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Last active January 2, 2022 01:14
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PHP-MariaDB DB Engine INSERT Performance comparison (2022-01-01) (Ubuntu 21.10)

Just another MariaDB performance test script

System: ESXi Virtual Machine

  • Ubuntu 21.10 Impish (Linux 5.13.0-22-generic)
  • File system: btrfs
  • CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2667 v4 @ 3.20GHz (family: 0x6, model: 0x4f, stepping: 0x1)
  • under vmware ESXi 7.0 (with VMware PVSCSI rev 2 storage controller)
  • CPU cores: 8
  • VM RAM: 8 GB
  • PHP 8.1.1 (
  • MariaDB 10.6 (1:10.6.5+maria~impish)
  • PHP with mysqli extension on localhost via UNIX socket
  • Storage: HPE RAID 6 with 10k RPM HDDs and some SSDs for caching

Results/Output of the script:

# nice php mysql_perf.php 
Testing engine         aria with 10000 rows of bogus data in database fail2ban...
Testing engine         aria: 10,000 rows INSERTed in  0:59 ~ (59.70 s)

Testing engine       myisam with 10000 rows of bogus data in database fail2ban...
Testing engine       myisam: 10,000 rows INSERTed in  0:02 ~ (2.13 s)

Testing engine       innodb with 10000 rows of bogus data in database fail2ban...
Testing engine       innodb: 10,000 rows INSERTed in  0:55 ~ (55.25 s)

    [aria] => 59.701476812363
    [myisam] => 2.1279759407043
    [innodb] => 55.251499891281

Test data

  • Bogus datetime, incremented from the start point (10000 hours ago) by almost an hour on every run
  • Bogus md5-ish strings varying from 32 to 254 chars in length, ASCII only
  • Bogus DATE, derived from first datetime field

Test data comment

  • Yes, the test data is 100% synthetic fakery
  • Yes, the table is not wide, 3 columns only
  • Yes, a single data set is not very large
  • Yes, there are indexes, the DATETIME column as primary key is its own index, and there are 2 other indexes for the other two respective columns.
  • Yes, the use of some PHP built-ins for generating the fake data may use some CPU cycles compared to static data.
  • And yes, the (in this case) totally superfluoius use of real_escape_string adds extra load on the database, as well as the MySQL built-ins regarding date and time conversions.
  • But I think this is quite reasonable and reflects some aspects of real-world RDBMS use.

Result comments

  • I've run this 3 times, your mileage may vary.
  • A little disappointed of ARIA performance.
  • Not surprised by InnoDB performance, considering the transactional nature of the engine and intrinsic slowness of its index maintenance
  • Absolutely not surprised by MyISAM performance. Got regular backups running?
  • Choose your table engines wisely.
  • Recommendation? It depends:
    • Write-intensive table?
    • How important is your data?
    • Need transaction safety?
  • How are your results?

The test script

Forgive me for some hangover hickups, abstraction functions and running things as root on my system :-)

