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Created July 19, 2011 08:09
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Drupal 8 HTML5 Initiative Meeting #4
[2011-07-12 15::55:31] rupl: WHO'S READY TO PARTAY??
[2011-07-12 15::55:38] » scottalan joined the chat room.
[2011-07-12 15::55:42] mortendk: rupl: always with you pretty boy
[2011-07-12 15::55:42] » nomonstersinme_ joined the chat room.
[2011-07-12 15::56:19] rupl: mortendk: especially with that xx-small t-shirt. that would fit me... in 1993
[2011-07-12 15::56:22] » aspilicious joined the chat room.
[2011-07-12 15::56:37] aspilicious: ericduran|mtg, Great job on those sprint patches :)
[2011-07-12 15::57:07] mortendk: rupl: yup and its even a girl version - so it would been really good for you in like 1989 ;=
[2011-07-12 15::57:27] » ericduran|mtg is now known as ericduran.
[2011-07-12 15::57:29] ericduran: aspilicious: oh thanks
[2011-07-12 15::57:35] ericduran: I tried getting them all done ;)
[2011-07-12 15::57:36] rupl: mortendk: I was 6 then, old man :p
[2011-07-12 15::57:50] mortendk: is older and wiser
[2011-07-12 15::57:59] ericduran: I was 3 :(
[2011-07-12 15::58:02] mortendk: ericduran: youre a goddamn rockstar
[2011-07-12 15::58:02] ericduran: :-p
[2011-07-12 15::58:13] aspilicious: I was maybe 1
[2011-07-12 15::58:20] ericduran: lol nice
[2011-07-12 15::58:30] mortendk: goddammit ....
[2011-07-12 15::58:33] rupl: aspilicious: you win
[2011-07-12 15::59:01] webchick: hey hey party people!
[2011-07-12 15::59:11] mortendk: mumbles something about spacergifs (x.gif) & font tags ...
[2011-07-12 15::59:15] ericduran: oh now the real party begins
[2011-07-12 15::59:21] aspilicious: webchick practicing for being a dance festival host?
[2011-07-12 15::59:29] ericduran: lol
[2011-07-12 15::59:30] webchick: spacer-gifs mortendk's font tags
[2011-07-12 15::59:46] webchick: aspilicious: Um. Definitely not. Unless my goal was to scare people to death.
[2011-07-12 15::59:52] rupl: webchick: howdy!
[2011-07-12 15::59:53] jacine: hey guys!! how's everyone doing?
[2011-07-12 16::00:01] travist: jacine: awesome!
[2011-07-12 16::00:03] ericduran: ok
[2011-07-12 16::00:15] ericduran: clearly I need to hang out with travist more
[2011-07-12 16::00:16] mortendk: webchick: that we did also - im trying to teach em younguns some respect for the elderly ;)
[2011-07-12 16::00:25] jacine: travist: Nice job on the mediafront presentation :D
[2011-07-12 16::00:27] travist: ericduran: nothing but rainbows and unicorns here.
[2011-07-12 16::00:28] aspilicious: jacine ericduran saved your sprint deadline
[2011-07-12 16::00:30] travist: jacine: thanks!
[2011-07-12 16::00:36] jacine: ericduran++
[2011-07-12 16::00:42] ericduran: not really
[2011-07-12 16::00:44] mortendk: webchick: all they wanna do is this fancy html5.1 stuff ;)
[2011-07-12 16::00:45] jacine: ericduran+100 haha
[2011-07-12 16::00:45] ericduran: I tried really hard
[2011-07-12 16::00:50] ericduran: but sort of failed lol
[2011-07-12 16::00:55] jacine: ericduran: you did not fail.
[2011-07-12 16::01:01] ericduran: lol
[2011-07-12 16::01:02] rupl: ericduran: no fail, only awesome
[2011-07-12 16::01:12] jacine: hugs ericduran
[2011-07-12 16::01:18] webchick: mortendk: Know what I say to that? nbsp; that's what!
[2011-07-12 16::01:22] webchick: oh shit.
[2011-07-12 16::01:25] webchick:   I meant
[2011-07-12 16::01:26] webchick: <— n00b
[2011-07-12 16::01:32] jacine: LOL
[2011-07-12 16::01:42] ericduran: lol
[2011-07-12 16::01:47] jacine: Oki, we might as well get started
[2011-07-12 16::01:48] davereid: ericduran++
[2011-07-12 16::01:55] davereid: wait, what are we doing?
[2011-07-12 16::02:04] jacine: LOL
[2011-07-12 16::02:07] jacine: having a meeting :)
[2011-07-12 16::02:08] mortendk: </label>: &nbsp; &nbsp;<input ...
[2011-07-12 16::02:15] davereid: davereid--
[2011-07-12 16::02:16] Druplicon: #drupal-html5, #drupal-html5! Look what davereid just tried to do!
[2011-07-12 16::02:24] jacine: davereid++
[2011-07-12 16::02:25] mortendk: davereid: and im going into memorylande
[2011-07-12 16::02:27] jacine: don't do that :P
[2011-07-12 16::02:43] davereid: yay calendar not working in gcal
[2011-07-12 16::02:49] jacine: Ok, so these were the issues we had agreed to work on last time we met up:
[2011-07-12 16::03:11] jacine: davereid: ical:
[2011-07-12 16::03:38] davereid: gah, I disabled that calendar because of the design events being added to it
[2011-07-12 16::03:41] davereid: davereid--
[2011-07-12 16::03:42] Druplicon: Did litwol put you up to this?
[2011-07-12 16::03:43] jacine: linclark, ericduran and jbeach worked on them.
[2011-07-12 16::04:23] jacine: There is only one in there that is close to RTBC IMO: :(
[2011-07-12 16::04:24] Druplicon: => Allow FAPI usage of the placeholder attribute => Drupal core, forms system, normal, needs review, 45 comments, 8 IRC mentions
[2011-07-12 16::04:40] ericduran: yes, that one is extremely close some would say already RTBC
[2011-07-12 16::04:50] ericduran: because the other test is probably a separate issue
[2011-07-12 16::04:54] » webchick left the chat room.
[2011-07-12 16::04:56] jbeach: And Mark Trapp and JohnAlbin
[2011-07-12 16::04:58] jacine: yeah
[2011-07-12 16::05:02] jbeach: patched as well
[2011-07-12 16::05:09] jacine: jbeach: patched what?
[2011-07-12 16::05:13] » webchick joined the chat room.
[2011-07-12 16::05:29] jacine: is talking about the sprint issues.
[2011-07-12 16::05:30] » CrashDiet_ is now known as CrashTest_.
