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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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Containers deque, bag, stack, queue, priority queue, and set
MIT License © 2015 James Abney
Containers: bag, stack, queue, double-ended queue (deque),
priorityQueue, and set.
See documentation at
(function(ex, undefined) {
'use strict';
// Export containers namespace.
var containers = ex.containers || (ex.containers = Object.create(null));
// containers.js version.
containers.version = '1.0.1';
// Shortcuts.
toString = Object.prototype.toString,
slice = Array.prototype.slice,
// Helpers.
// Return an object's built-in type via toString.
typeOf = function typeOf(obj) {
return, -1);
// Encode an object's type as a number.
encodeType = (function() {
var types = {
'Null': 1,
'Undefined': 2,
'Number': 3,
'Array': 4,
'String': 5,
'Object': 6,
'Boolean': 7,
'Function': 8,
'Symbol': 9,
'Date': 10,
'Error': 11,
'RegExp': 12,
'Arguments': 13,
'Math': 14,
'JSON': 15
// Return a type code.
function get(type) {
// Return 0 for undefined types.
return types[type] || 0;
// Return a numeric code corresponding to an object's type.
return function encodeType(obj) {
return get(typeOf(obj));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Deque implementation used by containers bag, stack and queue.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
containers.dequeImpl = 'dequeArray';
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Deque - a double-ended queue (pronounced "deck").
// Return the specified implementation.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
containers.deque = function deque() {
var impl = containers[containers.dequeImpl];
return impl();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Deque - linked list implementation.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
containers.dequeList = function dequeList() {
var head = null, tail = null, size = 0;
return {
// Get or set an array of items for this queue.
items: function(items) {
if (!arguments.length)
return getItems(this.forwardIterator);
items.forEach(function(item) {
}, this);
return this;
// Add one or more items to the front of the queue. O(k)
pushFront: function() {, 0).forEach(function(item) {
if (size === 0) {
head = tail = new Node(item, null, null);
} else {
head.prev = new Node(item, null, head);
head = head.prev;
return this;
// Add one or more items to the back of the queue. O(k)
pushBack: function() {, 0).forEach(function(item) {
if (size === 0) {
head = tail = new Node(item, null, null);
} else { = new Node(item, tail, null);
tail =;
return this;
// Remove an item from the front of the queue. O(1)
popFront: function() {
var node = head, tempNode;
if (head !== null) {
if (head === tail) {
head = tail = null;
} else {
tempNode = head;
head =; = null;
return node && node.item;
// Remove an item from the back of the queue. O(1)
popBack: function() {
var node = tail, tempNode;
if (tail !== null) {
if (head === tail) {
head = tail = null;
} else {
tempNode = tail;
tail = tail.prev;
tempNode.prev = null;
return node && node.item;
// Return the front item without modifying the queue. O(1)
peekFront: function() {
return head && head.item;
// Return the back item without modifying the queue. O(1)
peekBack: function() {
return tail && tail.item;
// Remove one or more items from the queue. O(kn)
remove: function() {, 0).forEach(function(item) {
return this;
// Remove all items from the queue. O(n)
clear: function() {
// head = tail = null;
// size = 0;
return this;
// Return a copy of this queue.
copy: function() {
return this.factory().items(this.items());
// Iterate the queue from front to back. O(n)
forwardIterator: function(action, context) {
var node = head;
while (node !== null) {, node.item);
node =;
return this;
// Iterate the queue from back to front. O(n)
reverseIterator: function(action, context) {
var node = tail;
while (node !== null) {, node.item);
node = node.prev;
return this;
// Return true if the deque contains 'item'. O(n)
has: function(item) {
return !!find(item);
// Return the number of items in the queue. O(1)
size: function() {
return size;
factory: dequeList
// Return the node that contains 'item'. O(n)
function find(item) {
var node = head;
while (node !== null) {
if (node.item === item)
return node;
node =;
return null;
// Build an array of items from the supplied iterator. O(n)
function getItems(iterator) {
var items = [];
iterator(function(item) {
return items;
// Remove a single node from the queue. O(n)
function removeNode(item) {
var node, tempNode;
if ((node = find(item)) !== null) {
if (node === head) {
tempNode = head;
head =;
if (head) {
head.prev = null; = null;
else if (node === tail) {
tempNode = tail;
tail = tail.prev;
if (tail) { = null;
tempNode.prev = null;
else {
tempNode = node; =; = node.prev;
tempNode.prev = = null;
// Return a linked node.
