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Last active September 25, 2017 12:32
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.vimrc file
" Inspired from
" Enable syntax colors
syntax enable
" Set line numbers
set number
set relativenumber
" Set tabs and spaces
set tabstop=2
set softtabstop=2
set expandtab
" Show last command at bottom
set showcmd
" Highlight current line
set cursorline
" Highlight matching brackets
set showmatch
" Search as characters are entered
set incsearch
" Highlight matches
set hlsearch
" Code folding
set foldenable
set foldlevelstart=10
set foldnestmax=10
" space open/closes folds
nnoremap <space> za
" fold based on indent level
set foldmethod=indent
" move to beginning/end of line
nnoremap B ^
nnoremap E $
" $/^ doesn't do anything
nnoremap $ <nop>
nnoremap ^ <nop>
" highlight last inserted text
nnoremap gV `[v`]
" strips trailing whitespace at the end of files. this
" is called on buffer write in the autogroup above.
function! <SID>StripTrailingWhitespaces()
" save last search & cursor position
let _s=@/
let l = line(".")
let c = col(".")
let @/=_s
call cursor(l, c)
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