[2011-07-12 16::05:45] webchick: oops. ;(
[2011-07-12 16::05:45] davereid: ericduran: ya know, if we already have a test for drupal_attributes some where, adding a test here is pointless
[2011-07-12 16::06:05] jacine: is it?
[2011-07-12 16::06:08] jacine: oy.
[2011-07-12 16::06:13] ericduran: davereid: we'll I don't think we should add the check_plain attribute
[2011-07-12 16::06:20] ericduran: test
[2011-07-12 16::06:25] jbeach: jacine: proposed patches
[2011-07-12 16::06:28] jbeach: they did
[2011-07-12 16::06:39] ericduran: davereid: where is the attribute test?
[2011-07-12 16::06:43] davereid: looking
[2011-07-12 16::07:04] jacine: jbeach: hmm, ok.
[2011-07-12 16::07:14] jacine: well, that's good
[2011-07-12 16::07:17] ericduran: lol
[2011-07-12 16::07:24] davereid: ericduran: DrupalAttributesUnitTest
[2011-07-12 16::07:38] ericduran: davereid: look at that
[2011-07-12 16::07:41] ericduran: in the common.test
[2011-07-12 16::07:42] ericduran: hmm
[2011-07-12 16::07:58] jacine: Ok, so then this one needs work... LOL.
[2011-07-12 16::08:11] ericduran: no technically this one is find then
[2011-07-12 16::08:22] ericduran: because we don't need to test the last test requested by sun
[2011-07-12 16::08:28] jacine: Ok, good.
[2011-07-12 16::08:28] ericduran: but should the original test stay?
[2011-07-12 16::08:33] ericduran: davereid: thoughts?
[2011-07-12 16::09:20] ericduran: this is testing that the placeholder attribute actually work, the test sun is requesting already exists
[2011-07-12 16::09:24] » GaborHojtsy joined the chat room.
[2011-07-12 16::09:39] davereid: we also have testDrupalRenderFormElements
[2011-07-12 16::09:48] davereid: so this is already tested, I'm marking it RTBC
[2011-07-12 16::10:10] » iflista joined the chat room.
[2011-07-12 16::10:28] jacine: Ok, so what about the drupal_add_js() issue...? ericduran, I know you were struggling with that, but you made progress?
[2011-07-12 16::10:39] ericduran: jacine: yea, is all up ready for review
[2011-07-12 16::10:45] ericduran: everything works as expected
[2011-07-12 16::10:49] jacine: ericduran: awesome!
[2011-07-12 16::10:57] jacine: ok people, review this one: :D
[2011-07-12 16::10:58] Druplicon: => drupal_add_js() is missing the 'browsers' option => Drupal core, javascript, major, needs review, 52 comments, 9 IRC mentions
[2011-07-12 16::11:01] ericduran: there's was some feedback but I fix that up
[2011-07-12 16::11:13] ericduran: I think maybe some cosmetic changes are missing
[2011-07-12 16::11:24] ericduran: but not functionality, unless someone finds a bug in it
[2011-07-12 16::11:27] jacine: yeah, I am really hoping we can commit these two this week.
[2011-07-12 16::12:43] ericduran: that would be nice but the drupal_add_js
[2011-07-12 16::12:46] jacine: Ok, so of those issues there weren't any template conversion issues, and that kind left a lot of people out of the process.
[2011-07-12 16::12:48] ericduran: is a big cange
[2011-07-12 16::12:59] jacine: Yeah, I know, but we need it.
[2011-07-12 16::13:15] ericduran: yeah, I'm just saying we need like 50 people to review that one
[2011-07-12 16::13:28] jacine: So, I'm hoping this week we can schedule more than 3 issues, and make sure there are issues for everyone.
[2011-07-12 16::13:46] jacine: webchick: can you help us get some more developers to review the drupal_add_js() issue?
[2011-07-12 16::13:59] nomonstersinme_: jacine: i'd like to help on a template issue to get my feet wet
[2011-07-12 16::14:30] jacine: nomonstersinme_: this one jbeach worked on looks okay to me, but needs review:
[2011-07-12 16::14:36] Druplicon: => Convert user-profile-category.tpl.php to HTML5 => Drupal core, theme system, normal, needs review, 23 comments, 1 IRC mention
[2011-07-12 16::15:03] nomonstersinme_: ok cool
[2011-07-12 16::15:16] webchick: jacine: hm. I can try.
[2011-07-12 16::15:30] jacine: So, does anyone have a preference for what to work on over the next sprint? The shiv issue is blocked by the drupal_add_js() issue, so that's kinda in limbo...
[2011-07-12 16::15:32] webchick: jacine: what's needed? Someone with general PHP experience, or?
[2011-07-12 16::15:44] jacine: webchick: Yeah, it's kinda complicated.
[2011-07-12 16::15:54] ericduran: webchick: effulgentsia would be awesome
[2011-07-12 16::16:07] jbeach:
[2011-07-12 16::16:08] Druplicon: => Override of the default Filtered HTML text format to add HTML5 elements => HTML5 Tools, Code, normal, needs review, 7 comments, 4 IRC mentions
[2011-07-12 16::16:12] jacine: webchick: It's basically adding conditional comments to drupal_add_js() like we did with drupal_add_css() and effulgentsia did that.
[2011-07-12 16::16:19] ericduran: webchick: since he wrote the original one, I belive
[2011-07-12 16::16:44] jacine: jbeach: yeah, that's a good one. I am not clear on what's holding that one up.
[2011-07-12 16::17:13] webchick: JohnAlbin or robloach might be other options.
[2011-07-12 16::17:14] webchick: maybe mfer
[2011-07-12 16::17:31] jacine: yeah, true.
[2011-07-12 16::17:39] » Snugug joined the chat room.
[2011-07-12 16::17:44] webchick: I am unfortunately not enough of a muckety-muck around here to say "ALEX. YOU SHALL DROP EVERYTHING YOU'RE WORKING ON AND REVIEW THIS PATCH." ;)
[2011-07-12 16::17:54] ericduran: lol
[2011-07-12 16::18:01] ericduran: webchick: soon
[2011-07-12 16::18:02] ericduran: soon
[2011-07-12 16::18:04] jacine: LOL
[2011-07-12 16::18:34] jacine: ok, so we have this one for next sprint:
[2011-07-12 16::18:34] Druplicon: => Override of the default Filtered HTML text format to add HTML5 elements => HTML5 Tools, Code, normal, needs review, 7 comments, 5 IRC mentions
[2011-07-12 16::18:37] jacine: what else?
[2011-07-12 16::18:48] ericduran: wait why are we linking to that issue
[2011-07-12 16::18:51] ericduran: thats a html5_tools issue
[2011-07-12 16::18:57] rupl: jacine: we could add to the next sprint. I have sought out help on TranslationTestCase within SimpleTest, that's the hold up.
