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Last active September 20, 2023 13:59
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Mendix XML snippets
"MX Widget Property: attribute": {
"prefix": "propAttr",
"body": [
"<property key=\"$1\" type=\"attribute\" dataSource=\"$2\" required=\"${3|true,false|}\" onChange=\"$4\">",
" <caption>$5</caption>",
" <description>$6</description>",
" <attributeTypes>",
" <attributeType name=\"${7|AutoNumber,Binary,Boolean,DateTime,Decimal,Enum,HashString,Integer,Long,String|}\" />",
" </attributeTypes>",
"description": "Add a attribute property to XML"
"MX Widget attribute Types": {
"prefix": "attrType",
"body": [
"<attributeType name=\"${1|AutoNumber,Binary,Boolean,DateTime,Decimal,Enum,HashString,Integer,Long,String|}\" />",
"description": "Add an attribute types, used in <attributeTypes>"
"MX Widget Property: boolean": {
"prefix": "propBool",
"body": [
"<property key=\"$1\" type=\"boolean\" defaultValue=\"$2\">",
" <caption>$3</caption>",
" <description>$4</description>",
"description": "Add a boolean property to XML"
"MX Widget Property: string": {
"prefix": "propStr",
"body": [
"<property key=\"$1\" type=\"string\" required=\"${2|true,false|}\" defaultValue=\"$3\" multiline=\"${4|true,false|}\">",
" <caption>$5</caption>",
" <description>$6</description>",
"description": "Add a string property to XML"
"translatable string property": {
"prefix": "trs",
"body": [
"<translation lang=\"${1:en_US}\">$2</translation>",
"description": "Add a translation to a translatable string property"
"MX Widget Property: translatable string": {
"prefix": "propTrs",
"body": [
"<property key=\"$1\" type=\"translatableString\" required=\"${2|true,false|}\">",
" <caption>$3</caption>",
" <description>$4</description>",
" <translations>",
" <translation lang=\"en_US\">Add your message here.</translation>",
" <translation lang=\"nl_NL\">Vul hier je bericht in.</translation>",
" </translations>",
"description": "Add a translatable string property to XML"
"MX Widget Property: integer": {
"prefix": "propInt",
"body": [
"<property key=\"$1\" type=\"integer\" required=\"${2|true,false|}\" defaultValue=\"$3\">",
" <caption>$4</caption>",
" <description>$5</description>",
"description": "Add a integer property to XML"
"MX Widget Property: list": {
"prefix": "propLs",
"body": [
"<property key=\"$1\" type=\"object\" isList=\"true\" required=\"${2|true,false|}\">",
" <caption>$3</caption>",
" <description>$4</description>",
" <properties>",
" $5",
" </properties>",
"description": "Add object list property to XML"
"MX Widget Property: enumeration": {
"prefix": "propEnum",
"body": [
"<property key=\"$1\" type=\"enumeration\" defaultValue=\"$2\">",
" <caption>$3</caption>",
" <description>$4</description>",
" <enumerationValues>",
" <enumerationValue key=\"$2\">$5</enumerationValue>",
" </enumerationValues>",
"description": "Add enumeration property to XML"
"MX Widget Property: enumeration value": {
"prefix": "propEnumValue",
"body": [
"<enumerationValue key=\"$1\">$2</enumerationValue>"
"description": "Add enumeration value to to enumeration property"
"MX Widget Property: entity": {
"prefix": "propEntity",
"body": [
"<property key=\"$1\" type=\"entity\" required=\"${2|true,false|}\">",
" <caption>$3</caption>",
" <description>$4</description>",
"description": "Add enumeration property to XML"
"MX Widget Property: form": {
"prefix": "propForm",
"body": [
"<property key=\"$1\" type=\"form\" required=\"${2|true,false|}\">",
" <caption>$3</caption>",
" <description>$4</description>",
"description": "Add form property to XML"
"MX Widget Property: image": {
"prefix": "propImage",
"body": [
"<property key=\"$1\" type=\"image\" required=\"${2|true,false|}\">",
" <caption>$3</caption>",
" <description>$4</description>",
"description": "Add image property to XML"
"MX Widget Property: object list": {
"prefix": "propObject",
"body": [
"<property key=\"$1\" type=\"object\" isList=\"true\">",
