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Created September 23, 2016 14:10
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PHP parser for Mario Kart Wii rkg files (ghost trial data)
// ====== Mario Kart RKG (ghost trial data) Parser ======
// Based on the documentation found here:
// Written by James Daniel
// |
// ====== Usage ======
// instanciate:
// $rkg = new rkgParser();
// open a buffer to parse:
// $rkg->loadFromBuffer(fopen("./test.rkg", "r"));
// get metadata such as track ID, character ID, etc:
// $rkg->getMeta();
// get lap count and lap times:
// $rkg->getLaps());
// get user data and location:
// $rkg->getUser());
// get raw Mii data:
// $rkg->getMiiData();
class rkgParser {
var $stream = null;
// load a stream from an open buffer object
function loadFromBuffer($buffer){
$this->stream = $buffer;
// load a stream from a string
function loadFromString($data){
$this->stream = fopen("php://memory", "r+");
fwrite($this->stream, $data);
// close the stream
function close(){
$this->stream = null;
// should, hopefully, auto-close the stream when finished
function __destruct() {
if ($this->stream){
function _getFormatString($spec){
$formatString = [];
foreach ($spec as $var => $format) {
array_push($formatString, $format . $var);
return join("/", $formatString);
function _parseTime($data) {
// RKGs store track times in a 24-bit format
// as PHP's unpack function doesn't support 24-bit ints, we have to use 32-bit ints instead
// so the $data passed into this function looks like this:
// [7 bits - minutes][7 bits - seconds][10 bits - milliseconds][8 bits - some other data we dont want]
// but we convert it to:
// [8 bits - padding][7 bits - minutes][7 bits - seconds][10 bits - milliseconds]
$data >>= 8;
return [
"minutes" => (($data >> 17) & 0x7F),
"seconds" => (($data >> 10) & 0x7F),
"milliseconds" => ($data & 0x3FF),
// get genarat
function getMeta() {
if (!$this->stream) {
return null;
$spec = [
"magic" => "a4",
"flags1" => "N",
"flags2" => "N",
"flags3" => "n",
"inputDataLength" => "n"
// seek back to the beginning of the file
fseek($this->stream, 0);
$meta = unpack($this->_getFormatString($spec), fread($this->stream, 0x10));
return [
"magic" => $meta["magic"],
// flags1 = [24 bits - time data (see parseTime function)][6 bits - track ID][2 bits - padding]
"time" => $this->_parseTime($meta["flags1"]),
"trackID" => (($meta["flags1"] >> 2 ) & 0x3F),
// flags2 = [6 bits - vehicle ID][6 bits - character ID][7 bits - year(where 0 = the year 2000)][4 bits - month][5 bits - day][4 bits - controller type]
"vehicleID" => (($meta["flags2"] >> 26) & 0x3F),
"characterID" => (($meta["flags2"] >> 20) & 0x3F),
"date" => [
"year" => (($meta["flags2"] >> 13) & 0x7F) + 2000,
"month" => (($meta["flags2"] >> 9 ) & 0xF),
"day" => (($meta["flags2"] >> 4 ) & 0x1F)
"controllerID" => ($meta["flags2"] & 0xF),
// flags3 = [4 bits - padding][1 bit - compression flag][2 bits - padding][7 bits - ghost type][1 bit - drift type][1 bit - padding]
"compressed" => (($meta["flags3"] >> 11) & 0x01),
"ghostType" => (($meta["flags3"] >> 2 ) & 0x3F),
"automaticDrift" => (($meta["flags3"] >> 1 ) & 0x1),
"inputDataLength" => $meta["inputDataLength"]
// get the number of laps and the time for each lap
function getLaps() {
if (!$this->stream) {
return null;
// seek to the start of the lap data
fseek($this->stream, 0x10);
// get the number of laps done
$lapCount = unpack("C", fread($this->stream, 1))[1];
$lapTimes = Array();
// for each lap, extract the lap time
for ($lapIndex = 0; $lapIndex < $lapCount; $lapIndex++) {
// PHP's unpack doesn't work with 24-bit ints, so we have do a bit of work to seek to the right offset
fseek($this->stream, 17 + ($lapIndex * 3));
// unpack lap time as 32-bit ints
$data = unpack("N", fread($this->stream, 4))[1];
// parse the time data and push it to the lapTimes array, parseTime takes a 32-bit int but will discard the last 8 bits
array_push($lapTimes, $this->_parseTime($data));
return [
"lapCount" => $lapCount,
"lapTimes" => $lapTimes
// get basic user information, such as country, state, and name
function getUser(){
if (!$this->stream) {
return null;
$spec = [
"countryID" => "C",
"stateID" => "C",
"locationSharing" => "n",
"padding" => "x4",
"miiHeader" => "x2",
"miiName" => "a20"
// seek to the start of the user data
fseek($this->stream, 0x34);
$meta = unpack($this->_getFormatString($spec), fread($this->stream, 0x48));
return [
"countryID" => $meta["countryID"],
"stateID" => $meta["stateID"],
"name" => trim(mb_convert_encoding($meta["miiName"], "UTF-8", "UTF-16BE"), "\0")
// get the raw Mii data if you so wished (:
function getMiiData(){
if (!$this->stream) {
return null;
fseek($this->stream, 0x3C);
return fread($this->stream, 0x4A);
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