[2011-07-12 16::18:58] Druplicon: => Convert <head> markup to HTML5 => Drupal core, markup, normal, needs work, 8 comments, 3 IRC mentions
[2011-07-12 16::19:01] jacine: ericduran: That's a core issue.
[2011-07-12 16::19:15] jacine: rupl: Yep, good idea :)
[2011-07-12 16::19:31] ericduran: jacine: I keep clikcing on
[2011-07-12 16::19:31] Druplicon: => Override of the default Filtered HTML text format to add HTML5 elements => HTML5 Tools, Code, normal, needs review, 7 comments, 6 IRC mentions
[2011-07-12 16::19:33] rupl: I'd love to understand how to fix this but at the moment I'm not sure how.
[2011-07-12 16::20:00] jacine: hmm
[2011-07-12 16::20:04] davereid: rupl: I'll try and help debug that one
[2011-07-12 16::20:11] jacine: that's not it. sorry.
[2011-07-12 16::20:22] rupl: davereid: thank you, you were the only one to respond to my requests for help to begin with :)
[2011-07-12 16::20:30] jacine: this is the one:
[2011-07-12 16::20:32] Druplicon: => Change filter_xss_admin() to have a variable alongside of the existing hardcoded list => Drupal core, filter.module, major, needs review, 94 comments, 16 IRC mentions
[2011-07-12 16::20:38] ericduran: cool great
[2011-07-12 16::20:47] jacine: Hasn't been touched since 5/31... No idea why.
[2011-07-12 16::21:10] » adshill left the chat room.
[2011-07-12 16::21:25] davereid: jacine: because it keeps getting bikeshedded
[2011-07-12 16::22:04] » johnvsc_subway is now known as johnvsc.
[2011-07-12 16::22:13] ericduran: serious bikeshedded!
[2011-07-12 16::22:16] jacine: davereid: Yeah, I don't really get why though. I read through it and it's hard to follow. It seems like people are totally not paying attention to each other.
[2011-07-12 16::22:17] jacine: LOL
[2011-07-12 16::22:39] davereid: well we want to make the list of tags in filter_xss_admin() changeable
[2011-07-12 16::22:46] jacine: yeah
[2011-07-12 16::22:54] davereid: either we add an empty variable which actually *can't* change the defaults
[2011-07-12 16::23:07] davereid: or we make it all a variable, which is what I support
[2011-07-12 16::23:16] » aspilicious left the chat room.
[2011-07-12 16::23:23] jacine: right, that sounds good... isn't that what the last patch is doing?
[2011-07-12 16::23:29] davereid: since that's the same exact thing we do in filter_xss_bad_protocol()
[2011-07-12 16::23:30] jbeach: variable_get('filter_xss_admin_additional_tags', array())
[2011-07-12 16::23:42] jbeach: it's got a call for a variable of additional tags
[2011-07-12 16::23:47] davereid: latest patch has an 'empty' additional variable that can't modify the existing defaults
[2011-07-12 16::23:52] jacine: oh. :(
[2011-07-12 16::23:54] » aspilicious joined the chat room.
[2011-07-12 16::24:07] ericduran: #28 is simple and probably still applies
[2011-07-12 16::24:10] davereid: also an additional call to array_merge() every time the function is executed
[2011-07-12 16::24:12] ericduran: and fixes the problem
[2011-07-12 16::24:19] jacine: I see.
[2011-07-12 16::24:21] » bstoppel joined the chat room.
[2011-07-12 16::24:23] davereid: so someone re-upload #28 then!
[2011-07-12 16::24:25] jbeach: davereid: ya :/
[2011-07-12 16::24:31] webchick: On that issue, we really need chx/sun to sign off on whatever approach, IMO
[2011-07-12 16::24:38] webchick: Because that's at the very heart of our security system
[2011-07-12 16::24:54] davereid: DamZ already derailed that
[2011-07-12 16::24:57] davereid: once
[2011-07-12 16::25:15] davereid: "Variables are definitely not for things like managing a list of tags. Let's not abuse the poor variable system, folks :)"
[2011-07-12 16::25:30] davereid: when we *already* have in core: variable_get('filter_allowed_protocols', array('ftp', 'http', 'https', 'irc', 'mailto', 'news', 'nntp', 'rtsp', 'sftp', 'ssh', 'tel', 'telnet', 'webcal'))
[2011-07-12 16::25:44] davereid: the arguments against #28 don't make any sense to me
[2011-07-12 16::25:54] davereid: especially if this variable is not exposed in a UI
[2011-07-12 16::25:57] » stijnbe left the chat room.
[2011-07-12 16::25:58] davereid: which it shouldn't
[2011-07-12 16::26:01] jbeach: is this something that should be offered with an _alter hook?
[2011-07-12 16::26:04] webchick: Has that been explained in the comments there?
[2011-07-12 16::26:16] webchick: jbeach: Alter hook is substandard because you never know what you've got; it changes at runtime.
[2011-07-12 16::26:19] webchick: So a static list is definitely best
[2011-07-12 16::26:24] davereid: webchick: yes, it goes back and forth. we should offer a summary with #28 being re-uploaded
[2011-07-12 16::26:30] webchick: esp. since it could be hard-coded in settings.php
[2011-07-12 16::26:50] jbeach: *understands...mostly*
[2011-07-12 16::27:17] davereid: will re-upload and re-summarize arguments for #28
[2011-07-12 16::27:41] jacine: i just tagged it.
[2011-07-12 16::28:04] jacine: Ok, so now we need some template file issues for the rest of us non-developer types.
[2011-07-12 16::28:16] webchick: jbeach: well, imagine you have html5_filterxss_alter(), but then you install smileys module and it has a smileys_filterxss_alter(), and you also have a FancyXMLDataSchemaParserThingy_filterxss_alter
[2011-07-12 16::28:35] ericduran: and then you have ericduran_is_evil_alter
[2011-07-12 16::28:48] webchick: jbeach: It's totally possible for those to override each other, and also for you to assume some tags are allowed, but then you turned off one of those modules to debug something and suddenly your content isn't being filtered as you thoguht
[2011-07-12 16::29:06] webchick: variables, generally, are set once and then not again
[2011-07-12 16::29:26] webchick: and in a high-security situation, you can even hard-code them so they CANNOT be changed, no matter what fancy tricks you do
[2011-07-12 16::29:31] jacine: webchick++
[2011-07-12 16::29:32] jbeach: webchick: ah, ok, thx for 'splainin
[2011-07-12 16::29:43] webchick: np :)
[2011-07-12 16::30:22] jacine: Ok, so I am gonna propose a few template file issues...
