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Last active May 22, 2022 12:34
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dependency free performant DOM text highlighter | HTML markup -> DocumentFragment | HTML markup
Needed a highlighter working on raw HTML markup text. Got deep into DOM manipulation
This module exports two members:
* highlightDOMFragment: string -> DocumentFragment (f.e. for diffing nodes, el.replaceChildren, el.replaceWith)
* highlightDOMString: string -> string (f.e. for el.innerHTML)
Usage example:
"<div>Highlight this</div>", // HTML markup string (f.e. obtained from el.innerHTML)
"this", // query string (match to highlight in HTML)
(token) => `<span style="text-decoration-line: underline;">${token}</span>`, // how to style the match
true // optional: case sensitive match behaviour or not
Output: `<div>Highlight <span style="text-decoration-line: underline;">this</span></div>`
// ------------
type Split = string | [string];
* Split each TOKEN match and interpose a non destructible highlight TOKEN in between
* - f.e. "stringFOUNDother" -> ["string", [token], "other"]
function _splitToken(
content: string,
token: string,
highlight: (a: string) => string
): Split[] {
const acc: Split[] = [];
for (const str of content.split(token)) {
if (acc.length % 2) acc.push([highlight(token)]);
return acc;
* Convert HTML markup to DocumentFragment interposing highlighter tags
* - generating DocumentFragment
* - generate unique split TOKEN
* - treewalking TEXT_NODEs
* - split text per TOKEN && interposing highlight TOKEN
* - flatMap over splitted text nodes escaping text for HTML parsing while leaving highlight TOKEN unescaped
export function highlightDOMFragment(
html: string,
search: string,
highlight: (a: string) => string,
insentitive = true
) {
const element = document.createRange().createContextualFragment(html);
if (!search) return element;
const match = element.textContent?.matchAll(
new RegExp(search, insentitive ? "gi" : "g")
if (!match) return element;
const uniq = [ Set([...match].map((x) => x[0]))];
let n: Node | null;
const nodes: Text[] = [];
const walk = document.createTreeWalker(element, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT);
while ((n = walk.nextNode())) n && nodes.push(n as Text);
for (const n of nodes) {
if (! continue;
let iterate: Split[] = [];
for (const s of uniq) {
iterate = iterate.reduce(
(acc: Split[], content) =>
typeof content === "string"
? acc.concat(_splitToken(content, s, highlight))
: acc.concat([content]),
const newText = iterate
.flatMap((sfrag: Split) =>
typeof sfrag === "string"
? sfrag
.replaceAll("&", "&amp;")
.replaceAll("<", "&lt;")
.replaceAll(">", "&gt;")
: sfrag
const fragment = document.createRange().createContextualFragment(newText);
return element;
* Convert HTML markup to HTML markup
* by parsing outerHTML from a generated DocumentFragment
export function highlightDOMString(
html: string,
search: string,
highlight: (a: string) => string,
insentitive = true
) {
if (!search) return html; // protects agains SSR error
const element = highlightDOMFragment(html, search, highlight, insentitive);
return [].map
.call(element.childNodes, (x: HTMLElement) => x.outerHTML)
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