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Created July 2, 2024 19:11
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PermissionedNodeRegistry with counting tabultation
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
pragma solidity 0.8.16;
import { Math } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/math/Math.sol";
import { PausableUpgradeable } from "@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/security/PausableUpgradeable.sol";
import { AccessControlUpgradeable } from "@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/access/AccessControlUpgradeable.sol";
import { ReentrancyGuardUpgradeable } from "@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/security/ReentrancyGuardUpgradeable.sol";
import { UtilLib } from "./library/UtilLib.sol";
import { ValidatorStatus } from "./library/ValidatorStatus.sol";
import { IStaderConfig } from "./interfaces/IStaderConfig.sol";
import { IVaultFactory } from "./interfaces/IVaultFactory.sol";
import { IPoolUtils } from "./interfaces/IPoolUtils.sol";
import { Operator, Validator, INodeRegistry } from "./interfaces/INodeRegistry.sol";
import { IPermissionedPool } from "./interfaces/IPermissionedPool.sol";
import { IValidatorWithdrawalVault } from "./interfaces/IValidatorWithdrawalVault.sol";
import { ISDCollateral } from "./interfaces/SDCollateral/ISDCollateral.sol";
import { IPermissionedNodeRegistry } from "./interfaces/IPermissionedNodeRegistry.sol";
contract PermissionedNodeRegistry is
using Math for uint256;
uint8 public constant override POOL_ID = 2;
uint16 public override inputKeyCountLimit;
uint64 public override maxNonTerminalKeyPerOperator;
IStaderConfig public staderConfig;
uint256 public override nextValidatorId;
uint256 public override totalActiveValidatorCount;
uint256 public override verifiedKeyBatchSize;
uint256 public override nextOperatorId;
uint256 public override operatorIdForExcessDeposit;
uint256 public override totalActiveOperatorCount;
uint256 public override maxOperatorId;
// mapping of validator Id and Validator struct
mapping(uint256 => Validator) public override validatorRegistry;
// mapping of bytes public key and validator Id
mapping(bytes => uint256) public override validatorIdByPubkey;
// mapping of operator Id and Operator struct
mapping(uint256 => Operator) public override operatorStructById;
// mapping of operator address and operator Id
mapping(address => uint256) public override operatorIDByAddress;
// mapping of whitelisted permissioned node operator
mapping(address => bool) public override permissionList;
//mapping of operator wise queued validator Ids arrays
mapping(uint256 => uint256[]) public override validatorIdsByOperatorId;
//mapping of operator Id and nextQueuedValidatorIndex
mapping(uint256 => uint256) public override nextQueuedValidatorIndexByOperatorId;
mapping(uint256 => uint256) public socializingPoolStateChangeBlock;
mapping(uint256 => address) public proposedRewardAddressByOperatorId;
// manage non terminal validator key count dynamically to lower gas cost of adding keys
mapping(uint256 => uint256) public nonTerminalKeyCountByOperatorId;
/// @custom:oz-upgrades-unsafe-allow constructor
constructor() {
function initialize(address _admin, address _staderConfig) external initializer {
staderConfig = IStaderConfig(_staderConfig);
nextOperatorId = 1;
nextValidatorId = 1;
operatorIdForExcessDeposit = 1;
inputKeyCountLimit = 50;
maxOperatorId = 10;
maxNonTerminalKeyPerOperator = 50;
verifiedKeyBatchSize = 50;
_grantRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, _admin);
* @notice white list the permissioned node operator
* @dev only `MANAGER` can call, whitelisting a one way change there is no blacklisting
* @param _permissionedNOs array of permissioned NOs address
function whitelistPermissionedNOs(address[] calldata _permissionedNOs) external override {
UtilLib.onlyManagerRole(msg.sender, staderConfig);
uint256 permissionedNosLength = _permissionedNOs.length;
for (uint256 i; i < permissionedNosLength; i++) {
address operator = _permissionedNOs[i];
permissionList[operator] = true;
emit OperatorWhitelisted(operator);
* @notice onboard a node operator
* @dev only whitelisted NOs can call
* @param _operatorName name of operator
* @param _operatorRewardAddress eth1 address of operator to get rewards and withdrawals
* @return feeRecipientAddress fee recipient address for all validator clients of a operator
function onboardNodeOperator(
