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Last active March 21, 2021 17:38
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class KwzParser {
protected $data = null;
protected $offset = 0;
protected $size = 0;
public $sections = [];
public $meta = null;
public $frameMeta = null;
public $soundMeta = null;
private $pubkey = <<<EOT
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
// $data should be KWZ data formatted as a string (such as from file_get_contents())
public function __construct(string $data)
if ($data) $this->load($data);
public function load(string $data)
$this->offset = 0;
$this->data = $data;
$this->size = strlen($data);
$this->sections = [];
$this->meta = null;
$this->frameMeta = null;
$this->soundMeta = null;
// Build section table
$fileSize = $this->size - 256;
$numSections = 0;
while (($this->offset < $fileSize) && ($numSections < 6))
$sectionStart = $this->offset;
$sectionHeader = $this->unpack([
'type' => 'a3',
'flags' => 'C',
'length' => 'V',
], 8);
$this->sections[$sectionHeader['type']] = [
'flags' => $sectionHeader['flags'],
'length' => $sectionHeader['length'],
'offset' => $sectionStart
// Seek to the start of the next section
$this->seek($this->offset + $sectionHeader['length']);
$numSections += 1;
public function close() {
$this->offset = 0;
$this->data = null;
$this->size = 0;
$this->sections = [];
$this->meta = null;
$this->frameMeta = null;
$this->soundMeta = null;
public function getSectionData(string $type)
$sectionStart = 0;
$sectionSize = 0;
if ($type === 'KMI')
$sectionStart = 8;
$sectionSize = $this->sections[$type]['length'];
elseif ($type === 'KSN')
$sectionStart = 36;
$sectionSize = $this->sections[$type]['length'] - 28;
$sectionStart = 12;
$sectionSize = $this->sections[$type]['length'] - 4;
$this->seek($sectionStart, 1);
return $this->read($sectionSize);
public function getSectionHash(string $type) {
return md5($this->getSectionData($type));
public function getMeta()
if (isset($this->meta)) return $this->meta;
// Skip past section header and checksum
$this->seek(12, 1);
$meta = $this->unpack([
'creationTimestamp' => 'V',
'modifiedTimestamp' => 'V',
'appVersion' => 'V',
'rootAuthorId' => 'H20',
'parentAuthorId' => 'H20',
'currentAuthorId' => 'H20',
'rootAuthorName' => 'a22',
'parentAuthorName' => 'a22',
'currentAuthorName' => 'a22',
'rootFilename' => 'a28',
'parentFilename' => 'a28',
'currentFilename' => 'a28',
'frameCount' => 'v',
'thumbIndex' => 'v',
'flags' => 'v',
'frameSpeed' => 'C',
'layerFlags' => 'C',
], 204);
// Get frame author IDs
$frameAuthorIds = array_map(function ($frame)
return $frame['fsid'];
}, $this->getFrameMeta());
// Get sound meta
$soundMeta = $this->getSoundMeta();
// Format metadata
$this->meta = [
'lock' => ($meta['flags'] & 0x1) === 1,
'loop' => (($meta['flags'] >> 1) & 0x01) === 1,
'flags' => $meta['flags'],
'layer_flags' => $meta['layerFlags'],
'app_version' => $meta['appVersion'],
'frame_count' => $meta['frameCount'],
'frame_speed' => $meta['frameSpeed'],
'thumb_index' => $meta['thumbIndex'],
'modified' => $meta['modifiedTimestamp'] + 946684800,
'created' => $meta['creationTimestamp'] + 946684800,
'frame_fsids' => array_unique($frameAuthorIds),
'root' => [
'username' => $this->formatUsername($meta['rootAuthorName']),
'fsid' => $this->formatAuthorId($meta['rootAuthorId']),
'filename' => $this->formatFilename($meta['rootFilename']),
'parent' => [
'username' => $this->formatUsername($meta['parentAuthorName']),
'fsid' => $this->formatAuthorId($meta['parentAuthorId']),
'filename' => $this->formatFilename($meta['parentFilename']),
'current' => [
