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Created June 17, 2024 11:34
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Hyprland Hyprwinwrap crash
Hyprland Crash Report
Hyprland received signal 11(SEGV)
Version: b15be9c77de593581007de53b2bbca97d121900a
Hyprland seems to be running with plugins. This crash might not be Hyprland's fault.
hy3 (outfoxxed) 0.1
hyprwinwrap (Vaxry) 1.0
System info:
System name: Linux
Node name: lwh-hotapril
Release: 6.6.33
Version: #1-NixOS SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Wed Jun 12 09:13:03 UTC 2024
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation CometLake-U GT2 [UHD Graphics] [8086:9b41] (rev 02) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])
PRETTY_NAME="NixOS 24.05 (Uakari)"
VERSION="24.05 (Uakari)"
# | /home/<redacted>/.nix-profile/bin/Hyprland(_Z12getBacktracev+0x48) [0x6dd0e8]
#1 | /home/<redacted>/.nix-profile/bin/Hyprland(_ZN13CrashReporter18createAndSaveCrashEi+0x805) [0x644b35]
#2 | /home/<redacted>/.nix-profile/bin/Hyprland(_Z25handleUnrecoverableSignali+0x5f) [0x5c1caf]
#3 | /nix/store/dbwp0scbb0rk78m636sb7cvycz8xzgyh-glibc-2.39-52/lib/ [0x7fd2ce651f40]
#4 | /home/<redacted>/.nix-profile/bin/Hyprland(_ZN10CWLSurface9getWindowEv+0x9) [0x683d39]
#5 | /nix/store/fpjp9c7a262nxf7xyv8pdx1k092qs4dq-hyprwinwrap-0.1/lib/ [0x7fd2cc33b413]
#6 | /home/<redacted>/.nix-profile/bin/Hyprland() [0x7acc67]
std::_Function_handler<void (std::any), CTextInput::initCallbacks()::{lambda(std::any)#3}>::_M_invoke(std::_Any_data const&, std::any&&)
#7 | /nix/store/hvg8vn6gn6xwzfv6ckvbjdbwpgjym4ia-hyprutils-0.pre+date=2024-06-13_8e10e06/lib/ [0x7fd2cec1e667]
#8 | /nix/store/hvg8vn6gn6xwzfv6ckvbjdbwpgjym4ia-hyprutils-0.pre+date=2024-06-13_8e10e06/lib/ [0x7fd2cec1f0ee]
#9 | /home/<redacted>/.nix-profile/bin/Hyprland() [0x849fa7]
std::_Function_handler<void (CZwpTextInputV3*), CTextInputV3::CTextInputV3(Hyprutils::Memory::CSharedPointer<CZwpTextInputV3>)::{lambda(CZwpTextInputV3*)#3}>::_M_invoke(std::_Any_data const&, CZwpTextInputV3*&&)
#1 | /home/<redacted>/.nix-profile/bin/Hyprland() [0x93be3f]
_CZwpTextInputV3Commit(wl_client*, wl_resource*)
#11 | /nix/store/nj9g42fdsm8l2z43kfcahch3px2q209a-libffi-3.4.6/lib/ [0x7fd2cea89052]
#12 | /nix/store/nj9g42fdsm8l2z43kfcahch3px2q209a-libffi-3.4.6/lib/ [0x7fd2cea86ee5]
#13 | /nix/store/nj9g42fdsm8l2z43kfcahch3px2q209a-libffi-3.4.6/lib/ [0x7fd2cea87ad8]
#14 | /nix/store/p70yz972riakl5l0k7nzakyybi5r8481-wayland-1.22.0/lib/ [0x7fd2cf351841]
#15 | /nix/store/p70yz972riakl5l0k7nzakyybi5r8481-wayland-1.22.0/lib/ [0x7fd2cf34cc4b]
#16 | /nix/store/p70yz972riakl5l0k7nzakyybi5r8481-wayland-1.22.0/lib/ [0x7fd2cf34f8f2]
#17 | /nix/store/p70yz972riakl5l0k7nzakyybi5r8481-wayland-1.22.0/lib/ [0x7fd2cf34d455]
#18 | /home/<redacted>/.nix-profile/bin/Hyprland(_ZN17CEventLoopManager9enterLoopEP10wl_displayP13wl_event_loop+0x51) [0x77d071]
CEventLoopManager::enterLoop(wl_display*, wl_event_loop*)
#19 | /home/<redacted>/.nix-profile/bin/Hyprland(main+0x7bb) [0x58520b]
#2 | /nix/store/dbwp0scbb0rk78m636sb7cvycz8xzgyh-glibc-2.39-52/lib/ [0x7fd2ce63c10e]
#21 | /nix/store/dbwp0scbb0rk78m636sb7cvycz8xzgyh-glibc-2.39-52/lib/ [0x7fd2ce63c1c9]
#22 | /home/<redacted>/.nix-profile/bin/Hyprland(_start+0x25) [0x5c1af5]
Log tail:
[LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 292608 to 587520
[LOG] [WLCompositor] New wl_region with id 14 at 44dc730
[LOG] LayerSurface 1 mapped
[LOG] [hookSystem] New hook event registered: openLayer
[LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 2304 to 6912
[LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 6912 to 16128
[LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 16128 to 34560
[LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 34560 to 71424
[LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 71424 to 145152
[LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 145152 to 292608
[LOG] [WLSHM] Resizing a SHM pool from 292608 to 587520
[LOG] [WLCompositor] New wl_region with id 24 at 44e53a0
[LOG] LayerSurface 1 mapped
[LOG] ToplevelExportManager bound successfully!
