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Last active December 17, 2015 07:29
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module Main where
import Data.List.Split
import Data.Time.Calendar
import Data.Time.Calendar.WeekDate
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.Format
import Data.Time.LocalTime
import Data.Text (pack, unpack, center)
import System.Locale
main = getZonedTime >>= return . render >>= putStrLn
weekdayCount = 7
lineCharCountMax = weekdayCount * 3 - 1
render :: ZonedTime -> String
render time = let day = toDayFromZonedTime time -- ZonedTime -> Day
days = toLeftPaddedMonthDayList day -- Day -> [[String]]
daysLines = toLinesFromTokens days -- [[String]] -> [String]
lines = toHeader day ++ daysLines in -- [String] -> [String]
unlines lines -- [String] -> String
toLinesFromTokens :: [[String]] -> [String]
toLinesFromTokens = map (\ss -> drop 1 $ concat $ map padTok ss)
-- 上でdrop 1しているのは
-- 3桁左寄せしてから連結しているため、
-- 各行の先頭に空白文字が1つ入るのが気に入らないため
padTok s = case length s of
0 -> " "
1 -> " " ++ s
2 -> " " ++ s
_ -> error "unexpected token -> " ++ s
toHeader :: Day -> [String]
toHeader day = let s = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%B %Y" day
fst = unpack $ center lineCharCountMax ' ' $ pack s in
[fst, "Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa"]
toLeftPaddedMonthDayList :: Day -> [[String]]
toLeftPaddedMonthDayList day = chunksOf 7 core
core = let fstDate = toMonthFirstDate day in
(toLeftPaddableListFromMonthFirstDate fstDate) ++ (map show $ toMonthDateList day)
toDayFromZonedTime :: ZonedTime -> Day
toDayFromZonedTime = utctDay . zonedTimeToUTC
toMonthDateList :: Day -> [Int]
toMonthDateList day = let (y,m,_) = toGregorian day
c = gregorianMonthLength y m in
toLeftPaddableListFromMonthFirstDate :: Day -> [String]
toLeftPaddableListFromMonthFirstDate day = take (toWeekdayIndex day) $ repeat ""
toMonthFirstDate :: Day -> Day
toMonthFirstDate day = let (y,m,_) = toGregorian day in
fromGregorian y m 1
toWeekdayIndex :: Day -> Int
toWeekdayIndex day = case toWeekDate day of
(_,_,7) -> 0
(_,_,d) -> d
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