'username' => $this->formatUsername($meta['currentAuthorName']),
'fsid' => $this->formatAuthorId($meta['currentAuthorId']),
'filename' => $this->formatFilename($meta['currentFilename']),
'track_frame_speed' => $soundMeta['track_frame_speed'],
'track_usage' => [
'bgm' => $soundMeta['bgm_size'] > 0,
'se1' => $soundMeta['se1_size'] > 0,
'se2' => $soundMeta['se2_size'] > 0,
'se3' => $soundMeta['se3_size'] > 0,
'se4' => $soundMeta['se4_size'] > 0,
'bgm_digest' => md5($this->getSoundtrackData('bgm'))
return $this->meta;
public function getFrameMeta()
if (isset($this->frameMeta)) return $this->frameMeta;
// Skip past section header
$this->seek(8, 1);
$offset = 0;
$size = $this->sections['KMI']['length'];
$this->frameMeta = [];
$frame = $this->unpack([
'colors' => 'V',
'layer_size' => 'v3',
'fsid' => 'H20',
'depth' => 'C3',
'sound' => 'C',
'flags' => 'V'
], 28);
$frame['fsid'] = $this->formatAuthorId($frame['fsid']);
array_push($this->frameMeta, $frame);
$offset += 28;
while ($offset <= $size - 28);
return $this->frameMeta;
public function getFrameData(int $frameIndex)
$frameMetaTable = $this->getFrameMeta();
// Calculate frame offset
$frameOffset = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $frameIndex; $i++)
$frameMeta = $frameMetaTable[$i];
$frameOffset += $frameMeta['layer_size1'] + $frameMeta['layer_size2'] + $frameMeta['layer_size3'];
// Skip to the start of the frame data
$this->seek(12 + $frameOffset, 1);
// Get size of current frame
$frameMeta = $frameMetaTable[$frameIndex];
$frameSize = $frameMeta['layer_size1'] + $frameMeta['layer_size2'] + $frameMeta['layer_size3'];
return $this->read($frameSize);
public function getFrameHash(int $frameIndex)
return md5($this->getFrameData($frameIndex));
public function getFrameHashes()
$meta = $this->getMeta();
$hashes = [];
for ($frameIndex = 0; $frameIndex < $meta['frame_count']; $frameIndex++)
array_push($hashes, $this->getFrameHash($frameIndex));
return $hashes;
public function getSoundMeta()
if (isset($this->soundMeta)) return $this->soundMeta;
// Skip past section header
$this->seek(8, 1);
$this->soundMeta = $this->unpack([
'track_frame_speed' => 'V',
'bgm_size' => 'V',
'se1_size' => 'V',
'se2_size' => 'V',
'se3_size' => 'V',
'se4_size' => 'V',
], 48);
return $this->soundMeta;
public function getSoundtrackData(string $id)
$soundMeta = $this->getSoundMeta();
$offset = 0;
foreach (['bgm', 'se1', 'se2', 'se3', 'se4'] as $key)
if ($key === $id) break;
$offset += $soundMeta[$key . '_size'];
// Skip to start of sound data
$this->seek($offset + 28, 1);
return $this->read($soundMeta[$id . '_size']);
public function isSignatureValid()
$content = $this->read($this->size - 256);
$signature = $this->read(256);
return openssl_verify($content, $signature, $this->pubkey, 'sha256WithRSAEncryption') === 1;
public function areSectionsValid()
$areValid = [];
foreach ($this->sections as $type => $section)
if (in_array($type, ['KFH', 'KTN', 'KMC']))
$this->seek(8, 1); // skip section header
$sectionSize = $this->sections[$type]['length'];
$checksum = unpack('V', $this->read(4))[1]; // read checksum
$body = $this->getSectionData($type);
$areValid[$type] = $checksum === crc32($body);
// KMI section doesn't have a checksum
// KSN checksum is in a different place, not rly sure why but ok nintendo
if (array_key_exists('KSN', $this->sections))
$this->seek(8 + 24, 1); // skip section header + sound meta
$sectionSize = $this->sections['KSN']['length'];
$checksum = unpack('V', $this->read(4))[1];
$body = $this->getSectionData($type);
$areValid[$type] = $checksum === crc32($body);
return $areValid;
