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Last active January 25, 2021 03:02
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basic decoding for 3ds game note files
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from sys import argv
# format structure:
# header
# 4 bytes seem to be a checksum of some kind? they're definitely not a timestamp
# 8 bytes are some kind of magic/ident? (10RC1000 for me)
# 4 bytes padding ?
# 34560 bytes for note image data
# 1428 bytes for note thumbnail image
# note images are 320 x 216 px
# note thumbnails are 68 x 42 px
# both images use the same format:
# bitmap; 1 nibble (4 bits) per pixel; each pixel has a palette index value
# palette index values
palette = [
# 0 - white
# 1 - black
# 2 - red
# 3 - blue
# 4 - grey
# 5 - light red
# 6 - light blue
class gameMemo:
def __init__(self, filename):
with open(filename, 'rb') as f: =
def _readImageData(self, data):
imageData = np.fromstring(data, dtype=np.uint8)
pixelData_real = np.bitwise_and(imageData, 0x0f)
pixelData_imag = np.bitwise_and(imageData >> 4, 0x0f)
pixelData = np.array([palette[j] for i in zip(pixelData_imag, pixelData_real) for j in i], dtype=">u4")
return pixelData
def getImage(self):
image = self._readImageData([16:-1428])
image = image.tobytes("C")
return Image.frombytes("RGBA", (320, 216), image)
def getThumb(self):
image = self._readImageData([-1428::])
image = image.tobytes("C")
return Image.frombytes("RGBA", (68, 42), image)
memo = gameMemo(argv[1])
memo.getThumb().save(argv[1] + '_thumb.png', 'png')
memo.getImage().save(argv[1] + '_image.png', 'png')
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