" <caption>$2</caption>",
" <description>$3</description>",
" <properties>",
" $5",
" </properties>",
"description": "Add object list property to XML"
"MX Widget Property: constraint": {
"prefix": "propConstraint",
"body": [
"<property key=\"$1\" type=\"entityConstraint\" required=\"${2|true,false|}\" entityProperty=\"selectEntityOrDelete\">",
" <caption>$3</caption>",
" <description>$4</description>",
"description": "Add constraint property to XML"
"MX Widget Property: group": {
"prefix": "propGroup",
"body": [
"<propertyGroup caption=\"$1\">",
" $2",
"description": "Add a group"
"MX Widget Plugin: action": {
"prefix": "propAction",
"body": [
"<property key=\"$1\" type=\"action\" required=\"${2|true,false|}\">",
" <caption>$3</caption>",
" <description>$4</description>",
"description": "Add a pluggable widget action"
"MX Widget Plugin: file": {
"prefix": "propFile",
"body": [
"<property key=\"$1\" type=\"file\" required=\"${2|true,false|}\">",
" <caption>$3</caption>",
" <description>$4</description>",
"description": "Add a file"
"MX Widget Plugin: textTemplate": {
"prefix": "propTextT",
"body": [
"<property key=\"$1\" type=\"textTemplate\" required=\"${2|true,false|}\">",
" <caption>$3</caption>",
" <description>$4</description>",
"description": "Add a text Template"
"MX Widget Plugin: icon": {
"prefix": "propIcon",
"body": [
"<property key=\"$1\" type=\"icon\" required=\"${2|true,false|}\">",
" <caption>$3</caption>",
" <description>$4</description>",
"description": "Add a an icon"
"MX Widget Plugin: Image": {
"prefix": "propImage",
"body": [
"<property key=\"$1\" type=\"image\" required=\"${2|true,false|}\">",
" <caption>$3</caption>",
" <description>$4</description>",
"description": "Add a an icon"
"MX Widget Plugin: Widgets": {
"prefix": "propWidgets",
"body": [
"<property key=\"$1\" type=\"widgets\" required=\"${2|true,false|}\" dataSource=\"$3\">",
" <caption>$4</caption>",
" <description>$5</description>",
"description": "Add a widgets"
"MX Widget Plugin: DataSource": {
"prefix": "propDatasource",
"body": [
"<property key=\"$1\" type=\"datasource\" isList=\"true\" required=\"${2|true,false|}\">",
" <caption>$3</caption>",
" <description>$4</description>",
"description": "Add a widgets"
"MX Widget Property: Expression": {
"prefix": "propExpression",
"body": [
"<property key=\"$1\" type=\"expression\" required=\"${2|true,false|}\" defaultValue=\"'$3'\" dataSource=\"$4\">",
" <caption>$5</caption>",
" <description>$6</description>",
" <returnType type=\"${7|Boolean,Integer,DateTime,String,Decimal|}\" />",
"description": "Add microflow property to XML"
"MX Widget Property: Association": {
"prefix": "propAssociation",
"body": [
"<property key=\"$1\" type=\"association\" required=\"${2|true,false|}\" onChange=\"$3\" selectableObjects=\"$3\" dataSource=\"$4\">",
" <caption>$5</caption>",
" <description>$6</description>",
" <associationTypes>",
" <associationType name=\"Reference\" />",
" <associationType name=\"ReferenceSet\" />",
" </associationTypes>",
"description": "Add association property to XML"
"MX System prop: Label": {
"prefix": "propLabel",
"body": "<systemProperty key=\"Label\"/>",
"description": ""
"MX System prop: Visibility": {
"prefix": "propVisibility",
"body": "<systemProperty key=\"Visibility\"/>",
"description": ""
"MX System prop: Editability": {
"prefix": "propEditability",
"body": "<systemProperty key=\"Editability\"/>",
"description": ""
"MX Widget prop: required": {
"prefix": "required",
"body": "required=\"${1|true,false|}\"",
"description": "Add required true/false"
"MX Widget prop: dataSource": {
"prefix": "dataSource",
"body": "dataSource=\"$1\"",
"description": "Add datasource"
"MX Widget prop: expression return type": {
"prefix": "expressionReturnType",
"body": "${1|Boolean,Integer,DateTime,String,Decimal|}",
"description": "Choose returntype"
"Comment": {
"prefix": "comment",
"body": "<!-- ${1} -->",
"description": "Add comment"
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