string calldata _operatorName,
address payable _operatorRewardAddress
) external override whenNotPaused returns (address feeRecipientAddress) {
address poolUtils = staderConfig.getPoolUtils();
if (IPoolUtils(poolUtils).poolAddressById(POOL_ID) != staderConfig.getPermissionedPool()) {
revert DuplicatePoolIDOrPoolNotAdded();
if (nextOperatorId > maxOperatorId) {
revert MaxOperatorLimitReached();
if (!permissionList[msg.sender]) {
revert NotAPermissionedNodeOperator();
//checks if operator already onboarded in any pool of protocol
if (IPoolUtils(poolUtils).isExistingOperator(msg.sender)) {
revert OperatorAlreadyOnBoardedInProtocol();
feeRecipientAddress = staderConfig.getPermissionedSocializingPool();
onboardOperator(_operatorName, _operatorRewardAddress);
return feeRecipientAddress;
* @notice add validator keys
* @dev only accepts call from onboarded NOs along with sufficient SD lockup
* @param _pubkey pubkey key of validators
* @param _preDepositSignature signature of a validators for 1ETH deposit
* @param _depositSignature signature of a validator for 31ETH deposit
function addValidatorKeys(
bytes[] calldata _pubkey,
bytes[] calldata _preDepositSignature,
bytes[] calldata _depositSignature
) external override whenNotPaused {
uint256 operatorId = onlyActiveOperator(msg.sender);
(uint256 keyCount, uint256 operatorTotalKeys) = checkInputKeysCountAndCollateral(
address vaultFactory = staderConfig.getVaultFactory();
address poolUtils = staderConfig.getPoolUtils();
for (uint256 i; i < keyCount; ) {
IPoolUtils(poolUtils).onlyValidKeys(_pubkey[i], _preDepositSignature[i], _depositSignature[i]);
address withdrawVault = IVaultFactory(vaultFactory).deployWithdrawVault(
operatorTotalKeys + i, //operator totalKeys
validatorRegistry[nextValidatorId] = Validator(
validatorIdByPubkey[_pubkey[i]] = nextValidatorId;
emit AddedValidatorKey(msg.sender, _pubkey[i], nextValidatorId);
unchecked {
incrementOperatorNonTerminalKeyCount(operatorId, keyCount);
* @notice operator selection logic
* @dev first iteration is round robin based on capacity,
* second iteration exhaust the capacity in sequential manner and
* update the operatorId to pick operator for next sequence in next cycle
* all array start with index 1
* @param _numValidators validator to deposit with permissioned pool
* @return selectedOperatorCapacity operator wise count of validator to deposit
function allocateValidatorsAndUpdateOperatorId(
uint256 _numValidators
) external override returns (uint256[] memory selectedOperatorCapacity) {
UtilLib.onlyStaderContract(msg.sender, staderConfig, staderConfig.PERMISSIONED_POOL());
// nextOperatorId is total operator count plus 1
selectedOperatorCapacity = new uint256[](nextOperatorId);
uint256 validatorPerOperator = _numValidators / totalActiveOperatorCount;
uint256[] memory remainingOperatorCapacity = new uint256[](nextOperatorId);
uint256 totalValidatorToDeposit;
bool validatorPerOperatorGreaterThanZero = (validatorPerOperator > 0);
if (validatorPerOperatorGreaterThanZero) {
for (uint256 i = 1; i < nextOperatorId; i++) {
if (!operatorStructById[i].active) {
remainingOperatorCapacity[i] = getOperatorQueuedValidatorCount(i);
selectedOperatorCapacity[i] = Math.min(remainingOperatorCapacity[i], validatorPerOperator);
totalValidatorToDeposit += selectedOperatorCapacity[i];
remainingOperatorCapacity[i] -= selectedOperatorCapacity[i];
// check for more validators to deposit and select operators with excess supply in a sequential order
// and update the starting index of operator for next sequence after every iteration
if (_numValidators > totalValidatorToDeposit) {
uint256 totalOperators = nextOperatorId - 1;
uint256 remainingValidatorsToDeposit = _numValidators - totalValidatorToDeposit;
uint256 i = operatorIdForExcessDeposit;
do {
if (!operatorStructById[i].active) {
i = (i % totalOperators) + 1;
uint256 remainingCapacity = validatorPerOperatorGreaterThanZero
? remainingOperatorCapacity[i]
: getOperatorQueuedValidatorCount(i);
uint256 newSelectedCapacity = Math.min(remainingCapacity, remainingValidatorsToDeposit);
selectedOperatorCapacity[i] += newSelectedCapacity;
remainingValidatorsToDeposit -= newSelectedCapacity;
i = (i % totalOperators) + 1;
if (remainingValidatorsToDeposit == 0) {
operatorIdForExcessDeposit = i;
} while (i != operatorIdForExcessDeposit);
* @notice move validator state from PRE_DEPOSIT to DEPOSIT
* after verifying pre-sign message, front running and deposit signature.