[2011-07-12 16::30:42] jacine: This one seems pretty close:
[2011-07-12 16::30:43] Druplicon: => Convert user-profile-category.tpl.php to HTML5 => Drupal core, theme system, normal, needs review, 23 comments, 2 IRC mentions
[2011-07-12 16::30:51] webchick: I have a "meta" question too. How is the bi-weekly sprint thing working? Or too soon to tell?
[2011-07-12 16::31:04] webchick: jacine is treading new ground here that the other initiatives haven't tried yet
[2011-07-12 16::31:10] jacine: webchick: Last week was full of too technical issues IMO.
[2011-07-12 16::31:15] webchick: Ah.
[2011-07-12 16::31:17] webchick: Yeah, that's hard. :(
[2011-07-12 16::31:26] jacine: I think we need to balance that out.
[2011-07-12 16::31:37] ericduran: but it worked, it added some pressure to get things done
[2011-07-12 16::31:43] jacine: Yes, it did :)
[2011-07-12 16::31:45] jbeach: I like this CSS Cleanup page you put together jacine
[2011-07-12 16::31:46] jbeach:
[2011-07-12 16::31:47] Druplicon: => CSS Cleanup => 0 comments, 7 IRC mentions
[2011-07-12 16::31:48] » CrashTest_ is now known as CrashAFK.
[2011-07-12 16::31:57] jacine: jbeach: Yes, we need to talk about that... We can do that now.
[2011-07-12 16::31:58] webchick: Yeah, I always hate showing up to a sprint review meeting and saying I did nothing but pick my nose for two weeks
[2011-07-12 16::32:00] jbeach: Maybe a Template Cleanup page is needed?
[2011-07-12 16::32:12] webchick: So I cut my nose picking down to 1.9 weeks instead, and then do some little thing that pushes the ball forward
[2011-07-12 16::32:14] jbeach: with guidelines like the CSS page?
[2011-07-12 16::32:16] mortendk: wakes up
[2011-07-12 16::32:27] jacine: We need to bring that into the intiative.
[2011-07-12 16::32:40] mortendk: jacine: ++1
[2011-07-12 16::32:52] jacine: We also need to have some guidelines for how to do it... like what to look for, for both templates and CSS stuff.
[2011-07-12 16::33:08] jacine: I think we can tweak that CSS page but we also need to do one for markup.
[2011-07-12 16::33:19] jbeach: Even having just a list of all the templates would give us a sense of scope
[2011-07-12 16::33:29] webchick: oh yes PLEASE on guidelines
[2011-07-12 16::33:37] mortendk: what i would really really like was that we actually took a deep hard look at the css now that ie6 is outta the picture
[2011-07-12 16::33:37] jacine: yes, we need to do this:
[2011-07-12 16::33:40] Druplicon: => Defining a Drupal 8 markup gate => 0 comments, 1 IRC mention
[2011-07-12 16::33:41] webchick: Developers really *really* want to write code that doesn't piss designers off. :)
[2011-07-12 16::33:53] mortendk: webchick: picck me mememeememe
[2011-07-12 16::33:54] webchick: but we don't know how. ;(
[2011-07-12 16::34:23] jacine: Right... So there are things like the CSS needs to be in the right file, which is covered here:, but we need more information there... like examples.
[2011-07-12 16::34:23] mortendk: we need to go back to the basics and figure out what we need & dosnt need + how we define the markup
[2011-07-12 16::34:24] Druplicon: => CSS Cleanup => 0 comments, 8 IRC mentions
[2011-07-12 16::34:47] davereid: summary?
[2011-07-12 16::34:50] davereid: issue summary?
[2011-07-12 16::34:57] jbeach: I'll put a list of all the templates together this sprint
[2011-07-12 16::34:59] davereid: issue summary standard now Druplicon?
[2011-07-12 16::35:04] jbeach: and link them to issues
[2011-07-12 16::35:10] jacine: jbeach: We have a page for it...
[2011-07-12 16::35:17] mortendk: jacine: so i have this idea of taking one element at a time & docuement what we want & needs . So we dont end up with cstuff that isnt needed in d8
[2011-07-12 16::35:25] jacine: jbeach: scroll down:
[2011-07-12 16::35:27] Druplicon: => Re-factor templates and theme functions to use new HTML5 elements => 0 comments, 7 IRC mentions
[2011-07-12 16::35:39] jacine: jbeach: we need to see more issues/templates added.
[2011-07-12 16::35:57] jbeach: jacine: ok, I'll take thaton
[2011-07-12 16::35:58] jacine: mortendk: what do you mean, one element at a time?
[2011-07-12 16::35:59] jbeach: that on
[2011-07-12 16::35:59] mortendk: jbeach: yup we need to look at the templtes :)
[2011-07-12 16::36:03] jacine: jbeach: awesome :D
[2011-07-12 16::36:08] mortendk: jacine: nopes i mean one element at the time
[2011-07-12 16::36:22] mortendk: jacine: lets take the form fields to start with
[2011-07-12 16::36:28] » pifantastic joined the chat room.
[2011-07-12 16::36:31] jacine: mortendk: I don't get it? Oh, you mean one template at a time?
[2011-07-12 16::36:38] jacine: or theme function?
[2011-07-12 16::36:56] mortendk: jacine yeah or group of stuff "how do we wannahave a form to look like in the markup"
[2011-07-12 16::37:10] mortendk: how do we wanna have fields, nodes ,blocks entities etc
[2011-07-12 16::37:32] mortendk: does that makes sense ;)
[2011-07-12 16::37:46] mortendk: i know i see more on it as htmlstuff than drupal stuff
[2011-07-12 16::37:58] jacine: yeah, well we have issues for those. I'm not sure how else to discuss that stuff.
[2011-07-12 16::38:02] jacine: productively.
[2011-07-12 16::38:06] mortendk: + it would be good for documentation later on
[2011-07-12 16::38:37] mortendk: yup one issue for each
[2011-07-12 16::38:43] jacine: Well I might as well paste these in... I have been thinking about what to look for in our template/theme function implementations.
[2011-07-12 16::39:10] jacine: This is what I've got so far... As in, when we convert a template we should ask ourselves these questions:
[2011-07-12 16::39:22] jacine: - Does the structure of the content and code look up to date? Is there extra legacy code that appears to be needed only to support older browsers like IE6?
[2011-07-12 16::39:34] jacine: - Does the template or theme function have a really good reason to exist?
[2011-07-12 16::39:40] jacine: - Do parts of the code look like they should use existing theme functions to be generated?
