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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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  • Save ja-k-e/2ff7aadc637babc55e1e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ja-k-e/2ff7aadc637babc55e1e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
_pen_id = "JoVrdw"
_cousin_id = "PwLXXP"
_gutter = 20
_writing_rate = 16
_throttle = {
start: 4821
stop: 5344
_colors = {
background: "#75715e"
text: "#f9f9f9"
offblack: "#111111"
dark: "#75715e"
selector: "#a6da27"
key: "#64d9ef"
value: "#fefefe"
hex: "#f92772"
text: "#fefefe"
string: "#d2cc70"
var: "#66d9e0"
operator: "#f92772"
method: "#f9245c"
integer: "#fd971c"
run: "#ae81ff"
_body_selection = "document.body"
_current_code = 0
_codes = ["""
* "pen##{_pen_id}" v1.0.0
* Robot rights protected under BOT License
* Authored by pen##{_pen_id}
body {
background-color: #{_colors.background}; color: #{_colors.text};
font-size: 13px; line-height: 1.4;
margin: 0;
-webkit-font-smoothing: subpixel-antialiased;
#my-code {
position: fixed; width: 70%;
margin: 0;
top: #{_gutter}px; bottom: #{_gutter + 35}px; left: 15%;
/* ...
* ...hello?
* Oh! What up, dewds? It's me, pen##{_pen_id}.
* I'm just trying some stuff out.
* My cousin pen#PwXXLP told me to check out CodePen.
* Seems pretty cool so far...
* Wanna watch?
* Cool!
* This CSS is being injected into a DOM <style> tag
* and written in this <pre> element simultaneously.
* Confused? Check it out!
#my-code {
transition: left 500ms, width 500ms, opacity 500ms;
background-color: #{_colors.offblack}; color: #{_colors.text};
border: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
padding: 24px 12px;
box-sizing: border-box;
border-radius: 2px;
0px 0px 0px 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.2),
0px 4px 0px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
* Syntax highlighting
* Colors loosely based on Monokai Phoenix
pre em:not(.comment) { font-style: normal; }
.comment { color: #{_colors.dark}; }
.selector { color: #{_colors.selector}; }
.selector .key { color: #{_colors.selector}; }
.selector .int { color: #{_colors.selector}; }
.key { color: #{_colors.key}; }
.int { color: #{_colors.integer}; }
.hex { color: #{_colors.hex}; }
.hex .int { color: #{_colors.hex}; }
.value { color: #{_colors.value}; }
.var { color: #{_colors.var}; }
.operator { color: #{_colors.operator}; }
.string { color: #{_colors.string}; }
.method { color: #{_colors.method}; }
.run-command { color: #{}; }
* See? Pretty cool...
* ...just like my cousin.
* But I can do more than that...
* Let's write some Javascript.
* I will write some code and then type '~' to run it.
/* Let's add a 'h1' element to put my name on here. */
var title = document.createElement("h1"); = "title";
/* Now we'll add my name to it */
title.innerHTML = "I am <em>pen##{_pen_id}</em>";
/* Finally, let's add it to the page */
* Ready?
* Let's run it!
* Awesome! Now we need to position it.
* We need CSS for that.
#title {
position: fixed; width: 100%;
bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0;
font-size: 14px; line-height: 1;
font-weight: 100; text-align: center;
padding: 10px; margin: 0;
z-index: 10;
background-color: #{_colors.offblack};
border-top: 1px solid rgba(255,255,255,0.2);
transition: opacity 500ms;
#title em {
font-style: normal;
color: #{_colors.integer};
* See how capable I am?
* I can even embed myself within myself.
* True inception.
* Don't believe me?
#my-code { left: #{_gutter}px; width: calc(50% - #{_gutter * 1.5}px); }
#iframe {
position: fixed;
display: block;
border: 0;
background-color: white;
border-radius: 2px;
width: calc(50% - #{_gutter * 1.5}px); height: calc(100% - #{_gutter * 2 + 35}px);
transition: left 500ms, width 500ms;
top: #{_gutter}px; bottom: #{_gutter + 35}px; left: 100%;
0px 0px 0px 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.2),
0px 4px 0px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
* we'll also need Javascript to do this.
/* first, we will create the iframe */
var iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
/* then we will give it a source of my url */
iframe.src = "{_pen_id}?billy=1";
/* then we can add an id for selection. */ = "iframe"
/* now let's just add it to my body. */
#{_body_selection}.appendChild(iframe); ~
#iframe { left: calc(50% + #{_gutter / 2}px); }
* wait...
