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Created April 7, 2019 19:51
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Apache Airflow from scratch on RedHat Linux 6.5 base install
Installed: Oracle Linux 6.5 Base system
Login as user root (or run the commands as user that has the privileges to create users)
1. As root, create the airflow user:
# useradd airflow
# passwd airflow
<type in a nice password><twice>
2. create the admins group
# groupadd admins
3. add user airflow to the admins group
# usermod -aG admins airflow
4. run visudo to allow the admins group to run the sudo command
# visudo
Login as user airflow
# Prereqs
## Download git-2.21.0.tar.gz and Python-3.6.8.tgz
sudo yum install gcc gcc-c++ openssl
sudo yum install curl curl-devel zlib zlib-devel
sudo yum install cyrus-sasl-devel.x86_64
# prereq if airflow should use sqlite. This may already be installed on your system, but it wasn't on mine.
sudo yum install sqlite-devel
# prereq if airflow should use mysql (or if you're going to use airflow[all])
sudo yum install mysql mysql-devel
# prereq if airflow should use postgresql (or if you're going to use airflow[all])
## On RedHat 6.x the max version included is 8.4. Python3 requires 9.1 as minimum. so get a later version:
##yum install
sudo yum install
sudo yum install postgresql96-devel
## remove the 8.4 version
sudo yum remove postgresql
sudo yum remove postgresql-devel
# For python and pip to use https:
sudo yum install openssl-devel
## some needed for mysql, some for python36/37, some for git. Next two unknown why these were initially installed. Not needed.
#sudo yum -y install @development
#sudo yum -y install libffi-devel
# Git
mkdir /appl/git
cd /home/airflow/Downloads/git
tar -zxvf git-2.21.0.tar.gz
cd git-2.21.0
./configure --prefix=/appl/git --with-gitconfig=/appl/git/gitconfig
make install
# we've added a later version of postgresql than the one provided by RedHat 6.x, include it in PATH
export PATH
# Python
mkdir /appl/python36
cd /home/airflow/Downloads/python/
tar -zxvf Python-3.6.8.tgz
cd Python-3.6.8
./configure --prefix=/appl/python36 --with-ensurepip=install
make install
# airflow
cd /appl
python3 -m venv /appl/airflow
source airflow/bin/activate
cd airflow/
pip3 install apache-airflow[all]
#(downloading and installing many files)
#(running many, many, many's. The cassandra-driver takes a very long time (4-5 minutes). Be patient!
#pip3 install --upgrade pip
# change all /home/airflow references in airflow.cfg to /appl/airflow, and ensure you have /appl/airflow and NOT /appl/airflow/airflow in $HOME/airflow/airflow.cfg
# in addition: load_examples = False
airflow initdb
nohup airflow webserver &
nohup airflow scheduler &
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