[2011-07-12 16::39:50] mortendk: - does a css class have a good reason to exist
[2011-07-12 16::40:03] jacine: - Should the theme function support additional variants out of the box? (like multiple pager types)
[2011-07-12 16::40:11] jacine: - Are there places where adding theme functions would make things more efficient? (theme_date)
[2011-07-12 16::40:13] jbeach: mortendk, without IE6 to consider, this is a very important question
[2011-07-12 16::40:14] webchick: - "If you could be any kind of tree, what kind would you be?"
[2011-07-12 16::40:18] jacine: - Does the data structure and or arguments of the theme function make sense?
[2011-07-12 16::40:25] jacine: - Are the wrapper attributes pluggable?
[2011-07-12 16::40:28] jacine: haha ;)
[2011-07-12 16::40:34] mortendk: jbeach: me thinx we should kill kill kill ie6
[2011-07-12 16::40:36] jacine: ok, well that's what I've got so far.
[2011-07-12 16::40:55] rupl: Also, if IE6 is a non-issue, can we change the conventions allowed in core? like daisy chaining classes: .row.odd
[2011-07-12 16::40:59] mortendk: webchick: me thinks that would be an awesome tree
[2011-07-12 16::41:15] jacine: rupl: yes, absolutely... IE6 is gonna be a non-issue.
[2011-07-12 16::41:21] webchick: oh, fascinating.
[2011-07-12 16::41:28] webchick: I didn't realize that the reason we put all of that crap in our markup was IE6
[2011-07-12 16::41:36] jacine: haha! :D
[2011-07-12 16::41:44] rupl: webchick: oh lawd, you have no idea how much it holds us back
[2011-07-12 16::41:44] webchick: thought it was for idiots like me that don't know how to use > and fancy shit like that in our selectors
[2011-07-12 16::41:46] mortendk: webchick: yup and ie5.5 and mozilla old crap etc
[2011-07-12 16::41:49] jacine: yeah, IE6 kinda screws us in many ways.
[2011-07-12 16::41:54] webchick: awesome!
[2011-07-12 16::41:59] rupl: and it compresses your CSS so much when you can use modern selectors
[2011-07-12 16::42:03] jbeach: webchick,
[2011-07-12 16::42:13] jacine: ie6--
[2011-07-12 16::42:14] webchick: Also, I can confirm the Spikey Haired One has "Write blog post about killing IE6" on his whiteboard. ;)
[2011-07-12 16::42:20] mortendk: webchick: nopes it makes sense, but we can remove a shitton of it now - but not .first /.last
[2011-07-12 16::42:22] jacine: yes plz ;)
[2011-07-12 16::42:42] jbeach: mortendk, alas(t)
[2011-07-12 16::42:47] jacine: the spikey haired one. haha :D
[2011-07-12 16::43:07] mortendk: webchick: we follow the spikey hair one if he says kill ie6 ... else we start revolution (use my russian accent)
[2011-07-12 16::43:29] jacine: Ok, so can we talk about the CSS a little: <- Does everyone understand what we are trying to do there?
[2011-07-12 16::43:30] mortendk: jbeach: dosnt ie7 rock.the.chains ?
[2011-07-12 16::43:30] Druplicon: => CSS Cleanup => 0 comments, 9 IRC mentions
[2011-07-12 16::43:35] jbeach: jacine, re: "Are the wrapper attributes pluggable?" Does this include making HTML configurable
[2011-07-12 16::43:45] jbeach: like not hard-coding <ul> for lists?
[2011-07-12 16::43:47] jacine: jbeach: No, that's a separate issue.
[2011-07-12 16::43:59] jacine: I just meant attributes.
[2011-07-12 16::44:07] jbeach: mortendk, .oh.ephing.ya
[2011-07-12 16::44:29] mortendk: jbeach:
[2011-07-12 16::44:32] » pifantastic_ joined the chat room.
[2011-07-12 16::44:33] webchick: mortendk: However, just something to point out… I think an element-by-element disseration on dos and don'ts is a worthy project, but it sounds like it's months-out and is going to take LOTS of discucssion. So do that. But I think if there was a 4-5 point "cheatsheet" on "How not to piss off a designer", that would actually do a great deal of good right now.
[2011-07-12 16::45:02] ericduran: jbeach, jacine I think she means no doing <li class="apples">
[2011-07-12 16::45:03] mortendk: webchick: nopes its gonna be an epic smackdown where i take my axe and kill off all resistance
[2011-07-12 16::45:08] ericduran: not*
[2011-07-12 16::45:13] jacine: agreed... and mortendk already has lots of material :)
[2011-07-12 16::45:14] webchick: LOL
[2011-07-12 16::45:22] » scor left the chat room.
[2011-07-12 16::45:24] jbeach: ericduran, ah, gotcha
[2011-07-12 16::45:27] mortendk: webchick: its more like - lets take the forms
[2011-07-12 16::45:56] » scor joined the chat room.
[2011-07-12 16::45:56] jacine: ericduran: No, I mean for the main wrapper of each template/theme function - can classes be added to a $vars['classes_array'] variable.
[2011-07-12 16::45:56] » scor left the chat room.
[2011-07-12 16::46:05] mortendk: forms can be cleared up & the needs to + we need to have agument why we addd stuff & dosnt add stuff
[2011-07-12 16::46:21] webchick: Right, I understand.
[2011-07-12 16::46:24] mortendk: we need to have that argument with frontend devs so we make sure that the world dont explode
[2011-07-12 16::46:26] ericduran: jbeach: lol I guess I was wrong ^^
[2011-07-12 16::46:37] jacine: Like in theme_form_element() for example, that is impossible... so we have all these classes applied to make up for that fact. If the classes were pluggable we may not need so many.
[2011-07-12 16::46:43] mortendk: i dont wanna dicuss why we wont be using <foo> instead of <bar>
[2011-07-12 16::46:52] » scor joined the chat room.
[2011-07-12 16::46:59] » scor left the chat room.
[2011-07-12 16::47:03] mortendk: jacine: we need one wrapper class - done ;)
[2011-07-12 16::47:07] mortendk: ...maybe
[2011-07-12 16::47:17] jacine: no... LOL. we need to discuss and I still see no issue.
[2011-07-12 16::47:19] jacine: :P
[2011-07-12 16::47:25] jacine: Google+ posts don't count.
[2011-07-12 16::47:31] ericduran: lol
[2011-07-12 16::47:52] mortendk: jacine form-item is on my deadlist ;)
[2011-07-12 16::47:52] » scor joined the chat room.
[2011-07-12 16::47:59] » scor left the chat room.
[2011-07-12 16::48:04] jacine: I know... Now, go make an issue for it.
[2011-07-12 16::48:13] jbeach: *feels so sorry for .form-item*
[2011-07-12 16::48:13] ericduran: mortendk: I agree
[2011-07-12 16::48:15] jacine: Ok, so one last thing about the CSS/template stuff.