function Node(item, prev, next) {
this.item = item;
this.prev = prev || null; = next || null;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Deque - array implementation.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
containers.dequeArray = function dequeArray() {
var array = [];
return {
// Get or set an array of items for this queue.
items: function(items) {
if (!arguments.length)
return array.slice(0, array.length);
array = items.slice(0, items.length);
return this;
// Add one or more items to the front of the queue.
pushFront: function() {
var args =, 0).reverse();
array.unshift.apply(array, args);
return this;
// Add one or more items to the back of the queue.
pushBack: function() {
array.push.apply(array, arguments);
return this;
// Remove an item from the front of the queue.
popFront: function() {
var item = array.shift();
return item !== undefined ? item : null;
// Remove an item from the back of the queue.
popBack: function() {
var item = array.pop();
return item !== undefined ? item : null;
// Return the front item without modifying the queue.
peekFront: function() {
var item = array[0];
return item !== undefined ? item : null;
// Return the back item without modifying the queue.
peekBack: function() {
var item = array[array.length-1];
return item !== undefined ? item : null;
// Remove one or more items from the queue.
remove: function() {, 0).forEach(function(item) {
var index = array.indexOf(item);
if (index >= 0)
array.splice(index, 1);
return this;
// Remove all items from the queue.
clear: function() {
array = [];
return this;
// Return a copy of this queue.
copy: function() {
return this.factory().items(this.items());
// Iterate the queue from front to back.
forwardIterator: function(action, context) {
if (action)
array.forEach(action, context);
return this;
// Iterate the queue from back to front.
reverseIterator: function(action, context) {
if (action)
array.reverse().forEach(action, context);
return this;
// Return true if the deque contains 'item'.
has: function(item) {
return array.indexOf(item) >= 0;
// Return the number of items in the queue.
size: function() {
return array.length;
factory: dequeArray
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Bag - an unordered collection of items.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
containers.bag = function bag() {
var deque = containers.deque();
return {
// Set or get an array of items for this bag.
items: function(items) {
if (!arguments.length)
return deque.items();
items.forEach(function(item) {
return this;
// Add one or more items to the bag.
add: function() {
deque.pushBack.apply(deque, arguments);
return this;
// Remove one or more items from the bag. O(kn)
remove: function() {
deque.remove.apply(deque, arguments);
return this;
// Return a copy of this bag.
copy: function() {
return this.factory().items(deque.items());
// Iterate over items in the bag.
each: function(action, context) {
deque.forwardIterator(action, context);
return this;
// Clear the contents of this bag.
clear: function() {
return this;
// Return true if bag contains item.
has: deque.has,
// Return the count of items in the bag.
size: deque.size,
deque: deque,
factory: bag
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Stack - a push-down LIFO stack (last in first out).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
containers.stack = function stack() {
var deque = containers.deque();
return {
// Set or get an array of items for this stack.
items: function(items) {
if (!arguments.length)
return deque.items().reverse();
items.forEach(function(item) {
return this;
// Push one or more items onto the stack.
push: function() {
deque.pushBack.apply(deque, arguments);
return this;
// Pop an item off of the stack.
pop: deque.popBack,
// Return the top item without modifying the stack.
peek: deque.peekBack,
// Return a copy of this stack.
copy: function() {
return this.factory().items(deque.items());
// Remove all items from the stack.
clear: function() {
return this;
// Iterate over items on the stack.
each: function(action, context) {
deque.reverseIterator(action, context);
return this;
// Return the count of items on the stack.
size: deque.size,
deque: deque,
factory: stack
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Queue - a FIFO queue (first in first out).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
containers.queue = function queue() {
var deque = containers.deque();
return {
// Set or get an array of items for this queue.
items: function(items) {
if (!arguments.length)
return deque.items();
items.forEach(function(item) {
return this;
// Add one or more items to the queue.
enq: function() {
deque.pushBack.apply(deque, arguments);
return this;
// Remove an item from the front of the queue.
deq: deque.popFront,
// Return the front item without modifying the queue.
peek: deque.peekFront,
// Return a copy of this queue.
copy: function() {
return this.factory().items(deque.items())
// Remove all items from the queue.
clear: function() {
return this;
// Iterate over items in the queue.
each: function(action, context) {
deque.forwardIterator(action, context);
return this;
// Return the count of items in the queue.
size: deque.size,
deque: deque,
factory: queue
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Priority queue - priority item first container.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
containers.priorityQueue = function priorityQueue() {
var heap = [],
// Min heap compare by default.
compare = function(a, b) { return a < b; };
return {
// Get or set the compare method for maintaining heap order.
