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Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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A toy implementation of Huffman compression
// huffman.js © 2014 James Abney
// Huffman coding was invented by David A. Huffman of MIT, 1952.
(function() {
'use strict';
// A toy implementation of Huffman compression. The result of
// encoding is a bit string. In this form it's not truly compressed,
// but the bit string represents the binary values after compression.
function huffman(str) {
var ft = frequencyTable(str), ht = huffTree(ft);
return {
// Encode a string into its compressed, binary representation.
encode: function() {
var bits = '';
str.split('').forEach(function(c) {
var node = ft[c], enc = [];
// Start at a leaf (character) node and trace up to the root.
while (node.parent) {
// Right nodes get a '1' and left get '0';
enc.push(node === node.parent.right ? '1' : '0');
node = node.parent;
// Add the symbol's bits to the output.
bits += enc.reverse().join('');
return bits;
// Decode a bit string into its original text form.
decode: function(code) {
var a = code.split('').reverse(), node, str = '';
while(a.length) {
// Start at root and swallow each bit to navigate the tree.
node = ht;
while(node.chr === null)
// Find right or left path through the tree.
node = find(a.pop(), node);
str += node.chr;
return str;
// Return a node to be added to the tree.
function node(chr, freq, right, left) {
return { chr:chr, freq:freq, right:right, left:left };
// Return a table of frequencies based on the string.
function frequencyTable(str) {
var h = Object.create(null), k, len = str.length;
str.split('').forEach(function(c) {
h[c] && h[c].freq++ || (h[c] = node(c, 1));
return h;
// Build the tree that enables Huffman compression.
// When the algorithm finishes, the node queue will have
// a single remaining element: the root of the tree.
function huffTree(ft) {
var a, b, n, pq = nodeQueue(ft);
while(pq.size() > 1) {
a = pq.remove();
b = pq.remove();
n = node(null, a.freq + b.freq, a, b);
a.parent = b.parent = n;
// Return the root node.
return pq.remove();
// Create and populate a priority queue
// with nodes from the frequency table.
function nodeQueue(ft) {
var k, pq, nodeList = [];
for (k in ft)
return new PriorityQueue(
function(a, b) { return a.freq < b.freq; })
// Find the next node during decode.
function find(bit, obj) {
return bit === '1' ? obj.right : obj.left;
// A heap-based priority queue.
function PriorityQueue(compare) {
var compare = compare || function(a, b) { return a < b; },
heap = [],
slice = Array.prototype.slice;
// Initialize the priority queue with an array of items.
this.init = function(items) {
if (heap.length) heap = [];
this.insert.apply(null, items);
return this;
// Insert one or more items into the priority queue.
this.insert = function() {, 0).forEach(function(item) {
float(heap.length - 1);
return this;
// Remove and return the next queue element.
this.remove = function() {
var head = null, last;
if (heap.length) {
head = heap[0];
last = heap.length - 1;
swap(0, last);
heap.splice(last, 1);
return head;
// Clear all items from the queue.
this.clear = function() {
heap = [];
return this;
// Return the top item without modifying the queue.
this.peek = function() {
return heap[0];
// Return the number of items in the queue.
this.size = function() {
return heap.length;
// Return true if the queue is empty.
this.empty = function() {
return !this.length;
// Sink an item from the top down to heap order.
function sink(h) {
var left = 2*h+1, right = 2*h+2, child = left;
if (left < heap.length) {
right < heap.length && compare(heap[right], heap[left]) && child++;
if (compare(heap[child], heap[h])) {
swap(h, child);
// Float an item from the bottom up to heap order.
function float(h) {
var parent = Math.floor((h-1)/2);
if (parent >= 0 && compare(heap[h], heap[parent])) {
swap(h, parent);
// Swap two heap elements by index.
function swap(i, j) {
var tmp = heap[i];
heap[i] = heap[j];
heap[j] = tmp;
// This is the string to be compressed.
var di = "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are \
created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain \
unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the \
pursuit of Happiness.",
// Initialize the codec.
huff = huffman(di), en;
// Encode and decode.
console.log('encoded bits:', en = huff.encode());
console.log('decoded string:', huff.decode(en));
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