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Created October 17, 2009 17:03
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# sqail by Jamie Matthews
# 20th February 2009
# "tail -f" an sqlite table - monitor all inserts
# Usage: ./sqail dbfile tablename
# Prints the rowid of the row followed by a colon, then a
# comma-separated list of values for each column.
# Note, for some reason count(*) locks the database. So, if you're trying to
# INSERT at *exactly* the same time that sqail is updating its rowcount, sqlite
# will return SQLITE_BUSY and your insert will fail. The bigger your table,
# the longer the count operation is going to take. On my system the count
# operation takes about two-tenths of a millisecond on a table with ~100 rows,
# but it takes about 0.2 seconds on a table with a million rows. Depending on your
# application, this may be a problem. But anyway, make sure you've got a busy
# handler and you should be fine.
# Number of seconds to wait between checks for new rows
sleep_time = 1
import sqlite3
import sys
from time import sleep
def usage():
print """
sqail dbfile tablename
# Set up the database connection
def init_db(filename):
db = sqlite3.connect(filename);
c = db.cursor()
return db
# Return the current number of rows in the table
def get_count(db, table_name):
c = db.cursor()
c.execute("select count(*) from " + table_name)
return c.fetchone()[0]
def print_info(db, db_filename, table_name, row_count):
print "Welcome to sqail. Press Ctrl+C to exit."
print "Monitoring inserts on table \"" + table_name + "\"",
print "from database \"" + db_filename + "\"."
print "Table currently has " + str(row_count) + " rows."
print "Columns are: ",
c = db.cursor()
c.execute("pragma table_info(" + table_name + ")");
rows = c.fetchall()
for row in rows[:-1]: print str(row[1]) + ",",
print str(rows[-1][1])
# Print all rows in the table which have been inserted
# after the supplied rowid
def print_diff(db, table_name, row_count):
c = db.cursor()
c.execute("select rowid, * from " + table_name + " where rowid > " + str(row_count))
for row in c.fetchall(): print_row(row)
# Print a row, format "ROWID: column_1_val, column_2_val, column_3_val, ..."
def print_row(row):
print str(row[0]) + ":",
for column in row[1:-1]:
print str(column) + ",",
print row[-1]
# Main method
def main(argv):
db_filename, table_name = argv
# Set up the database
db = init_db(db_filename)
# Get the initial rowcount
row_count = get_count(db, table_name)
# Print some nice information about the table
print_info(db, db_filename, table_name, row_count)
# Forever
while (True):
new_row_count = get_count(db, table_name)
if (new_row_count > row_count):
print_diff(db, table_name, row_count)
row_count = new_row_count
if __name__ == "__main__":
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