public function validate() {
$meta = $this->getMeta();
$frameMeta = $this->getFrameMeta();
$soundMeta = $this->getSoundMeta();
$err = [];
// Check signature validity
if (!$this->isSignatureValid())
array_push($err, 'SIGNATURE_INVALID');
// Check that the sum of the section + checksum lengths match the data length
$calcSize = 0;
foreach ($this->sections as $type => $section)
$calcSize += $section['length'] + 8;
if ($calcSize + 256 !== $this->size)
array_push($err, 'FILE_SIZE_INVALID');
// Check sections are present and are the correct length
foreach (['KFH', 'KTN', 'KMC', 'KMI', 'KSN'] as $type)
if (!array_key_exists($type, $this->sections))
array_push($err, $type . '_SECTION_MISSING');
if (($type === 'KFH') && ($this->sections['KFH']['length'] !== 204))
array_push($err, 'KFH_SIZE_INVALID');
if (($type === 'KMI') && ($meta['frame_count'] !== $this->sections['KMI']['length'] / 28))
array_push($err, 'KMI_SIZE_INVALID');
if ($type === 'KMC')
$calcSize = 0;
foreach ($frameMeta as &$frame)
$calcSize += $frame['layer_size1'] + $frame['layer_size2'] + $frame['layer_size3'];
if ($calcSize > $this->sections['KMC']['length']) array_push($err, 'KMC_SIZE_INVALID'); // (allowing for padding)
if ($type === 'KSN')
$calcSize = 0;
foreach (['bgm', 'se1', 'se2', 'se3', 'se4'] as $key)
$calcSize += $soundMeta[$key . '_size'];
if ($calcSize + 28 > $this->sections['KSN']['length']) array_push($err, 'KSN_SIZE_INVALID'); // (allowing for padding)
// Check section crc32 hashes
foreach ($this->areSectionsValid() as $type => $isValid)
if (!$isValid) array_push($err, $type . '_CRC32_INVALID');
// Validate metadata
// ====
// Check frame count matches number of frames in
if ($meta['frame_count'] !== $this->sections['KMI']['length'] / 28) {
array_push($err, 'FRAME_COUNT_INVALID');
// Check frame speed is in valid range
if ($meta['frame_speed'] > 10)
array_push($err, 'FRAME_SPEED_INVALID');
// Check recording frame speed is in valid range
if ($meta['track_frame_speed'] > 10)
array_push($err, 'TRACK_FRAME_SPEED_INVALID');
// Check thumb index is in valid range
if ($meta['thumb_index'] > $meta['frame_count'] - 1)
array_push($err, 'THUMB_INDEX_INVALID');
// Check current user is in frame authors
if (!in_array($meta['current']['fsid'], $meta['frame_fsids']))
array_push($err, 'FRAME_AUTHOR_INVALID');
return $err;
private function formatUsername(string $username)
return trim(mb_convert_encoding($username, 'UTF-8', 'UTF-16LE'));
private function formatAuthorId(string $id)
// Could trim the trailing null byte here, I don't think it's used, but I'm gonna leave it and see if Nintendo surprises us
return strtoupper($id);
private function formatFilename(string $filename)
// If filename matches Flipnote Studio's PPM format, unpack it
if (preg_match('/^[\x{00}-\x{FF}]{3}[A-Fa-f0-9]{13}[\x{00}-\x{FF}]{3}/', $filename))
$f = unpack('H6mac/a13random/vedits', $filename);
return strtoupper(sprintf('%6s_%13s_%03d', $f['mac'], $f['random'], $f['edits']));
return $filename;
private function read(int $nbytes = 1)
$ret = substr($this->data, $this->offset, $nbytes);
$this->offset += $nbytes;
return $ret;
private function seek(int $offset, int $whence = 0)
switch ($whence) {
case 2:
$this->offset = $this->size + $offset;
case 1:
$this->offset += $offset;
case 0:
$this->offset = $offset;
private function seekToSection(string $type)
private function unpack(array $struct, int $nbytes = 0)
$structArr = [];
foreach ($struct as $name => $type)
array_push($structArr, $type . $name);
return unpack(join('/', $structArr), $this->read($nbytes));
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