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Last active May 20, 2019 14:48
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Program to test the performance of Lisp file I/O.
;; It is often said that Lisp macros need not be used for optimization purposes. This
;; is an exception. SBCL issued the following warning when compiling the MAKE-ARRAY call
;; below:
;; ; note: unable to optimize because: ELEMENT-TYPE is not constant.
;; I don't want to lose the ability to decide which ELEMENT-TYPE to use by using
;; an :ELEMENT-TYPE argument, so I have to arrange for this argument to be processed
;; at compile time.
(defmacro define-test-file-functions ()
(let* ((element-type* (gensym))
(function-name (gensym))
(template `(defun ,function-name (infile outfile)
(declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
(ignore-errors (delete-file outfile))
(with-open-file (in infile :element-type ,element-type*)
(with-open-file (out outfile :direction :output :element-type ,element-type*)
(let ((buffer (make-array (file-length in) :element-type ,element-type*)))
(read-sequence buffer in)
(write-sequence buffer out)))))))
(types/defs-alist (loop for type in '((unsigned-byte 8) character)
for realname = (gensym)
collect (cons type (subst (list 'quote type) element-type*
(subst realname function-name
,@(mapcar #'cdr types/defs-alist)
(defparameter *test-file-functions* ',(loop for (type . (defun name)) in types/defs-alist
collect (cons type name))))))
(defmacro test-file (infile outfile &key (element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
`(time (,(cdr (assoc element-type *test-file-functions* :test #'equal)) ,infile ,outfile)))
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