* report front run and invalid signature pubkeys
* @dev only stader oracle contract can call
* @param _readyToDepositPubkey array of pubkeys ready to be moved to DEPOSIT state
* @param _frontRunPubkey array for pubkeys which got front deposit
* @param _invalidSignaturePubkey array of pubkey which has invalid signature for deposit
function markValidatorReadyToDeposit(
bytes[] calldata _readyToDepositPubkey,
bytes[] calldata _frontRunPubkey,
bytes[] calldata _invalidSignaturePubkey
) external override nonReentrant whenNotPaused {
UtilLib.onlyStaderContract(msg.sender, staderConfig, staderConfig.STADER_ORACLE());
uint256 readyToDepositValidatorsLength = _readyToDepositPubkey.length;
uint256 frontRunValidatorsLength = _frontRunPubkey.length;
uint256 invalidSignatureValidatorsLength = _invalidSignaturePubkey.length;
if (
readyToDepositValidatorsLength + frontRunValidatorsLength + invalidSignatureValidatorsLength >
) {
revert TooManyVerifiedKeysReported();
//handle the front run validators
for (uint256 i; i < frontRunValidatorsLength; ) {
uint256 validatorId = validatorIdByPubkey[_frontRunPubkey[i]];
// only PRE_DEPOSIT status check will also include validatorId = 0 check
// as status for that will be INITIALIZED(default status)
uint256 operatorId = validatorRegistry[validatorId].operatorId;
decrementOperatorNonTerminalKeyCount(operatorId, 1);
emit ValidatorMarkedAsFrontRunned(_frontRunPubkey[i], validatorId);
unchecked {
//handle the invalid signature validators
for (uint256 i; i < invalidSignatureValidatorsLength; ) {
uint256 validatorId = validatorIdByPubkey[_invalidSignaturePubkey[i]];
// only PRE_DEPOSIT status check will also include validatorId = 0 check
// as status for that will be INITIALIZED(default status)
validatorRegistry[validatorId].status = ValidatorStatus.INVALID_SIGNATURE;
uint256 operatorId = validatorRegistry[validatorId].operatorId;
decrementOperatorNonTerminalKeyCount(operatorId, 1);
emit ValidatorStatusMarkedAsInvalidSignature(_invalidSignaturePubkey[i], validatorId);
unchecked {
address permissionedPool = staderConfig.getPermissionedPool();
uint256 totalDefectedKeys = frontRunValidatorsLength + invalidSignatureValidatorsLength;
if (totalDefectedKeys > 0) {
* @notice Flag fully withdrawn validators as reported by oracle.
