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Created November 20, 2016 20:22
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Example FitNesse fixture StopWorkflow
!1 Example how to stop a workflow with various options
!define app {Demo}
!define folder {Demo_Sandbox_Jac}
!define wf {wf_FixtureTest01}
!3 Basic call
|stop workflow|basic_stopcall_wf |
|application |folder |workflow name|Report error if not running|workflow stopped?|
|${app} |${folder}|${wf} |No |Yes |
!define instance {myInstanceName}
!3 Stop specific workflow instance
* Stops a workflow instance. Run this if a workflow can be invoked in parallel, using instance names
* Default for 'Report error if not running' = No
|stop workflow|wf_stopinstance_call_with_abort |
|application |folder |workflow name|instance |abort on error|workflow instance stopped?|
|${app} |${folder}|${wf} |${instance}|No |Yes |
!3 Extension - check error msg (if any)
* Default for 'Report error if not running' = No
* Default for 'Abort on error' = No for application IDQ (you might want to check the on this one)
|stop workflow|wf_stopcall_with_error_retrieval |
|application |folder |workflow name|workflow stopped?|error?|
|${app} |${folder}|${wf} |Yes | |
!3 Basic call - Stop Test page execution in case stop fails
* Default for 'Report error if not running' = No
* Abort test page if the stopping workflow fails
|stop workflow|wf_stopcall_with_abort |
|application |folder |workflow name|abort on error|workflow stopped?|
|${app} |${folder}|${wf} |Yes |Yes |
!define wf {wf_FixtureTest011}
!define instance {RUNINSTANCE1}
!3 Stop a workflow instance. If it's not running, report it as error. If stopping it fails, report an error so remaining tests do not execute
* All parameters provided explicitely
|stop workflow|stopcall_wf_instance_do_not_ignore_errors |
|application |folder |workflow name|instance |Report error if not running|abort on error|log level|workflow stopped?|
|${app} |${folder}|${wf} |${instance}|Yes |Yes |DEBUG|Yes |
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