[2011-07-12 16::48:27] mortendk: jacine: geez im gonna be block posting for ever the next 3 months ;)
[2011-07-12 16::48:35] jacine: I think the process is going to be:
[2011-07-12 16::48:41] » pifantastic_ left the chat room.
[2011-07-12 16::48:48] » pifantastic left the chat room.
[2011-07-12 16::48:57] jacine: 1 - Make the markup changes, and tweak whatever CSS that is directly affected.
[2011-07-12 16::49:09] jacine: 2 - Create a follow up issue for cleaning up the CSS and go to town.
[2011-07-12 16::49:38] jacine: This issue is a good example of that process:
[2011-07-12 16::49:39] Druplicon: => Convert user-profile-category.tpl.php to HTML5 => Drupal core, theme system, normal, needs review, 23 comments, 3 IRC mentions
[2011-07-12 16::49:40] rupl: +1 on splitting them. separate the objective from the subjective
[2011-07-12 16::49:47] jacine: Does anyone have any objections to that?
[2011-07-12 16::50:42] jacine: If not, and anyone has time to help, I would GREATLY appreciate someone turning this page's list of modules into a table with actionable issue for each module's CSS Files:
[2011-07-12 16::50:43] Druplicon: => CSS Cleanup => 0 comments, 10 IRC mentions
[2011-07-12 16::51:15] mortendk: +1 on splitting
[2011-07-12 16::51:17] ericduran: refuses to use tables, lol even for tabular data so I'll let someone else do it
[2011-07-12 16::51:25] jacine: ericduran: LOL!
[2011-07-12 16::51:36] jacine: Also, anyone NOT working on FAPI stuff ;)
[2011-07-12 16::51:42] johnvsc: i can do S through U
[2011-07-12 16::51:50] johnvsc: since i am used to being last :)
[2011-07-12 16::51:53] davereid: heh
[2011-07-12 16::51:54] jacine: johnvsc: sweet!! :D
[2011-07-12 16::51:58] mortendk: btw i wrote a post about the whole base.css, admin.css etc ->
[2011-07-12 16::52:10] jacine: :D
[2011-07-12 16::52:45] johnvsc: I will create the initial table now
[2011-07-12 16::52:47] mortendk: ericduran: you dont have the table-design-ninja-skills-sneaky-colspan-mpves
[2011-07-12 16::52:48] » adshill joined the chat room.
[2011-07-12 16::52:59] mortendk: moves even
[2011-07-12 16::53:03] rupl: mortendk: jacine's post is btaman, not batman. your post is outdated :p
[2011-07-12 16::53:05] jacine: Ok, I just moved the page under the html5
[2011-07-12 16::53:15] johnvsc: hmmm, would like to use a theme_table here
[2011-07-12 16::53:16] ericduran: lol
[2011-07-12 16::53:46] jacine: The page really needs to follow this format:
[2011-07-12 16::53:47] Druplicon: => Re-factor templates and theme functions to use new HTML5 elements => 0 comments, 8 IRC mentions
[2011-07-12 16::53:49] mortendk: rupl: jacine needs to know how to give cool stuff epic promotion and sneak the shit in on em ;)
[2011-07-12 16::53:57] webchick: jacine: I gotta go in 5 minutes for a meeting with Dries. I have on my list IE6 DIE!! blog post, (well, actually getting a few more majors taken care of so we can commit, anything else you need from me or him?
[2011-07-12 16::53:59] Druplicon: => Allow FAPI usage of the placeholder attribute => Drupal core, forms system, normal, reviewed & tested by the community, 52 comments, 9 IRC mentions
[2011-07-12 16::53:59] Druplicon: => Allow FAPI usage of the placeholder attribute => Drupal core, forms system, normal, reviewed & tested by the community, 52 comments, 10 IRC mentions
[2011-07-12 16::54:01] jacine: minus RTL files - we don't need to list those.
[2011-07-12 16::54:29] » CrashAFK is now known as CrashTest_.
[2011-07-12 16::54:32] jacine: webchick: We've got one RTBC: :D
[2011-07-12 16::54:33] Druplicon: => Allow FAPI usage of the placeholder attribute => Drupal core, forms system, normal, reviewed & tested by the community, 52 comments, 11 IRC mentions
[2011-07-12 16::54:35] mortendk: webchick: just do the ie6 die & if you ever begin to drink alchol im gonna get ya foooooork up at the next drupal event ;)
[2011-07-12 16::54:37] webchick: Yep, saw that. :)
[2011-07-12 16::54:43] jacine: webchick: and thank you :D
[2011-07-12 16::54:56] jacine: webchick: but that's about it for now ;)
[2011-07-12 16::55:00] webchick: mortendk: Ha! I promise if I ever start drinking, it will be with you. :)
[2011-07-12 16::55:08] jacine: LOL
[2011-07-12 16::55:14] mortendk: webchick: its actually pretty importetn that we get the ie6 die in now so we can clean up the markup
[2011-07-12 16::55:18] webchick: jacine: ok, woot. do you need me to ping alex/rob/john? Or did you want to take care of it?
[2011-07-12 16::55:26] webchick: I can ping them but doin't really have the specifics on what to ask
[2011-07-12 16::55:30] jacine: webchick: I'll ping them tonight.
[2011-07-12 16::55:34] webchick: awesome
[2011-07-12 16::55:37] ericduran: ping them all
[2011-07-12 16::55:38] ericduran: lol
[2011-07-12 16::55:39] jacine: webchick: thank you!!! :D
[2011-07-12 16::55:42] webchick: great! :D
[2011-07-12 16::55:46] webchick: Nice job folks!!
[2011-07-12 16::55:52] jacine: ericduran++
[2011-07-12 16::55:54] webchick: so excited to see some markup cleanup starting to happen enxt. :D
[2011-07-12 16::55:56] jacine: davereid++
[2011-07-12 16::55:58] » scor joined the chat room.
[2011-07-12 16::55:58] jacine: linclark++
[2011-07-12 16::55:59] jacine: :D
[2011-07-12 16::56:05] jacine: Yay! me too :D
[2011-07-12 16::56:11] davereid: jacine++
[2011-07-12 16::56:15] linclark: jacine++
[2011-07-12 16::56:17] jacine: haha ;)
[2011-07-12 16::56:21] » arianekWORK left the chat room.
[2011-07-12 16::56:23] johnvsc: jacine++
[2011-07-12 16::56:26] mortendk: webchick: oooh yeah \mm /
[2011-07-12 16::56:32] jacine: blushes
[2011-07-12 16::56:42] jacine: OK, so we only have 5 mins left... I have good news!
