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Created December 4, 2011 12:25
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Save j5ik2o/1430072 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Lock & STM
#!/usr/bin/env xsbtscript
scalaVersion := "2.9.1"
resolvers += "Typesafe Repository" at ""
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"se.scalablesolutions.akka" % "akka-stm" % "1.2"
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch
import scala.collection.mutable.HashSet
import scala.testing.Benchmark
import akka.stm._
import akka.util.duration._
import compat.Platform
trait Sequence {
def getValue():Int
def getAndIncrement():Int
class SequenceByUnsafe extends Sequence {
var value = 0
def getValue() = value
def getAndIncrement() = {
value += 1
class SequenceBySynchronized extends SequenceByUnsafe {
override def getAndIncrement() = synchronized{
class SequenceBySTM extends Sequence {
var value = Ref(0)
def getValue() = value.get
implicit val txFactory = TransactionFactory(maxRetries = 10000)
// var abort = 0
// var commit = 0
def getAndIncrement() = atomic {
val result = value alter (_ + 1)
deferred {
commit += 1
compensating {
abort += 1
// override def toString = "%d,%d,%f".format(abort, commit, if(commit>0) BigDecimal(abort) / BigDecimal(commit) * 100 else BigDecimal(0))
object Main {
val THREAD_LOOP = 1000
def main(args: Array[String]) {
args match{
case Array("L") => {
threadTest(new SequenceBySynchronized)
case Array("S") => {
val sstm = new SequenceBySTM
case Array("U") => {
threadTest(new SequenceByUnsafe)
def threadTest(sequence:Sequence) {
val startLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
val threads = HashSet.empty[Thread]
// スレッドの準備
for (i <- 1 to THREAD_COUNT) {
val thread = new Thread(new ThreadAccess(sequence, startLatch, THREAD_LOOP));
threads += (thread)
// 足並み揃えてゴー。
try {
// みんなが終わるのを待つ
for (thread <- threads) {
} catch {
case e: InterruptedException =>
// スレッドの処理
class ThreadAccess(sequence: Sequence, startLatch: CountDownLatch, loopCount: Int) extends Runnable {
import BenchUtil._
override def run() {
try {
for(i <- 1 to (loopCount/100)){
val counter = sequence.getAndIncrement();
} catch {
case e: InterruptedException =>
object BenchUtil {
private def avg(xs:List[BigDecimal]):BigDecimal =
xs.sum / xs.size
private def std(xs:List[BigDecimal]):BigDecimal = {
val a = avg(xs)
Math.sqrt((xs.foldLeft(BigDecimal(0))((s,c) => s + (c-a) * (c+a)) / xs.size).toDouble)
private def median(xs:List[BigDecimal]) = xs.toSet.toList.sortWith(_ < _) match {
case n :: Nil => n
case xs if xs.size % 2 !=0 => xs(xs.size / 2)
case xs if xs.size % 2 == 0 => {
val a = xs(xs.size / 2 -1)
val b = xs(xs.size / 2)
(a + b)/2
case _ => throw new RuntimeException
private def mode(xs:List[BigDecimal]):BigDecimal =
xs.foldLeft(Map[BigDecimal,Int]().withDefaultValue(0)){(map,key) => map + (key -> (map(key) + 1))} maxBy(_._2) _1
def bench(n:Int)(f: => Unit) {
val truncate = n / 5
val times = for(i <- List.range(1, n + 1, 1)) yield {
val start = System.nanoTime
val stop = System.nanoTime
BigDecimal(stop - start) / 1000
val result = times.sortWith(_ < _).view(truncate, n - truncate).toList
if (result.size > 0 ){
println("threadId = %d, n = %d, avg = %11.2f, std = %11.2f, median = %11.2f, mode = %11.2f, min = %11.2f, max = %11.2f".
format(Thread.currentThread.getId, result.size, avg(result), std(result), median(result), mode(result), result.min, result.max))
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j5ik2o commented Dec 5, 2011

junichi-no-macbookpro:bin junichi$ ./thread-test.scala L
[info] Set current project to default-6bb5f7 (in build file:/Users/junichi/.conscript/boot/dc7aa3f025ce7a1a2e39/)
[warn] there were 1 deprecation warnings; re-run with -deprecation for details
[warn] one warning found

threadId = 41, n = 60, avg = 22.32, std = 5.24, median = 25.00, mode = 19.00, min = 16.00, max = 36.00
threadId = 42, n = 60, avg = 25.88, std = 3.36, median = 22.00, mode = 27.00, min = 15.00, max = 28.00
junichi-no-macbookpro:bin junichi$ ./thread-test.scala S
[info] Set current project to default-6bb5f7 (in build file:/Users/junichi/.conscript/boot/dc7aa3f025ce7a1a2e39/)
2011/12/05 9:00:41 org.multiverse.api.GlobalStmInstance

: Initializing GlobalStmInstance using factoryMethod 'org.multiverse.stms.alpha.AlphaStm.createFast'.

2011/12/05 9:00:41 org.multiverse.stms.alpha.AlphaStm

: Created a new AlphaStm instance

2011/12/05 9:00:41 org.multiverse.api.GlobalStmInstance

: Successfully initialized GlobalStmInstance using factoryMethod 'org.multiverse.stms.alpha.AlphaStm.createFast'.

threadId = 42, n = 60, avg = 39222.13, std = 38308.45, median = 75744.00, mode = 591.00, min = 578.00, max = 82639.00
threadId = 41, n = 60, avg = 62965.67, std = 59544.94, median = 76139.00, mode = 152672.00, min = 557.00, max = 153056.00
junichi-no-macbookpro:bin junichi$ ./thread-test.scala U
[info] Set current project to default-6bb5f7 (in build file:/Users/junichi/.conscript/boot/dc7aa3f025ce7a1a2e39/)
threadId = 41, n = 60, avg = 24.15, std = 4.52, median = 22.50, mode = 28.00, min = 16.00, max = 29.00
threadId = 40, n = 60, avg = 21.45, std = 3.91, median = 21.00, mode = 20.00, min = 16.00, max = 28.00

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j5ik2o commented Dec 5, 2011


threadId = 29, n = 60, avg = 16.58, std = 2.25, median = 16.50, mode = 15.00, min = 13.00, max = 20.00
threadId = 30, n = 60, avg = 17.52, std = 2.32, median = 18.00, mode = 15.00, min = 14.00, max = 22.00
jkato:bin junichi_kato$ ./thread-test.scala S
[info] Set current project to default-5fe1fe (in build file:/private/var/lib/conscript/boot/0888c061d743d884c41b/)
2011/12/05 22:34:00 org.multiverse.api.GlobalStmInstance

: Initializing GlobalStmInstance using factoryMethod 'org.multiverse.stms.alpha.AlphaStm.createFast'.

2011/12/05 22:34:00 org.multiverse.stms.alpha.AlphaStm

: Created a new AlphaStm instance

2011/12/05 22:34:00 org.multiverse.api.GlobalStmInstance

: Successfully initialized GlobalStmInstance using factoryMethod 'org.multiverse.stms.alpha.AlphaStm.createFast'.

threadId = 30, n = 60, avg = 119.85, std = 9.27, median = 124.00, mode = 126.00, min = 107.00, max = 137.00
threadId = 29, n = 60, avg = 120.80, std = 8.91, median = 123.50, mode = 127.00, min = 109.00, max = 137.00

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