* @dev list of pubkeys reported by oracle, revert if terminal validators are reported
* @param _pubkeys array of withdrawn validators pubkey
function withdrawnValidators(bytes[] calldata _pubkeys) external override {
UtilLib.onlyStaderContract(msg.sender, staderConfig, staderConfig.STADER_ORACLE());
uint256 withdrawnValidatorCount = _pubkeys.length;
if (withdrawnValidatorCount > staderConfig.getWithdrawnKeyBatchSize()) {
revert TooManyWithdrawnKeysReported();
for (uint256 i; i < withdrawnValidatorCount; ) {
uint256 validatorId = validatorIdByPubkey[_pubkeys[i]];
if (validatorRegistry[validatorId].status != ValidatorStatus.DEPOSITED) {
validatorRegistry[validatorId].status = ValidatorStatus.WITHDRAWN;
validatorRegistry[validatorId].withdrawnBlock = block.number;
uint256 operatorId = validatorRegistry[validatorId].operatorId;
decrementOperatorNonTerminalKeyCount(operatorId, 1);
emit ValidatorWithdrawn(_pubkeys[i], validatorId);
unchecked {
* @notice deactivate a node operator from running new validator clients
* @dev only accept call from address having `MANAGER` role
* @param _operatorId Id of the operator to deactivate
function deactivateNodeOperator(uint256 _operatorId) external override {
UtilLib.onlyManagerRole(msg.sender, staderConfig);
if (!operatorStructById[_operatorId].active) {
revert OperatorAlreadyDeactivate();
* @notice activate a node operator for running new validator clients
* @dev only accept call from address having `MANAGER` role
* @param _operatorId Id of the operator to activate
function activateNodeOperator(uint256 _operatorId) external override {
UtilLib.onlyManagerRole(msg.sender, staderConfig);
if (operatorStructById[_operatorId].active) {
revert OperatorAlreadyActive();
* @notice update the `nextQueuedValidatorIndex` for operator
* @dev only permissioned pool can call
* @param _operatorId Id of the node operator
* @param _nextQueuedValidatorIndex updated next index of queued validator per operator
function updateQueuedValidatorIndex(uint256 _operatorId, uint256 _nextQueuedValidatorIndex) external override {
UtilLib.onlyStaderContract(msg.sender, staderConfig, staderConfig.PERMISSIONED_POOL());
nextQueuedValidatorIndexByOperatorId[_operatorId] = _nextQueuedValidatorIndex;
emit UpdatedQueuedValidatorIndex(_operatorId, _nextQueuedValidatorIndex);
* @notice sets the deposit block for a validator and update status to DEPOSITED
* @dev only permissioned pool can call
* @param _validatorId Id of the validator
function updateDepositStatusAndBlock(uint256 _validatorId) external override {
UtilLib.onlyStaderContract(msg.sender, staderConfig, staderConfig.PERMISSIONED_POOL());
validatorRegistry[_validatorId].depositBlock = block.number;
emit UpdatedValidatorDepositBlock(_validatorId, block.number);
* @notice update the status of a validator to `PRE_DEPOSIT`
* @dev only `PERMISSIONED_POOL` role can call
* @param _pubkey pubkey of the validator
function markValidatorStatusAsPreDeposit(bytes calldata _pubkey) external override {
UtilLib.onlyStaderContract(msg.sender, staderConfig, staderConfig.PERMISSIONED_POOL());
uint256 validatorId = validatorIdByPubkey[_pubkey];
validatorRegistry[validatorId].status = ValidatorStatus.PRE_DEPOSIT;
emit MarkedValidatorStatusAsPreDeposit(_pubkey);
* @notice propose the new reward address of an operator
* @dev only the existing reward address (msg.sender) can propose
* @param _operatorAddress operator address
* @param _newRewardAddress new reward address
function proposeRewardAddress(address _operatorAddress, address _newRewardAddress) external override {
uint256 _operatorId = operatorIDByAddress[_operatorAddress];
address existingRewardAddress = operatorStructById[_operatorId].operatorRewardAddress;
if (msg.sender != existingRewardAddress) {
revert CallerNotExistingRewardAddress();
proposedRewardAddressByOperatorId[_operatorId] = _newRewardAddress;
emit RewardAddressProposed(_operatorAddress, _newRewardAddress);
* @notice confirms and sets the new reward address of an operator
* @dev only the new reward address (msg.sender) can confirm
* @param _operatorAddress operator address
function confirmRewardAddressChange(address _operatorAddress) external override {
uint256 _operatorId = operatorIDByAddress[_operatorAddress];
if (msg.sender != proposedRewardAddressByOperatorId[_operatorId]) {
revert CallerNotNewRewardAddress();
delete proposedRewardAddressByOperatorId[_operatorId];
operatorStructById[_operatorId].operatorRewardAddress = payable(msg.sender);
emit OperatorRewardAddressUpdated(_operatorAddress, msg.sender);
* @notice update the name of an operator
* @dev only operator msg.sender can update
* @param _operatorName new name of the operator
function updateOperatorName(string calldata _operatorName) external override {
uint256 operatorId = operatorIDByAddress[msg.sender];
operatorStructById[operatorId].operatorName = _operatorName;
emit UpdatedOperatorName(msg.sender, _operatorName);
