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Last active July 15, 2023 10:48
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Gun user-space and public graph get/set with signing and encryption
* get and put encrypted and/or signed material to paths in Gun
* FIXME: Investigate why root level put doesn't work
* DONE: Add signing to make objects unwritable by others
* Changes:
* - 25.02.2020
* - added mergedeep to better merge deeper objects between themselves
* - added pair.osign option to only sign not encrypt when passing existing pairs
(async function(){
var Nug = this.Nug = null;
var atoob = this.atoob = function atoob(arr){
var obj = {};, function(v,f,t){
if( ||{
obj[f] = atoob(v);
obj[f] = v;
return obj;
const getNug = this.getNug = function(){
if(Nug) return Nug.back(-1);
if(Gun) Nug = new Gun(location.protocol+"//""/gun");
return Nug.back(-1);
const mrgdeep = this.mrgdeep = function mrgdeep(...objects) {
const isObject = obj => obj && typeof obj === 'object';
return objects.reduce((prev, obj) => {
Object.keys(obj).forEach(key => {
const pVal = prev[key];
const oVal = obj[key];
if (Array.isArray(pVal) && Array.isArray(oVal)) {
prev[key] = [...pVal, ...oVal].filter((element, index, array) => array.indexOf(element) === index);
else if (isObject(pVal) && isObject(oVal)) {
prev[key] = mrgdeep(pVal, oVal);
else {
prev[key] = oVal;
return prev;
}, {});
const decEnc = this.decEnc = async(...args)=> {
let data = args.length > 0 ? args.shift() : false; // data as first argument
let pair = args.length > 0 ? args.shift() : false; // pair to use in decrypting/encrypting as second argument
let mode = args.length > 0 ? args.shift() : "decrypt"; // mode optional encrypt/decrypt on SEA defaults to decrypt
//TODO return Promise.reject if we don't have all mandatory arguments passed
let secret = await SEA.secret(pair.epub, pair);
let it = await SEA[mode](data, secret);
return it;
const createRWEResource = this.createRWEResource = async(...args)=> {
let key = args.shift();
let data = args.shift();
let encIt = args.length>0 ? args.shift() : false;
let addUuid = args.length>0 ? args.shift() : false;
const uuid = gun._.opt.uuid();
let pair = await SEA.pair();
if(typeOf(encIt) == "object" && encIt.priv) {
pair = encIt;
var onlysign = pair.osign? true:false;
if(pair.hasOwnProperty('osign')) delete pair["osign"];
if(onlysign) encIt = false;
let id = "~";
if(addUuid) id = id + "." + uuid;
let nug = getNug();
let datax = {"#":id,'.':key,':':data,'>':Gun.state()}
let signed = await SEA.sign(datax,pair);
let putsi = await nug.get(id).get(key).put(signed).then();
return {id:id,key:key,ref:nug.get(id).get(key),pair:pair};
else {
return await decEnc(data,pair,"encrypt").then(async(enc)=>{
let datax = {"#":id,'.':key,':':'a'+enc,'>':Gun.state()}
let signed = await SEA.sign(datax,pair);
let putsi = await nug.get(id).get(key).put(signed).then()
return {id:id,key:key,ref:nug.get(id).get(key),pair:pair};
Gun.chain.putsenc = async function(){
let args = Array.from(arguments);
let self = this;
let gun = this.back(-1);
let data = args.shift();
let pair = args.length > 0 ? args.shift() : (gun.user().is ? gun.user()._.sea : null);
let genuuid = args.length > 0 ? args.shift() : false;
let onlysign = args.length > 0 ? args.shift() : false;
if(!pair) return Promise.reject("No keypair provided or not logged in");
if(onlysign) pair.osign=true;
return self.once(async function(olddata,key) {
return await createRWEResource(key, data, pair, genuuid);
Gun.chain.putenc = async function() {
let args = Array.from(arguments);
let self = this;
let gun = this.back(-1);
let nug = getNug();
let data = args.shift();
let me = gun.user().is;
let pair = args.length > 0 ? args.shift() : me ? gun.user()._.sea : null;
let onlysign = args.length > 0 ? args.shift() : false;
//TODO: Implement checking with old pair as well as throw if error
if (!pair) return Promise.reject("No keypair provided or not logged in");
if(onlysign) pair.osign = true;
return this.once(async function(olddata, key) {
console.log("old data", olddata);
//TODO: Check the onlysign and skip decrypt and encrypt in that case
if(typeof olddata === "string" && /^(aSEA)/.test(olddata)) olddata = olddata.slice(1)
return await decEnc(olddata, pair)
.then(async old => {
console.log("old", old);
var nd = null;
if (!old) {
nd = data;
} else {
if (typeof old === "object" && data && typeof data ==="object") {
// trying to simulate regular put
nd = mrgdeep(old, data);
} else {
nd = data;
console.log("new data", nd);
return await decEnc(nd, pair, "encrypt").then(async (enc) => {
console.log("encrypted", enc);
if (!me && pair && pair.priv) {
let id = "~";
let signed = await SEA.sign(
"#": id,
".": key,
":": "a"+enc,
">": Gun.state()
return await nug.get(id).get(key).put(signed).then();
} else {
return await self.put("a"+enc).then();
.catch(err => {
console.log("whoops", err);
return gun;
