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Created July 24, 2019 18:53
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Taproot Key Path Spend
from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework
from test_framework.address import program_to_witness
from test_framework.script import CScript, TaprootSignatureHash, taproot_construct
from test_framework.script import OP_DUP, OP_HASH160, OP_EQUALVERIFY, OP_CHECKSIG
from test_framework.messages import CTxInWitness, CScriptWitness, COutPoint, CTxIn, CTxOut, CTransaction, sha256
from test_framework.util import hex_str_to_bytes
from test_framework.key import ECKey
import hashlib
from io import BytesIO
import binascii
def tx_from_hex(hexstring):
tx = CTransaction()
f = BytesIO(hex_str_to_bytes(hexstring))
return tx
def get_taproot_bech32(info):
if isinstance(info, tuple):
info = info[0]
return program_to_witness(1, info[2:])
# Info is returned from the taproot constructor.
class TaprootKeyPathSpend(BitcoinTestFramework):
def set_test_params(self):
self.num_nodes = 1
self.setup_clean_chain = True
self.extra_args = [["-whitelist=", "-acceptnonstdtxn=0", "-par=1"]]
def run_test(self):
bal = self.nodes[0].getbalance()
# Taproot constructor.
# Private key(s) ...
sec1 = ECKey()
sec2 = ECKey()
# 2-of-2 key path
# Single spender key path.
pub1= sec1.get_pubkey()
pub2= sec1.get_pubkey()
# Generate p2pkh "tapscripts".
# These make no sense, because of checksig has changed meaning.
pkh1 ='ripemd160', sha256(pub1.get_bytes())).digest()
p2pkh1_script = CScript([OP_DUP, OP_HASH160, pkh1, OP_EQUALVERIFY, OP_CHECKSIG])
pkh2 ='ripemd160', sha256(pub2.get_bytes())).digest()
p2pkh2_script = CScript([OP_DUP, OP_HASH160, pkh2, OP_EQUALVERIFY, OP_CHECKSIG])
# Is this really spendable?
scripts = [p2pkh1_script, p2pkh2_script]
# Generate taproot address.
# TODO: add internal pubkey.
taproot_info = taproot_construct(pub1, scripts) # Internal pubkey.
outputs = {}
# Why is this generating weird stuff.
# addr = program_to_witness(1, taproot_info[0][2:]) # Suspect problem is here ...
addr = get_taproot_bech32(taproot_info)
outputs[addr] = bal / 100000
# Generate UTXO's
funding_txid_str = self.nodes[0].sendmany("", outputs) # is it this?
funding_tx_str = self.nodes[0].getrawtransaction(funding_txid_str)
funding_tx = tx_from_hex(funding_tx_str) # Server returns strings.
funding_tx.rehash() # When you deserialize txid is not recomputed.
# TODO: Handle randomized change output index
index = 0
utxos = funding_tx.vout
output = utxos[index]
while (utxos[index].scriptPubKey != taproot_info[0]):
index += 1
output = utxos[index]
funding_value = output.nValue
# Spend top key? Sign for Q!
# Need to tweak private key.
sec1_tweaked = sec1.tweak_add(taproot_info[1])
# Generate spending transaction [version][in][][locktime]
tx_spending = CTransaction()
tx_spending.nVersion = 1 # See L319 from
tx_spending.nLockTime = 0
utxo = COutPoint(funding_tx.sha256, index) # Sha256 is bytes. hash is str.
tx_input = CTxIn(outpoint = utxo) # WitTX, no Scriptsig. = [tx_input]
# Reconstruct output which sends back to host wallet.
# [version][in][out][locktime]
dest_addr = self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(address_type="bech32")
spk = hex_str_to_bytes(self.nodes[0].getaddressinfo(dest_addr)['scriptPubKey'])
min_fee = 5000
dest_out= CTxOut(nValue=funding_value-min_fee, scriptPubKey=spk)
tx_spending.vout = [dest_out]
# Witness Construction (a nightmare.)
htv = [0,1,2,3,0x81,0x82,0x83]
# output = funding_tx.vout[index-1] # CTxOut
sighash = TaprootSignatureHash(tx_spending, [output], htv[0])
print(type(tx_spending), type(output))
sig1 = sec1_tweaked.sign_schnorr(sighash) #Succeeds
# Can this be shortened ...
witness = CScriptWitness()
witness_in = CTxInWitness()
witness_in.scriptWitness = witness
tx_spending_str = tx_spending.serialize().hex()
# Broadcast transaction.
# print(self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(tx_spending_str))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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