* @notice update the maximum non terminal key limit per operator
* @dev only `MANAGER` role can call
* @param _maxNonTerminalKeyPerOperator updated maximum non terminal key per operator limit
function updateMaxNonTerminalKeyPerOperator(uint64 _maxNonTerminalKeyPerOperator) external override {
UtilLib.onlyManagerRole(msg.sender, staderConfig);
maxNonTerminalKeyPerOperator = _maxNonTerminalKeyPerOperator;
emit UpdatedMaxNonTerminalKeyPerOperator(maxNonTerminalKeyPerOperator);
* @notice update number of validator keys that can be added in a single tx by the operator
* @dev only `OPERATOR` role can call
* @param _inputKeyCountLimit updated maximum key limit in the input
function updateInputKeyCountLimit(uint16 _inputKeyCountLimit) external override {
UtilLib.onlyOperatorRole(msg.sender, staderConfig);
inputKeyCountLimit = _inputKeyCountLimit;
emit UpdatedInputKeyCountLimit(inputKeyCountLimit);
* @notice update the max number of verified validator keys reported by oracle in single tx
* @dev only `OPERATOR` can call
* @param _verifiedKeysBatchSize updated maximum verified key limit in the oracle input
function updateVerifiedKeysBatchSize(uint256 _verifiedKeysBatchSize) external {
UtilLib.onlyOperatorRole(msg.sender, staderConfig);
verifiedKeyBatchSize = _verifiedKeysBatchSize;
emit UpdatedVerifiedKeyBatchSize(_verifiedKeysBatchSize);
* @notice update the max operator Id value
* @dev only `OPERATOR` can call
* @param _maxOperatorId value of new max operator Id
function updateMaxOperatorId(uint256 _maxOperatorId) external {
UtilLib.onlyOperatorRole(msg.sender, staderConfig);
maxOperatorId = _maxOperatorId;
emit MaxOperatorIdLimitChanged(_maxOperatorId);
* @notice update the address of staderConfig
* @dev only `DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE` role can update
function updateStaderConfig(address _staderConfig) external onlyRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE) {
staderConfig = IStaderConfig(_staderConfig);
emit UpdatedStaderConfig(_staderConfig);
// @inheritdoc INodeRegistry
function getSocializingPoolStateChangeBlock(uint256 _operatorId) external view returns (uint256) {
return socializingPoolStateChangeBlock[_operatorId];
* @notice increase the total active validator count
* @dev only permissioned pool calls it when it does the deposit of 1 ETH for validator
* @param _count count to increase total active validator value
function increaseTotalActiveValidatorCount(uint256 _count) external override {
UtilLib.onlyStaderContract(msg.sender, staderConfig, staderConfig.PERMISSIONED_POOL());
totalActiveValidatorCount += _count;
emit IncreasedTotalActiveValidatorCount(totalActiveValidatorCount);
* @notice computes total queued keys for permissioned pool
* @dev compute by looping over operators queued keys count
* @return _validatorCount queued validator count
function getTotalQueuedValidatorCount() external view override returns (uint256) {
uint256 totalQueuedValidators;
for (uint256 i = 1; i < nextOperatorId; ) {
if (operatorStructById[i].active) {
totalQueuedValidators += getOperatorQueuedValidatorCount(i);
unchecked {
return totalQueuedValidators;
* @notice returns total active keys for permissioned pool
* @dev return the variable totalActiveValidatorCount
* @return _validatorCount active validator count
function getTotalActiveValidatorCount() external view override returns (uint256) {
return totalActiveValidatorCount;
* @notice get the total added keys for an operator
* @dev length of the validatorIds array for an operator
* @param _operatorId Id of node operator
function getOperatorTotalKeys(uint256 _operatorId) public view override returns (uint256 _totalKeys) {
_totalKeys = validatorIdsByOperatorId[_operatorId].length;
* @param _nodeOperator @notice operator total non terminal keys within a specified validator list
function getOperatorTotalNonTerminalKeys(address _nodeOperator) public view returns (uint256) {
uint256 operatorId = operatorIDByAddress[_nodeOperator];
uint256 totalNonTerminalKeys = nonTerminalKeyCountByOperatorId[operatorId];
if (totalNonTerminalKeys > 0) {
return totalNonTerminalKeys;
// for compatibility with previous implementation
// iteratively count the existing non terminal keys - O(n)
uint256 validatorCount = getOperatorTotalKeys(operatorId);
uint256 totalNonWithdrawnKeyCount;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < validatorCount; ) {
uint256 validatorId = validatorIdsByOperatorId[operatorId][i];
if (isNonTerminalValidator(validatorId)) {
unchecked {
return totalNonWithdrawnKeyCount;
function getCollateralETH() external pure override returns (uint256) {
return 0;
* @notice returns the operator reward address
* @param _operatorId operator Id
function getOperatorRewardAddress(uint256 _operatorId) external view override returns (address payable) {
return operatorStructById[_operatorId].operatorRewardAddress;
* @dev Triggers stopped state.
