't you learn to take a fucking joke.
We say things we don't mean but friends understand.
Stength and humor don't always go hand in hand.
A joke to you might not be so funny,
so take the time and think it out before you open up your mouth.
I can't belive the things we say.
A cutting word can ruin days.
I can't belive the things we say.
Now I wish I hadn't spoke.
Can't you learn to take a fuckin' joke.
But no ones laughing.
I wish I could crack a smile, but I can't.
I know he's just a fucking jerk.
But jerks hurt too.
And I'm not that cool that I can laugh.
I see because it's happened to me and I think I was an asshole when I said what I said.
It's just a sick sense of humor rolls around in my head.
Cause we've had our fun at your expense and that's wrong.
And we know it.
You said we were friends.
For friendship's sake.
Let's give it a brake.
I can't belive the things we say.
A cutting word can ruin days.
I can't belive the things we say.
Now I wish I hadn't spoke.
Can't you learn to take a fuckin' joke!
## Announcements
### Round 31
Wanna host the next Hack And Tell? We'd love to hear from you! We don't go anywhere that can't hold at least 100 of us, btw.
## Fin
Adios, hackers.
Andrew & James
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