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Created May 30, 2020 16:05
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JSONB Cheatsheet
-- Copied from
-- Create a table with a JSONB column.
attrs JSONB
-- You can insert any well-formed json input into the column. Note that only
-- lowercase `true` and `false` spellings are accepted.
INSERT INTO items (attrs) VALUES ('{
"name": "Pasta",
"ingredients": ["Flour", "Eggs", "Salt", "Water"],
"organic": true,
"dimensions": {
"weight": 500.00
-- Create an index on all key/value pairs in the JSONB column.
CREATE INDEX idx_items_attrs ON items USING gin (attrs);
-- Create an index on a specific key/value pair in the JSONB column.
CREATE INDEX idx_items_attrs_organic ON items USING gin ((attrs->'organic'));
-- The -> operator is used to get the value for a key. The returned value has
-- the type JSONB.
SELECT attrs->'dimensions' FROM items;
SELECT attrs->'dimensions'->'weight' FROM items;
-- Or you can use ->> to do the same thing, but this returns a TEXT value
-- instead.
SELECT attrs->>'dimensions' FROM items;
-- You can use the returned values as normal, although you may need to type
-- cast them first.
SELECT * FROM items WHERE attrs->>'name' ILIKE 'p%';
SELECT * FROM items WHERE (attrs->'dimensions'->>'weight')::numeric < 100.00;
-- Use ? to check for the existence of a specific key.
SELECT * FROM items WHERE attrs ? 'ingredients';
-- The ? operator only works at the top level. If you want to check for the
-- existence of a nested key you can do this:
SELECT * FROM items WHERE attrs->'dimensions' ? 'weight';
-- The ? operator can also be used to check for the existence of a specific
-- text value in json arrays.
SELECT * FROM items WHERE attrs->'ingredients' ? 'Salt';
-- Use @> to check if the JSONB column contains some specific json. This can
-- be useful to filter for a specific key/value pair like so:
SELECT * FROM items WHERE attrs @> '{"organic": true}'::jsonb;
SELECT * FROM items WHERE attrs @> '{"dimensions": {"weight": 10}}'::jsonb;
-- Note that @> looks for *containment*, not for an exact match. The
-- followingquery will return records which have both "Flour" and "Water"
-- as ingredients, rather than *only* "Flour" and "Water" as the ingredients.
SELECT * FROM items WHERE attrs @> '{"ingredients": ["Flour", "Water"]}'::jsonb;
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