* Contract must not be paused
function pause() external override {
UtilLib.onlyManagerRole(msg.sender, staderConfig);
* @dev Returns to normal state.
* Contract must be paused
function unpause() external override {
UtilLib.onlyManagerRole(msg.sender, staderConfig);
* @notice Returns an array of active validators
* @param _pageNumber The page number of the results to fetch (starting from 1).
* @param _pageSize The maximum number of items per page.
* @return An array of `Validator` objects representing the active validators.
function getAllActiveValidators(
uint256 _pageNumber,
uint256 _pageSize
) external view override returns (Validator[] memory) {
if (_pageNumber == 0) {
revert PageNumberIsZero();
uint256 startIndex = (_pageNumber - 1) * _pageSize + 1;
uint256 endIndex = startIndex + _pageSize;
endIndex = endIndex > nextValidatorId ? nextValidatorId : endIndex;
Validator[] memory validators = new Validator[](_pageSize);
uint256 validatorCount;
for (uint256 i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
if (isActiveValidator(i)) {
validators[validatorCount] = validatorRegistry[i];
// If the result array isn't full, resize it to remove the unused elements
assembly {
mstore(validators, validatorCount)
return validators;
* @notice Returns an array of all validators for an Operator
* @param _pageNumber The page number of the results to fetch (starting from 1).
* @param _pageSize The maximum number of items per page.
* @return An array of `Validator` objects representing all validators for an operator
function getValidatorsByOperator(
address _operator,
uint256 _pageNumber,
uint256 _pageSize
) external view override returns (Validator[] memory) {
if (_pageNumber == 0) {
revert PageNumberIsZero();
uint256 startIndex = (_pageNumber - 1) * _pageSize;
uint256 endIndex = startIndex + _pageSize;
uint256 operatorId = operatorIDByAddress[_operator];
if (operatorId == 0) {
revert OperatorNotOnBoarded();
uint256 validatorCount = getOperatorTotalKeys(operatorId);
endIndex = endIndex > validatorCount ? validatorCount : endIndex;
Validator[] memory validators = new Validator[](endIndex > startIndex ? endIndex - startIndex : 0);
for (uint256 i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
uint256 validatorId = validatorIdsByOperatorId[operatorId][i];
validators[i - startIndex] = validatorRegistry[validatorId];
return validators;
// check for duplicate keys in permissioned node registry
function isExistingPubkey(bytes calldata _pubkey) external view override returns (bool) {
return validatorIdByPubkey[_pubkey] != 0;
// check for duplicate operator in permissioned node registry
function isExistingOperator(address _operAddr) external view override returns (bool) {
return operatorIDByAddress[_operAddr] != 0;
// check for only PRE_DEPOSIT state validators
function onlyPreDepositValidator(bytes calldata _pubkey) external view override {
uint256 validatorId = validatorIdByPubkey[_pubkey];
function onboardOperator(string calldata _operatorName, address payable _operatorRewardAddress) internal {
operatorStructById[nextOperatorId] = Operator(true, true, _operatorName, _operatorRewardAddress, msg.sender);
operatorIDByAddress[msg.sender] = nextOperatorId;
socializingPoolStateChangeBlock[nextOperatorId] = block.number;
emit OnboardedOperator(msg.sender, _operatorRewardAddress, nextOperatorId - 1);
// handle front run validator by changing their status and deactivating operator
function handleFrontRun(uint256 _validatorId) internal {
validatorRegistry[_validatorId].status = ValidatorStatus.FRONT_RUN;
uint256 operatorId = validatorRegistry[_validatorId].operatorId;
if (operatorStructById[operatorId].active) {
// returns operator total queued validator count
function getOperatorQueuedValidatorCount(uint256 _operatorId) internal view returns (uint256 _validatorCount) {
_validatorCount =
validatorIdsByOperatorId[_operatorId].length -
// validate the input of `addValidatorKeys` function
function checkInputKeysCountAndCollateral(
uint256 _pubkeyLength,
uint256 _preDepositSignatureLength,
