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Last active May 18, 2017 12:15
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Archive plugin for zim desktop wiki
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2015 Jaap Karssenberg <>
# TODO - "copy to archive" next to "move to archive"
# TODO - hook into search dialog - hide archive + show button with "show X archived pages"
# TODO - hook into auto-completion - put archive lower in the list
# To install this plugin:
# 1. in zim go to the preferences dialog, plugins tab
# 2. click "open plugin folder"
# this should open ~/.local/share/zim/plugins or similar
# 3. copy this file to the folder presented
# 4. restart zim (quit and then start again, don't just close the window)
# 5. go back to the plugins tab, plugin should now show up
from __future__ import with_statement
import gobject
import gtk
import re
import datetime
import logging
from zim.plugins import PluginClass, extends, WindowExtension
from zim.actions import action
from zim.notebook import Path
from zim.gui.widgets import ui_environment, Dialog, Button, \
BrowserTreeView, ScrolledWindow
logger = logging.getLogger('zim.plugins.archive')
class ArchivePlugin(PluginClass):
plugin_info = {
'name': _('Archive'), # T: plugin name
'description': _('''\
This plugin uses a section of the notebook as an archive.
This archive section is used to get pages out of the way from the
active notebook structere.
# T: plugin description
'author': 'Jaap Karssenberg',
'help': 'Plugins:Archive',
plugin_preferences = (
# key, type, label, default
('namespace', 'namespace', _('Section'), Path(':Archive')), # T: input label
#~ ('embedded', 'bool', _('Show calendar in sidepane instead of as dialog'), False), # T: preferences option
#~ ('pane', 'choice', _('Position in the window'), (LEFT_PANE, TOP), WIDGET_POSITIONS), # T: preferences option
# TODO disable pane setting if not embedded
def __init__(self, config=None):
PluginClass.__init__(self, config)
#~ self.preferences.connect('changed', self.on_preferences_changed)
#~ self.on_preferences_changed(self.preferences)
#~ def on_preferences_changed(self, preferences):
#~ if preferences['embedded']:
#~ self.set_extension_class('MainWindow', MainWindowExtensionEmbedded)
#~ else:
#~ self.set_extension_class('MainWindow', MainWindowExtensionDialog)
def archive_page(self, notebook, page):
postfix ="_%Y%m%d")
section = self.preferences['namespace']
newpage = notebook.get_page(section + ( + postfix))
if newpage.exists():
i = 1
postfix = postfix + '_(%i)' % i
newpage = notebook.get_page(section + ( + postfix))
while new_page.exists():
i += 1
postfix = postfix + '_(%i)' % i
newpage = notebook.get_page(Path( + postfix))
notebook.move_page(page, newpage)
def list_archived_versions(self, notebook, page):
# Find all pages in archive that look like page + postfix
# Find all pages in archive that look like page where parent
# has a postfix
# Yield pages and archive dates
def _versions(trunk, remainder):
basename = remainder.pop(0)
pattern = re.compile(re.escape(basename) + r'[ _](\d{8})([ _]\(\d+\))?$')
for path in notebook.index.list_pages(trunk):
match =
if match: # branch with archive date
date =
if remainder:
child = path + remainder
if notebook.get_page(child).exists():
yield child, date
yield path, date
elif path.basename == basename:
if remainder: # follow trunk
for r in _versions(path, remainder):
yield r
pass # empty parent of archived pages
section = self.preferences['namespace']
for path, date in _versions(section,
yield path, date
class MainWindowExtensionDialog(WindowExtension):
'''Extension used to add calendar dialog to mainwindow'''
uimanager_xml = '''
<menubar name='menubar'>
<menu action='file_menu'>
<placeholder name='page_modification_actions'>
<menuitem action='archive_page'/>
<menu action='view_menu'>
<placeholder name='plugin_items'>
<menuitem action='show_archived_versions'/>
@action(_('_Archive Page')) # T: menu item
def archive_page(self):
self.window.ui.save_page() # XXX
notebook = self.window.ui.notebook # XXX
page = self.window.pageview.get_page()
self.plugin.archive_page(notebook, page)
@action(_('_Archived Versions...'), tooltip=_('Show Archived Versions...')) # T: menu item
def show_archived_versions(self):
notebook = self.window.ui.notebook # XXX
page = self.window.pageview.get_page()
opener = self.window.get_resource_opener()
dialog = ArchivedVersionsDialog(self.window, self.plugin, notebook, page, opener)
#~ @extends('SearchDialog')
#~ class SearchDialogExtension(WindowExtension):
#~ def __init__(self, plugin, window):
#~ WindowExtension.__init__(self, plugin, window)
# Install filter + button
#~ def teardown(self):
# REmove filter + button
class ArchivedVersionsDialog(Dialog):
# TODO "open" button that opens current selected version
def __init__(self, parent, plugin, notebook, page, opener):
Dialog.__init__(self, parent, _('Archived Pages'), # T: dialog title
defaultwindowsize=(400, 300),
label = gtk.Label(_('Archived versions of: <b>%s</b>') % # T: label, "%s" is the full page name
self.vbox.pack_start(label, False)
model = gtk.ListStore(str, str) # date, page
for path, date in plugin.list_archived_versions(notebook, page):
# TODO - get ctime and mtime for page
# TODO - get more user readable rendering of date - same as in "recent pages" dialog
date = "%s-%s-%s" % (date[0:4], date[4:6] ,date[6:8]) # year, month, day
model.set_sort_column_id(0, gtk.SORT_DESCENDING)
treeview = BrowserTreeView()
cell_renderer = gtk.CellRendererText()
for name, i in (
(_('Date'), 0), # T: Column header archive dialog
(_('Page'), 1), # T: Column header archive dialog
column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(name, cell_renderer, text=i)
def on_open_page(view, path, col):
page = Path( view.get_model()[path][1].decode('utf-8') )
treeview.connect('row-activated', on_open_page)
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