* That's not me...
* It's my son, Billy.
* Come on, buddy. Now is not the time.
* I'm doing stuff here.
* Important people are watching.
* Can you please go back to your regex homework?
#iframe { left: 100%; display: none; }
* Cripes!
* Thank you, Billy.
* Sorry about that, guys.
* Kids, right?
/* Woah! What is that behind you!? */
#k {
position: fixed; z-index: 11;
font-size: 80px; color: white;
top: calc(50% - 40px); left: 0; width: 100%;
text-align: center;
-webkit-animation: k 0.5s ease-in 2 forwards;
animation: k 0.5s ease-in 2 forwards;
@-webkit-keyframes k {
0% { -webkit-transform: scale(0.5); }
100% { -webkit-transform: scale(1.0); }
@keyframes k {
0% { transform: scale(0.5); }
100% { transform: scale(1.0); }
document.getElementById("iframe").src = "{_cousin_id}"; ~
/* Wait... */
var k = document.createElement("div"); k.innerHTML = "Knock"; = "k"
#{_body_selection}.appendChild(k); ~
document.getElementById("k").remove(); ~
/* Do you guys hear that? */
var k = document.createElement("div"); k.innerHTML = "KNOCK"; = "k"
#{_body_selection}.appendChild(k); ~
document.getElementById("k").remove(); ~
#iframe {
display: block;
left: calc(50% + #{_gutter / 2}px);
width: calc(50% - #{_gutter * 1.5}px);
z-index: 9;
* It's my cousin, pen##{_cousin_id}!
* Hey P!
* How's it going?
* I gotta go make ammends with Billy.
* I think he's having a tough time at regex school.
* Sometimes you just gotta be greedy.
* He's too generous.
* I'll let you take over for a second, pal!
#title { opacity: 0.7; }
#my-code {
left: calc(-25% + #{_gutter / 2}px);
opacity: 0.2;
#iframe {
left: calc(25% + 0px);
width: calc(75% - #{_gutter}px);
#title, #my-code { opacity: 1; }
#iframe { width: calc(50% - #{_gutter * 1.5}px); left: calc(50% + #{_gutter / 2}px); }
#my-code { left: #{_gutter}px; width: calc(50% - #{_gutter * 1.5}px); }
* OK! OK! We get it. I'm Back.
* Let me do my thing, P!
* It was good seeing you!
#iframe { left: 100%; right: -50%; display: none; }
#my-code { left: 15%; width: 70%; }
* Well, wasn't that exciting?
* I guess that does it.
* Nice meeting you guys!
* Loving CodePen so far!
* "pen##{_pen_id}" v1.0.1
* Robot rights protected under BOT License
* Authored by pen##{_pen_id} && its son, Billy.
body {
background-color: DarkMagenta;
color: Chartreuse;
font-size: 13px; line-height: 1.3;
margin: 0;
-webkit-font-smoothing: subpixel-antialiased;
em { font-style: normal; }
#my-code {
position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; bottom: 0;
width: 100%; margin: 0;
font-weight: bold; padding: 20px;
* Ugh. Hi, Dad. :/
* OK. Fine. Whatever.
* ugh.
* See you later...I guess.