uint256 _depositSignatureLength,
uint256 _operatorId
) internal view returns (uint256 keyCount, uint256 totalKeys) {
if (_pubkeyLength != _preDepositSignatureLength || _pubkeyLength != _depositSignatureLength) {
revert MisMatchingInputKeysSize();
keyCount = _pubkeyLength;
if (keyCount == 0 || keyCount > inputKeyCountLimit) {
revert InvalidKeyCount();
uint256 totalNonTerminalKeys = getOperatorTotalNonTerminalKeys(msg.sender);
if ((totalNonTerminalKeys + keyCount) > maxNonTerminalKeyPerOperator) {
revert MaxKeyLimitReached();
//checks if operator has enough SD collateral for adding `keyCount` keys
//SD threshold for permissioned NOs is 0 for phase1
if (
totalNonTerminalKeys + keyCount
) {
revert NotEnoughSDCollateral();
// operator in active state
function onlyActiveOperator(address _operAddr) internal view returns (uint256 _operatorId) {
_operatorId = operatorIDByAddress[_operAddr];
if (_operatorId == 0) {
revert OperatorNotOnBoarded();
if (!operatorStructById[_operatorId].active) {
revert OperatorIsDeactivate();
// checks if validator is active,
//active validator are those having user deposit staked on beacon chain
function isActiveValidator(uint256 _validatorId) internal view returns (bool) {
Validator memory validator = validatorRegistry[_validatorId];
return (validator.status == ValidatorStatus.PRE_DEPOSIT || validator.status == ValidatorStatus.DEPOSITED);
// checks if validator status enum is not withdrawn ,front run and invalid signature
function isNonTerminalValidator(uint256 _validatorId) internal view returns (bool) {
Validator memory validator = validatorRegistry[_validatorId];
!(validator.status == ValidatorStatus.WITHDRAWN ||
validator.status == ValidatorStatus.FRONT_RUN ||
validator.status == ValidatorStatus.INVALID_SIGNATURE);
// decreases the pool total active validator count
function decreaseTotalActiveValidatorCount(uint256 _count) internal {
totalActiveValidatorCount -= _count;
emit DecreasedTotalActiveValidatorCount(totalActiveValidatorCount);
function onlyPreDepositValidator(uint256 _validatorId) internal view {
if (validatorRegistry[_validatorId].status != ValidatorStatus.PRE_DEPOSIT) {
function markValidatorDeposited(uint256 _validatorId) internal {
validatorRegistry[_validatorId].status = ValidatorStatus.DEPOSITED;
function _deactivateNodeOperator(uint256 _operatorId) internal {
operatorStructById[_operatorId].active = false;
emit OperatorDeactivated(_operatorId);
function _activateNodeOperator(uint256 _operatorId) internal {
operatorStructById[_operatorId].active = true;
emit OperatorActivated(_operatorId);
function incrementOperatorNonTerminalKeyCount(
uint256 _operatorId,
uint256 _keyCount
) internal returns (uint256 totalKeys_) {
// must first handle the case of operator not initialized in previous version
if (nonTerminalKeyCountByOperatorId[_operatorId] == 0) {
// full iterative count includes the above keycount
address operatorAddress = operatorStructById[_operatorId].operatorAddress;
totalKeys_ = getOperatorTotalNonTerminalKeys(operatorAddress);
nonTerminalKeyCountByOperatorId[_operatorId] = totalKeys_;
} else {
totalKeys_ = nonTerminalKeyCountByOperatorId[_operatorId] + _keyCount;
nonTerminalKeyCountByOperatorId[_operatorId] = totalKeys_;
emit OperatorNonTerminalKeyCount(_operatorId, totalKeys_);
function decrementOperatorNonTerminalKeyCount(
uint256 _operatorId,
uint256 _keyCount
) internal returns (uint256 totalKeys_) {
// must first handle the case of operator not initialized in previous version
if (nonTerminalKeyCountByOperatorId[_operatorId] == 0) {
// full iterative count includes the above keycount
address operatorAddress = operatorStructById[_operatorId].operatorAddress;
totalKeys_ = getOperatorTotalNonTerminalKeys(operatorAddress);
nonTerminalKeyCountByOperatorId[_operatorId] = totalKeys_;
} else {
totalKeys_ = nonTerminalKeyCountByOperatorId[_operatorId] - _keyCount;
nonTerminalKeyCountByOperatorId[_operatorId] = totalKeys_;
emit OperatorNonTerminalKeyCount(_operatorId, totalKeys_);
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