[2011-07-12 16::56:52] ericduran: ohhh, I'm exited
[2011-07-12 16::56:59] ericduran: jacine++
[2011-07-12 16::57:01] jacine: We JUST secured for our preview theme!!! :D
[2011-07-12 16::57:02] ericduran: for what ever comes next
[2011-07-12 16::57:15] linclark: for what even comes previous
[2011-07-12 16::57:26] mortendk: wtf that name wasnt taken ?
[2011-07-12 16::57:28] davereid: aw, I was expecting html5 kittens
[2011-07-12 16::57:29] ericduran: lmao, did you just hi-jacked that project
[2011-07-12 16::57:33] jacine: So, we don't need to pick a theme name anymore ;)
[2011-07-12 16::57:34] ericduran: mortendk: it was
[2011-07-12 16::57:34] johnvsc: nice
[2011-07-12 16::57:36] davereid: is disappointed
[2011-07-12 16::57:50] jacine: davereid: why?
[2011-07-12 16::57:53] ericduran: lol thinks webchick and jacine just told a project
[2011-07-12 16::57:54] ericduran: lol
[2011-07-12 16::57:54] jacine: oh kittens!
[2011-07-12 16::57:56] ericduran: stole*
[2011-07-12 16::57:57] davereid: thought the surprise was kittens
[2011-07-12 16::58:04] webchick: ericduran: it was on the up and up. :)
[2011-07-12 16::58:04] mortendk: yeah i was looking forward to 9 weeks of bikesheeding a decent name
[2011-07-12 16::58:10] jacine: I will get you some kittens next week davereid!
[2011-07-12 16::58:11] ericduran: lol
[2011-07-12 16::58:16] ericduran: webchick++
[2011-07-12 16::58:29] mortendk: davereid: you can get kittens with the defaultimage module ;)
[2011-07-12 16::58:49] ericduran: jacine: 1st thing should be to remove that description
[2011-07-12 16::58:53] ericduran: thats always bother me lol
[2011-07-12 16::58:57] jacine: So, this is where we'll backport all the good stuff to D7 and let people, like Divya, preview our work as we go :)
[2011-07-12 16::59:00] ericduran: blank is better than that
[2011-07-12 16::59:05] » webchick left the chat room.
[2011-07-12 16::59:07] jacine: ericduran: haha, yeah, it just happened ;)
[2011-07-12 16::59:14] ericduran: jacine: sure ;)
[2011-07-12 16::59:17] ericduran: lol
[2011-07-12 16::59:19] jbeach: jacine: should we be moving some core CSS to this theme?
[2011-07-12 16::59:36] jacine: jbeach: All the template and CSS changes we get committed will go here :)
[2011-07-12 16::59:36] jbeach: the overlay presentational stuff?
[2011-07-12 16::59:38] ericduran: jacine: so this is for a theme?
[2011-07-12 16::59:47] jbeach: base theme?
[2011-07-12 16::59:50] jacine: yep... it must be committed first.
[2011-07-12 16::59:50] ericduran: wonders how you're going to change it from a module to a theme
[2011-07-12 16::59:53] jacine: just a preview theme.
[2011-07-12 16::59:58] jbeach: ah ah ah
[2011-07-12 17::00:12] jacine: solely so people can track our progress and check it out.
[2011-07-12 17::00:22] jbeach: *groks it*
[2011-07-12 17::00:38] jacine: So, every time we commit something, we'll try to backport it here.
[2011-07-12 17::00:45] ericduran: I honestly love that we just stoled that name!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[2011-07-12 17::00:48] jacine: :D
[2011-07-12 17::00:49] ericduran: is awesome lol
[2011-07-12 17::01:14] mortendk: ericduran: yup thats how the mofo is done ;)
[2011-07-12 17::01:20] jacine: Does anyone have anything else they want to talk about? I'm here for the next hour-ish :D
[2011-07-12 17::01:40] mortendk: thatll teach to set new yorks finest in the lead ;)
[2011-07-12 17::01:50] jacine: aww :D
[2011-07-12 17::02:05] jacine: hugs mortendk
[2011-07-12 17::02:30] rupl: just bought
[2011-07-12 17::02:45] jacine: rupl: OMG
[2011-07-12 17::03:08] rupl: :D
[2011-07-12 17::03:13] rupl: meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow
[2011-07-12 17::03:16] ericduran: lol
[2011-07-12 17::03:24] jacine: woot!! :D
[2011-07-12 17::03:52] jacine: is still working on patch screencasts, BTW.
[2011-07-12 17::03:55] jacine: I didn't forget.
[2011-07-12 17::04:04] ericduran: jacine: patch screencasts?
[2011-07-12 17::04:09] ericduran: ohhh
[2011-07-12 17::04:14] jacine: to teach people how :)
[2011-07-12 17::04:15] rupl: jacine++
[2011-07-12 17::04:17] ericduran: never mind I just remembered
[2011-07-12 17::04:22] jacine: ;)
[2011-07-12 17::04:27] mortendk: jacine: ooooooh fuck yeah was just about to ask about that
[2011-07-12 17::04:29] johnvsc: jacine: table made -> now to add links
[2011-07-12 17::04:30] Druplicon: => CSS Cleanup => 0 comments, 11 IRC mentions
[2011-07-12 17::04:38] rupl: did we finally decide to stick with issue queue vs sandboxes?
[2011-07-12 17::04:59] jacine: rupl: Yes, sorry - forgot to discuss that.
[2011-07-12 17::05:09] davereid: arg
[2011-07-12 17::05:10] Druplicon: => Allow FAPI usage of the placeholder attribute => Drupal core, forms system, normal, reviewed & tested by the community, 52 comments, 12 IRC mentions
[2011-07-12 17::05:13] jacine: johnvsc++
[2011-07-12 17::05:18] jbeach: tag your issues for the sprint btw "HTML5 Sprint: July 2011 - 2"
[2011-07-12 17::05:22] ericduran: well this patch ( needs to be tear a-part and looked with a micro-scope
[2011-07-12 17::05:23] Druplicon: => drupal_add_js() is missing the 'browsers' option => Drupal core, javascript, major, needs review, 52 comments, 11 IRC mentions
[2011-07-12 17::05:34] jacine: rupl: Yeah, we are not going to use a sandbox, so I won't be committing.
[2011-07-12 17::05:36] ericduran: once this one gets in, everything just flows
[2011-07-12 17::05:50] jacine: rupl: It's going to be the same as D7, and I'll just sign off.