// Method signature: function(a,b){};
compare: function(method) {
if (!arguments.length)
return compare;
compare = method;
return this;
// Get or set an array of items for this pq. O(n), O(logn)
items: function(items) {
if (!arguments.length)
return heap.slice(0, heap.length);
items.forEach(function(item) {
}, this);
return this;
// Add one or more items to the priority queue. O(logn)
insert: function() {, 0).forEach(function(item) {
return this;
// Remove the next item from the priority queue. O(logn)
remove: function() {
var head = null, last;
if (heap.length) {
head = heap[0];
last = heap.length - 1;
swap(0, last);
heap.splice(last, 1);
return head;
// Remove all items from the priority queue. O(1)
clear: function() {
heap = [];
return this;
// Return the head item without modifying the queue. O(1)
peek: function() {
var item = heap[0];
return item !== undefined ? item : null;
// Return a copy of the queue. O(n)
copy: function() {
return this.factory().compare(;
// Return the count of items in the priority queue. O(1)
size: function() {
return heap.length
factory: priorityQueue
// Sink an item from the top down to heap order.
function sink(h) {
var left = 2*h+1, right = 2*h+2, child = left;
if (left < heap.length) {
right < heap.length && compare(heap[right], heap[left]) && child++;
if (compare(heap[child], heap[h])) {
swap(h, child);
// Float an item from the bottom up to heap order.
function float(h) {
var parent = Math.floor((h-1)/2);
if (parent >= 0 && compare(heap[h], heap[parent])) {
swap(h, parent);
// Swap two heap elements by index.
function swap(i, j) {
var tmp = heap[i];
heap[i] = heap[j];
heap[j] = tmp;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Set - a container for unique items.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
containers.set = function set() {
var st = Object.create(null), size = 0,
// The default key function for items added to the set.
key = function() {
return ''.concat('(', this, ':', encodeType(this), ')');
return {
// Get or set the key method for item key generation.
key: function(method) {
return key;
key = method;
return this;
// Set or get an array of items for this pq.
items: function(items) {
if (!arguments.length)
return getItems(this.each);
items.forEach(function(item) {
}, this);
return this;
// Return an array of this set's keys.
keys: function() {
return getKeys(this.each).sort();
// Add one or more items to the set.
add: function() {, 0).forEach(function(item) {
if (item === undefined) return;
var k =;
if (st[k] === undefined) {
st[k] = item;
}, this);
return this;
// Remove one or more items from the set.
remove: function() {, 0).forEach(function(item) {
var k =;
if (st[k] !== undefined) {
delete st[k];
}, this);
return this;
// Clear all items from the set.
clear: function() {
st = Object.create(null);
size = 0;
return this;
// Return true if the set contains the item.
has: function(item) {
return st[] === undefined ? false : true;
// Return the number of items in this set.
size: function() {
return size;
// Iterate over items in the set.
each: function(action, context) {
for (var k in st), st[k], k);
return this;
// Return a copy of this set.
copy: function() {
return this.factory().key(this.key()).items(this.items());
// Convert this set to a representative string implicitly.
toString: function() {
return '{' + this.keys().join(',') + '}';
// Return true if b is equal to this set.
equals: function(b) {
var eq = true;
if (this !== b) {
// Sets should be the same size.
if (this.size() !== b.size())
return false;
// Sets should have the same items.
this.each(function(item) {
eq = eq && b.has(item);
return eq;
return true;
// a ∪ b (elements of b added to a)
union: function(b) {
b.each(function(item) {
}, this);
return this;
// a ∩ b (elements common to both a and b)
intersection: function(b) {
this.each(function(item) {
if (!b.has(item))
}, this);
return this;
// a \ b (relative complement of b in a, a minus b)
complement: function(b) {
b.each(function(item) {
}, this);
return this;
// a Δ b (symmetric difference, (a ∪ b) minus (a ∩ b))
difference: function(b) {
var intersection = this.copy().intersection(b);
return this;
factory: set
// Return an array of this set's items.
function getItems(iterator) {
var items = [];
iterator(function(item) {
return items;
// Return an array of this set's keys.
function getKeys(iterator) {
var keys = [];
iterator(function(item, key) {
return keys;
})(typeof exports !== 'undefined' && exports || this);
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