[LOG] GlobalShortcutsManager bound successfully!
[LOG] ScreencopyProtocolManager bound successfully!
[LOG] [XDGShell] New xdg_wm_base at 44e4ce0
[LOG] [XDGShell] New xdg_wm_base at 44e7190
[LOG] Socket2 accepted a new client at FD 91
[LOG] [WLCompositor] New wl_surface with id 38 at 44ec5b0
[LOG] CWLSurface 44c8060 called init()
[LOG] LayerSurface 44ec900 (namespace waybar layer 2) created on monitor eDP-1
[LOG] [LayerShell] New wlr_layer_surface 44ec900
[LOG] [WLCompositor] New wl_surface with id 41 at 44ed200
[LOG] CWLSurface 44ecec0 called init()
[LOG] LayerSurface 44ed7e0 (namespace waybar layer 2) created on monitor DP-4
[LOG] [LayerShell] New wlr_layer_surface 44ed7e0
[LOG] [WLCompositor] New wl_region with id 37 at 44efb70
[LOG] LayerSurface 1 mapped
[LOG] [WLCompositor] New wl_region with id 46 at 44f0b20
[LOG] LayerSurface 1 mapped
[LOG] Keybind triggered, calling dispatcher (64, , 107)
[LOG] Executing kitty
[LOG] Process Created with pid 1885
[LOG] [WLSeat] New seat resource bound at 44f2b90
[LOG] [WLDataDevice] New datamgr resource bound at 44bebb0
[LOG] [WLDataDevice] New data device bound at 44d4370
[LOG] [XDGShell] New xdg_wm_base at 44f1250
[LOG] [PrimarySelection] New primary_seletion_manager at 44f11b0
[LOG] [PrimarySelection] New primary selection data device bound at 44c78c0
[LOG] [TextInputV3] New tiv3 at 0000000002dcf660
[LOG] [WLCompositor] New wl_surface with id 24 at 44eece0
[LOG] [WLCompositor] New wl_surface with id 28 at 44f7c80
[ERR] [LinuxDMABUF] FIXME: surface feedback stub
[LOG] [XDGShell] New xdg_surface at 4492460
[LOG] [XDGShell] xdg_surface 44f1250 gets a toplevel 44f8d80
[LOG] CWLSurface 44ee070 called init()
[LOG] Window 44f8f20 set class to kitty
[LOG] Searching for matching rules for kitty (title: )
[LOG] [hookSystem] New hook event registered: windowUpdateRules
[LOG] Window 44f8f20 set title to kitty
[LOG] Searching for matching rules for kitty (title: kitty)
[LOG] [XDGDecoration] setMode: MODE_SERVER_SIDE. Sending MODE_SERVER_SIDE as reply.
[LOG] Searching for matching rules for kitty (title: kitty)
[LOG] Layout predicts size [Vector2D: x: 1920, y: 1080] for [Window 44f8f20: title: "kitty"]
[LOG] [XDGShell] xdg_surface 4492460 requests geometry 0x0 1920x1080
[LOG] New window contains HL_INITIAL_WORKSPACE_TOKEN: 69292677-c582-4de2-8479-7a73093d2adc
[LOG] HL_INITIAL_WORKSPACE_TOKEN 69292677-c582-4de2-8479-7a73093d2adc -> 1
[LOG] Searching for matching rules for kitty (title: kitty)
[LOG] OPENINGON: [Node nullptr], Monitor: 0
[LOG] Set keyboard focus to surface 1, with [Window 44f8f20: title: "kitty"]
[LOG] Searching for matching rules for kitty (title: kitty)
[LOG] Map request dispatched, monitor eDP-1, window pos: [20.00000, 56.00000], window size: [1880.00000, 1004.00000]
[LOG] [ForeignToplevelWlr] Newly mapped window 00000000044f8f20
[LOG] Searching for matching rules for kitty (title: kitty)
[LOG] Framebuffer created, status 36053
[LOG] cursorImage request: shape 1 -> default
[LOG] Callback 2283ee0 -> 2283ed8, CPointerManager removed.
[LOG] Registered signal for owner 2283e00: 4506678 -> 2283eb8 (owner: CPointerManager)
[LOG] [XDGShell] xdg_surface 4492460 requests geometry 0x0 1878x1002
[LOG] cursorImage request: shape 9 -> text
[LOG] Callback 2283ee0 -> 2283ed8, CPointerManager removed.
[LOG] Registered signal for owner 2283e00: 2cd5ea8 -> 2283eb8 (owner: CPointerManager)
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