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Last active September 25, 2020 10:56
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JavaScript - Tips & Tricks

JavaScript - Tips & Tricks

Local server with node

  • npx serve [path]

Introspecting CSS via the CSS OM: Getting supported properties, shorthands, longhands – Lea Verou

Import non-ESM libraries (not-only)

Optional Chaining Operator in JavaScript

  • function for automated chain check: object && object[keys_chain[0]] && ...
  • see chaining.js

Hash Table DC-Class

Random/Unique string

Cross JS-CSS variables

  • JS:"--var_name", "var_value");
  • CSS: el{/* property: var(--var_name); */ color: var(--var_name);}

Loading external scripts files

Event delegation in JavaScript

Require Function Parameters

const isRequired = () => { throw new Error('param is required'); };
const hello = (name = isRequired()) => { console.log(`hello ${name}`) };

Thanks to 7 Useful JavaScript Tricks

To studying

* Retuns value of object[keys_chain[0]][...] or undefined
* - alternative of object && object[keys_chain[0]] && ...
* * */
function $object_get(object, ...keys_chain){
const val= object[keys_chain[0]];
if(keys_chain.length===1 || !val) return val;
const rest= keys_chain.slice(1);
return $object_get.apply(null, [val,]);
/* Example */
const obj= {name: {name: {name: "ST"}}};
console.log($object_get(obj, "name", "name", "name")); //= "ST"
console.log($object_get(obj, "name", "wrong", "name")); //= undefined
/* Compare */
console.log(obj && && &&; //= "ST"
console.log(obj && && &&; //= undefined
/* Future? */
// console.log(obj?.name?.wrong?.name); //= undefined

From Introspecting CSS via the CSS OM: Getting supported properties, shorthands, longhands – Lea Verou

let style =;
let shorthands = {};
let properties = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(style.hasOwnProperty("background")? style : style.__proto__);

properties = properties.filter(p => style[p] === "") // drop functions etc
    .map(prop => { // de-camelCase
        prop = prop.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function($0) { return '-' + $0.toLowerCase() });

        if (prop.indexOf("webkit-") > -1) {
            prop = "-" + prop;

        return prop;

for (let p of properties) {
    style.setProperty(p, "unset");
    let props = [];
    if (props.length > 1) {
        // It's a shorthand!
        shorthands[p] = props;
    style.setProperty(p, "");

output.textContent = JSON.stringify(shorthands, null, "\t");
* HashTable DC-Class
* Implementation of Hash Table ( in JavaScritpt.
* So, it is generate keys+values storage, whitch is splitted into buckets or slots:
* storage= [[["keyI","valueI"],["keyI","valueI"],...],[],[["keyI","valueI"]],...]
* params (def):
* - storageLimit(number)= no. of slots
* - hashFunction(function)= if defined, is used to generate slots ids in storage
* - debug(bool)= if true, shows debugging method "print"
* methods:
* .setItem= function(key, value)
* .getItem= function(key)
* .removeItem= function(key)
* .exists= function(key)
* .entries= function()
* .keys= function()
* .values= function()
* .size= function()
* .size= function()
* .clear= function()
* (.var_dump= function())
* (.print= function())
* * */
function Classes_HashTable(def= {}){
const {storageLimit= 5, hashFunction= _hash, debug= false} = def;
let _this= {}; let _storage= [];
const external_hashFunction= typeof hashFunction === "function";
/* Hash id generation - if hashFunction is undefined */
function _hash(string){
let hash= 0;
for(let i=0, i_length= string.length; i<i_length; i++){
hash+= string.charCodeAt(i);
return hash % storageLimit;
function getIndices(key){
const index= hashFunction(key);
if(_storage[index]===undefined) return [-1,-1, index]; //no slot
for(let i=0, i_length= _storage[index].length; i<i_length; i++){
if(_storage[index][i][0] === key){
return [index, i];
return [index, -1];
/* Print for debugging */
_this.print= function(){
let print= "";
for(let i=0, i_length= _storage.length; i<i_length; i++){
if(i) print+=",";
for(let j=0, j_length= _storage[i].length; j<j_length; j++){
if(j) print+=",";
} else {
_this.var_dump= function(){console.log(_storage);}
/* Check if key exists */
_this.exists= function(key){
const indices= getIndices(key);
return indices[0]===-1 || indices[1]===-1 ? false : true;
/* Add into storage */
_this.setItem= function(key, value){
const indices= getIndices(key);
if(indices[0]===-1) _storage[indices[2]]= [[key, value]];
else if(indices[1]===-1) _storage[indices[0]].push([key, value]);
else _storage[indices[0]][indices[1]][1]= value;
/* Get value from storage */
_this.getItem= function(key){
const indices= getIndices(key);
if(indices[0]===-1 || indices[1]===-1) return undefined;
else return _storage[indices[0]][indices[1]][1];
/* Remove from storage */
_this.removeItem= function(key){
const indices= getIndices(key);
let _storage_length= 0;
if(indices[0]!==-1 && indices[1]!==-1){
_storage_slot_length= _storage[indices[0]].length;
delete _storage[indices[0]];
} else {
for(let i=0; i<_storage_slot_length; i++){
delete _storage[indices[0]][i];
_this.keys= function(){
let keys= [];
for(let i=0, i_length= _storage.length; i<i_length; i++){
for(let j=0, j_length= _storage[i].length; j<j_length; j++){
keys[keys.length]= _storage[i][j][0];
return keys;
_this.values= function(){
let values= [];
for(let i=0, i_length= _storage.length; i<i_length; i++){
for(let j=0, j_length= _storage[i].length; j<j_length; j++){
values[values.length]= _storage[i][j][1];
return values;
_this.entries= function(){
let entries= [];
for(let i=0, i_length= _storage.length; i<i_length; i++){
for(let j=0, j_length= _storage[i].length; j<j_length; j++){
entries[entries.length]= _storage[i][j];
return entries;
/* Clear storage */
_this.clear= function(){
_storage= [];
_this.size= function(){
let counter= 0;
for(let i=0, i_length= _storage.length; i<i_length; i++){
for(let j=0, j_length= _storage[i].length; j<j_length; j++){
return counter;
return Object.freeze(_this);
* Examples
* * */
let ht= Classes_HashTable({debug: true, storageLimit: 10});
ht.setItem('Aaa', 'aaa');
ht.setItem('Fff', 'fff');
ht.setItem('Rrr', 'rrr');
ht.setItem('Kkk', 'kkk');
ht.print();//= [[Rrr,rrr]],[],[],[],[[Fff,fff]],[],[],[],[],[[Aaa,aaa],[Kkk,kkk]]
function uniqueString_1(){return String(, 10);}
function uniqueString_2(){return Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 15) + Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 15);}
function uniqueString_3(){return ( + Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 5)).toUpperCase();}
function uniqueString_4(){return (new Date()).toJSON();}
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