Gun.chain.getenc = async function(){
let args = Array.from(arguments);
let self = this;
let gun = this.back(-1);
let path = args.length > 0 ? args.shift() : false;
let pair = args.length > 0 ? args.shift() : (gun.user().is ? gun.user()._.sea : null)
if(!pair) return Promise.reject("No keypair provided or not logged in");
let data;
if(!path) {
data = await self.once().then();
} else {
data = await this.get(path).then();
if(typeof data === "string" && /^(aSEA)/.test(data)) data = data.slice(1)
let dec = await decEnc(data, pair);
return dec ? dec : null;
const putMyDataEnc = this.putMyDataEnc = async (...args) => {
//let args = arguments; Array.from(arguments);
let cb = false;
if(args && args.length > 0 && typeof args[args.length-1] === "function"){
cb = args.pop(); // if we have a cb function in last of the list, then pop that
let path = args.length > 0 ? args.shift() : false; // path as first argument
let data = args.length > 0 ? args.shift() : false; // data as second argument
let pair = args.length > 0 ? args.shift() : false; // pair optional pair to use in encrypting
if(!path || !data) return Promise.reject("No path or data!");
const me = gun.user();
if ( {
const mypair = me._.sea;
let usePair = mypair;
if(pair && pair.epub && pair.epriv) usePair = pair;
let enc = await decEnc(data, usePair,"encrypt");
if (cb) {
return me
} else {
return await me
} else {
return Promise.reject("Not authenticated");
const getMyDataEnc = this.getMyDataEnc = async (...args)=>{
let path = args.shift(); // path as first argument
let pair = args.length > 0 ? args.shift() : false; // optional pair to decrypt with
const me = gun.user();
if( { //authenticated
const mypair = me._.sea;
let usePair = mypair;
if(pair && pair.epub && pair.epriv) usePair = pair;
let data = await me
let dec = await decEnc(data, usePair)
return dec;
} else {
return Promise.reject("Not authenticated")
// creating a new resource with generated keypair signature: {keyname} to store to, {data} to house {pair} a pair or boolean, {uuid} whether to append random uuid to pubkey
let testresource1 = await createRWEResource("testing/encryption/321",{'data':'I','want':'to',encrypt:'true'},true,true);
console.log(testresource1); // {id:created id, key: referenced key, ref:gun node, pair: if not your user-pair save this if you ever want to touch this node again}
// creating/overwriting a resource with your user keypair directly to gun.user().get("testing/encryption/321")
let mypair = gun.user()._.sea;
testresource2 = await createRWEResource("testing/encryption/321",{'data':'I','dontwant':'to',encrypt:'true'},mypair);
//decode with decEnc
let id =;
let key = testresource2.key;
let setti = testresource2.ref;
let pair = testresource2.pair;
let val = await setti.once(Gun.log).then();
let dec = await decEnc(val.slice(1),testresource2.pair)
//{data: "I", dontwant: "to", encrypt: "true"}
let example = await gun.get("testing/encryption/123").get("example").putsenc({"encrypted":"stuff"}); // overwrite whole example
let readexample = await gun.get("testing/encryption/123").getenc("example");
let updateexample = await gun.get("testing/encryption/123").get("example").putenc({"stuff":"encrypted stuff"});
let x = await gun.get("testing/encryption/123").getenc("example");
console.log("some wait time so we wont resolve from localstorage",x);
putMyDataEnc("testing/encryption/123",{socks:"wet"}).then((d)=>{ console.log(d); }).catch((err)=>{ console.log(err); })
getMyDataEnc("testing/encryption/123").then((d)=>{ console.log(d); }).catch((err)=>{ console.log(err); })
//testing decryption of the node:
decEnc(data,gun.user()._.sea).then((d)=>{console.log(d)}).catch((err)=>{ console.log(err); })
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jabis commented Jan 8, 2020

Now you can manipulate data with
createRWEResource/getenc/put(s)enc like:

testresource = await createRWEResource("testing/encryption/321",{'data':'I','want':'to',encrypt:'true'},gun.user()._.sea);
console.log(testresource); // {id,key,gunref,pair}
//and directly read with getenc (well might need a little setTimeout if like me it takes awhile to push changes to peers)
await gun.user().getenc("testing/encryption/321");
//and directly write with putenc 
await gun.user().get("testing/encryption/321").putenc({some:"more",data:"here"});

Note createRWEResource currenctly acts like .putsenc overwriting the data

tidbit: the method createRWEResource comes from create ReadWriteprotectedEncryptedResource - gonna come up with a better name soon :D

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zilveer commented Jan 10, 2020

@jabis wow such improvement over the current coding. You should indeed have this as a repo instead for GUN or else it is somehow "hidden" from public.

I really like what you have achieved so far, thumbs up !

Regards Zilveer

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