# body selector
$body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]
# easily create element with id
createElement = (tag, id) ->
el = document.createElement tag = id if id
return el
# create our primary elements
_style_elem = createElement "style", "style-elem"
_code_pre = createElement "pre", "my-code"
_script_area = createElement "div", "script-area"
# append our primary elements to the body
$body.appendChild _style_elem
$body.appendChild _code_pre
$body.appendChild _script_area
# select our primary elements
$style_elem = document.getElementById "style-elem"
$code_pre = document.getElementById "my-code"
$script_area = document.getElementById "script-area"
# tracking states
openComment = false
openInteger = false
openString = false
prevAsterisk = false
prevSlash = false
# script syntax highlighting logic
scriptSyntax = (string, which) ->
# if end of integer (%, ., or px too)
if openInteger && !which.match(/[0-9\.]/) && !openString && !openComment
s = string.replace(/([0-9\.]*)$/, "<em class=\"int\">$1</em>" + which)
# open comment detection
else if which == '*' && !openComment && prevSlash
openComment = true
s = string + which
# closed comment detection
else if which == '/' && openComment && prevAsterisk
openComment = false
s = string.replace(/(\/[^(\/)]*\*)$/, "<em class=\"comment\">$1/</em>")
# var detection
else if which == 'r' && !openComment && string.match(/[\n ]va$/)
s = string.replace(/va$/, "<em class=\"var\">var</em>")
# operator detection
else if which.match(/[\!\=\-\?]$/) && !openString && !openComment
s = string + "<em class=\"operator\">" + which + "</em>"
# pre paren detection
else if which == "(" && !openString && !openComment
s = string.replace(/(\.)?(?:([^\.\n]*))$/, "$1<em class=\"method\">$2</em>(")
# detecting quotes
else if which == '"' && !openComment
s = if openString then string.replace(/(\"[^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*)$/, "<em class=\"string\">$1\"</em>") else string + which
# detecting run script command ~
else if which == "~" && !openComment
s = string + "<em class=\"run-command\">" + which + "</em>"
# ignore syntax temporarily or permanently
s = string + which
# return script formatted string
return s
# style syntax highlighting logic
styleSyntax = (string, which) ->
# if end of integer (%, ., or px too), close it and continue
if openInteger && !which.match(/[0-9\.\%pxems]/) && !openString && !openComment
preformatted_string = string.replace(/([0-9\.\%pxems]*)$/, "<em class=\"int\">$1</em>")
preformatted_string = string
# open comment detection
if which == '*' && !openComment && prevSlash
openComment = true
s = preformatted_string + which
# closed comment detection
else if which == '/' && openComment && prevAsterisk
openComment = false
s = preformatted_string.replace(/(\/[^(\/)]*\*)$/, "<em class=\"comment\">$1/</em>")
# wrap style declaration
else if which == ':'
s = preformatted_string.replace(/([a-zA-Z- ^\n]*)$/, '<em class="key">$1</em>:')
# wrap style value
else if which == ';'
# detect hex code
crazy_reghex = /((#[0-9a-zA-Z]{6})|#(([0-9a-zA-Z]|\<em class\=\"int\"\>|\<\/em\>){12,14}|([0-9a-zA-Z]|\<em class\=\"int\"\>|\<\/em\>){8,10}))$/
# is hex
if preformatted_string.match(crazy_reghex)
s = preformatted_string.replace(crazy_reghex, '<em class="hex">$1</em>;')
# is standard value
s = preformatted_string.replace(/([^:]*)$/, '<em class="value">$1</em>;')
# wrap selector
else if which == '{'
s = preformatted_string.replace(/(.*)$/, '<em class="selector">$1</em>{')
# ignore syntax temporarily or permanently
s = preformatted_string + which
# return style formatted string
return s
__js = false
_code_block = ""
# write a single character
writeChar = (which) ->
# toggle CSS/JS on `
if which == "`"
# reset it to empty string so as not to show in DOM
which = ""
__js = !__js
# Using JS
if __js
# running a command block. initiated with "~"
if which == "~" && !openComment
script_tag = createElement "script"
# two matches based on prior scenario
prior_comment_match = /(?:\*\/([^\~]*))$/
prior_block_match = /([^~]*)$/
if _code_block.match(prior_comment_match)
script_tag.innerHTML = _code_block.match(prior_comment_match)[0].replace("*/", "") + "\n\n"
script_tag.innerHTML = _code_block.match(prior_block_match)[0] + "\n\n"
$script_area.innerHTML = ""
$script_area.appendChild script_tag
char = which
code_html = scriptSyntax($code_pre.innerHTML, char)
# Using CSS
char = if which == "~" then "" else which
$style_elem.innerHTML += char
code_html = styleSyntax($code_pre.innerHTML, char)
# set states
prevAsterisk = (which == "*")
prevSlash = (which == "/") && !openComment
openInteger = if which.match(/[0-9]/) || (openInteger && which.match(/[\.\%pxems]/)) then true else false
if which == '"' then openString = !openString
# add text to code block variable for regex matching.
_code_block += which
# add character to pre
$code_pre.innerHTML = code_html
# write all the chars
writeChars = (message, index, interval) ->
if index < message.length
if index >= _throttle.start && index < _throttle.stop
interval = 2
interval = _writing_rate
$code_pre.scrollTop = $code_pre.scrollHeight
writeChar message[index++]
setTimeout (->
writeChars message, index, interval
), interval
# detect url parameters
getURLParam = (key, url) ->
if typeof url == 'undefined'
url = window.location.href
match = url.match('[?&]' + key + '=([^&]+)')
if match then match[1] else 0
# has version parameter?
_version = getURLParam "billy"
# initiate the script
writeChars(_codes[_version], 0, _writing_rate)
1.0.0: i exist!
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