if (php_sapi_name() <> 'cli') {
    printf("This program requires cli.\n");
class mysql_perf {
    const db_username = 'root'; # TODO: set to your username
    const db_password = 'qwh7t5oa2ms69ebv';   # TODO: set to your password
    const db_database = 'demo'; # TODO: set to your password
    const eng = ['aria', 'myisam', 'innodb'];
    /** @var mysqli */
    static $dbh;
    static function test() {
        $timing = [];
        $rowCount = 10000;
        $dotPrint = 100;
        foreach (self::eng AS $eng) {
            $table = "test_$eng";
            self::query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $table");
            $startTime = strtotime("$rowCount hours ago");
            printf("Testing engine %8s with %d rows of bogus data in database %s...\n", $eng, $rowCount, self::db_database);
            for ($i = 0; $i < $rowCount; $i++) {
                if ($i % $dotPrint == 0) print ".";
            print "\r";
            $µ = microtime(true);
            for ($i = 0; $i < $rowCount; $i++) {
                $time = $startTime + ($i*3240);
                $text = str_repeat(md5($time), 8);
                $text = self::sql_escape(substr($text, 0, rand(32, 254)));
                self::query("INSERT IGNORE INTO $table SET
                    `dt` = FROM_UNIXTIME($time),
                    `tx` = '$text',
                    `dd` = DATE(FROM_UNIXTIME($time))
                if ($i % $dotPrint == 0) print "+";
            $µ = microtime(true) - $µ;
            $tm = floor($µ / 60);
            $ts = floor($µ % 60);
            printf("Testing engine %8s: %s rows INSERTed in %2d:%02d ~ (%1.2F s)\n\n------------\n", $eng, number_format($rowCount), $tm, $ts, $µ);
            $timing[$eng] = $µ;
        print json_encode([
            'Datetime' => gmdate('c'),
            'Sysinfo' => self::getSystemInfo(),
            'SqlEngineTestRowCount' => $rowCount,
            'SqlEngineTimingResults' => $timing,
    static private function __initDB() {
        if (!empty(self::$dbh)) {
        self::$dbh = mysqli_connect(null, self::db_username, self::db_password, self::db_database);
        self::$dbh->query('SET interactive_timeout=15');
    static function query($query) {
        return self::$dbh->query($query);
    static function sql_escape($string) {
        return self::$dbh->real_escape_string($string);
    static function createTable($engine) {
        $sql = "            CREATE TABLE `test_$engine` (
                `dt` DATETIME NOT NULL,
                `tx` CHAR(254) CHARACTER SET ascii COLLATE ascii_bin,
                `dd` DATE,
                KEY `tx` (`tx`) USING BTREE,
                KEY `dd` (`dd`) USING BTREE,                PRIMARY KEY (`dt`)
            ) ENGINE=$engine;
    static function getSystemInfo() {
        $sysInfo = explode("\n", trim(`dmesg | egrep "boot: CPU[[:digit:]]: |MHz [pP]rocessor| (DMI|Memory): |smp: Brought up"`));
        $sysInfo = array_map(function($line) { return trim(preg_split('%\]\s+%', $line, 2)[1]); }, $sysInfo);
        return [
            'Kernel' => trim(`uname -srv`),
            'System' => $sysInfo,
            'MySQL' => self::$dbh->get_server_info(),
            'PHP' => PHP_VERSION,

License notice: This is Public Domain — do whatever you please with this.

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jab4 commented Jan 2, 2022

Updated above script to add sysinfo output.

Output from another Ubuntu 21.04 VM (Virtualbox) on another host system (Windows 10, uptime 261 days cough) with a simple no-redundancy SATA JBOD disk configuration:

Testing engine     aria with 10000 rows of bogus data in database demo...
Testing engine     aria: 10,000 rows INSERTed in  0:10 ~ (10.11 s)

Testing engine   myisam with 10000 rows of bogus data in database demo...
Testing engine   myisam: 10,000 rows INSERTed in  0:02 ~ (2.88 s)

Testing engine   innodb with 10000 rows of bogus data in database demo...
Testing engine   innodb: 10,000 rows INSERTed in  0:14 ~ (14.55 s)

    "Datetime": "2022-01-02T01:07:55+00:00",
    "Sysinfo": {
        "Kernel": "Linux 5.11.0-41-generic #45-Ubuntu SMP Fri Nov 5 11:37:01 UTC 2021",
        "System": [
            "DMI: innotek GmbH VirtualBox/VirtualBox, BIOS VirtualBox 12/01/2006",
            "tsc: Detected 3693.234 MHz processor",
            "Memory: 3948292K/4193848K available (16393K kernel code, 3480K rwdata, 10480K rodata, 2696K init, 5964K bss, 245296K reserved, 0K cma-reserved)",
            "smpboot: CPU0: AMD Ryzen 7 2700X Eight-Core Processor (family: 0x17, model: 0x8, stepping: 0x2)",
            "smp: Brought up 1 node, 8 CPUs"
        "MySQL": "5.5.5-10.5.13-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.21.04.1",
        "PHP": "7.4.16"
    "SqlEngineTestRowCount": 10000,
    "SqlEngineTimingResults": {
        "aria": 10.106056928634644,
        "myisam": 2.878734827041626,
        "innodb": 14.554396152496338

MyISAM still is a clear INSERT winner, but the InnoDB and ARIA tests clearly show that the first system on ESXi-basis has some write performance issues itself.

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