[2011-07-12 17::05:58] rupl: jacine: cool, I thought our stuff was queue-able enough
[2011-07-12 17::06:13] jacine: rupl: yes, me too. Might as well keep it simple :)
[2011-07-12 17::06:19] davereid: throws his hands up at the placeholder issue - supposed to be so simple
[2011-07-12 17::06:45] jacine: davereid: Yeah, I'm going to comment there in a little bit. :(
[2011-07-12 17::06:51] » rocksoup joined the chat room.
[2011-07-12 17::07:18] jacine: davereid: Not sure if it will help, but I will try.
[2011-07-12 17::08:18] rupl: davereid: simple in the sense that we're not going dark for 5 weeks and coming back with infrastructure changes like is possible in other initiatives
[2011-07-12 17::08:46] rupl: in one patch
[2011-07-12 17::09:05] davereid: rupl: mostly simple as in hey here's an easy win for coders and our form system! OH NOES BIKESHED
[2011-07-12 17::09:14] rupl: yeah..
[2011-07-12 17::09:28] rupl: davereid: more of a bikecloset
[2011-07-12 17::09:47] rupl: don't you think? :D
[2011-07-12 17::10:23] mortendk: what did get bikeshed now? is it still the shiv?
[2011-07-12 17::10:30] davereid: a bikebabyseal being beaten to death
[2011-07-12 17::10:55] » hansyg left the chat room.
[2011-07-12 17::11:17] » yoroy left the chat room.
[2011-07-12 17::15:24] » pinglaura left the chat room.
[2011-07-12 17::17:24] johnvsc: jacine: for the actionable issues -> are they a link? if so, do the targets exist ... if not, how do i make them.. else ! a link, are they just text?
[2011-07-12 17::17:50] jacine: johnvsc: They should be formatted like so: [#nid]
[2011-07-12 17::18:28] jacine: johnvsc: this will automatically give us the up to date issue title and status, and it's why we are using the d.o. handbook, actually :)
[2011-07-12 17::18:49] johnvsc: ok cool -> didn't know that ;)
[2011-07-12 17::19:02] jacine: johnvsc: Yeah, see this page for an example if you want: :)
[2011-07-12 17::19:03] Druplicon: => Re-factor templates and theme functions to use new HTML5 elements => 0 comments, 9 IRC mentions
[2011-07-12 17::19:13] » johnvsc is now known as looks.
[2011-07-12 17::19:21] » looks is now known as johnvsc.
[2011-07-12 17::19:23] johnvsc: looks
[2011-07-12 17::19:25] johnvsc: heh
[2011-07-12 17::19:26] jacine: :D
[2011-07-12 17::19:46] » adshill left the chat room.
[2011-07-12 17::20:52] johnvsc: ah i see ... that is cool
[2011-07-12 17::20:57] jacine: yeah :)
[2011-07-12 17::21:10] » marktfrey left the chat room.
[2011-07-12 17::21:12] johnvsc: ok, so do i need to create the issue pages?
[2011-07-12 17::21:20] jacine: It'd be impossible to track all the issues and keep up to date titles and status otherwise ;)
[2011-07-12 17::21:31] johnvsc: i am just jumpining into this (now that the DrupalNYC sprint is over)
[2011-07-12 17::21:45] jacine: johnvsc: Well, I believe there are issues for a few of them, but generally the issues need to be created.
[2011-07-12 17::22:04] jacine: johnvsc: If you do create them, make sure you tag them with "HTML" and "Front end
[2011-07-12 17::22:05] johnvsc: ok, so I will look for them and create stubs -> is that correct?
[2011-07-12 17::22:11] johnvsc: ok, will do
[2011-07-12 17::22:17] jacine: and link them back to the handbook page.
[2011-07-12 17::22:21] jacine: johnvsc++
[2011-07-12 17::22:32] johnvsc: ok, will do this over tonight
[2011-07-12 17::22:42] jacine: Eventually we'll add more information to the handbook page to guide people through how to handle these issues :)
[2011-07-12 17::22:48] jacine: johnvsc: thanks so much!! :D
[2011-07-12 17::23:08] johnvsc: np -> i am trying to contrib more ...
[2011-07-12 17::23:29] jacine: BTW, tagging issues "HTML5" pumps them out to!/drupal8html5
[2011-07-12 17::23:32] davereid: jacine: I think is all the explanation needed - this is not a 'global' attribute.
[2011-07-12 17::23:32] Druplicon: => Allow FAPI usage of the placeholder attribute => Drupal core, forms system, normal, reviewed & tested by the community, 52 comments, 13 IRC mentions
[2011-07-12 17::23:43] jacine: and "Front end" pumps them to:!/drupalfrontend
[2011-07-12 17::23:56] jacine: davereid: I completely agree. Replying.
[2011-07-12 17::24:08] » aspilicious left the chat room.
[2011-07-12 17::29:44] jacine: d.o. e-mail is so fast...
[2011-07-12 17::30:01] jacine: I get replies to issues in e-mail before the page even finishes reloading after submit.
[2011-07-12 17::30:20] ericduran: lol i know
[2011-07-12 17::30:37] » pinglaura joined the chat room.
[2011-07-12 17::31:09] ericduran: now wonders if he should post davereid and jacine already posted
[2011-07-12 17::31:20] ericduran: deletes his 30 line comment
[2011-07-12 17::31:21] davereid: TripleRTBC!
[2011-07-12 17::31:29] jacine: ericduran: I'm sure sun will reply again...
[2011-07-12 17::31:39] jacine: u could save it. haha :)
[2011-07-12 17::32:14] ericduran: touch 1174694_comment_reply.txt
[2011-07-12 17::32:15] ericduran: lol
[2011-07-12 17::32:19] jacine: haha!!
[2011-07-12 17::32:39] ericduran: done and saved
[2011-07-12 17::32:50] jacine: :D
[2011-07-12 17::34:06] rupl: ericduran: you ever figure out the microformats issue on Martha? never saw you post in microformats-discuss
[2011-07-12 17::34:22] ericduran: rupl: we're waiting for google's reply
[2011-07-12 17::34:33] ericduran: but so far, we just added the votes tag
[2011-07-12 17::34:49] rupl: RacheLove was pimpin your work at Dallas Drupal Days this past weekend
[2011-07-12 17::35:03] ericduran: which is honestly pointless because votes is useless when count is there
[2011-07-12 17::35:11] ericduran: nice!
[2011-07-12 17::35:37] rupl: ericduran: yeah, when aggregate is found, it seems to always opt for that instead of actual ratings
[2011-07-12 17::36:17] ericduran: rupl: one of the guy that help draft the micro-format implementation wrote back on twitter
[2011-07-12 17::36:30] ericduran: and he did the food-network site which is on it.
[2011-07-12 17::36:37] ericduran: and he said it was fine
[2011-07-12 17::36:59] » truls1502 left the chat room.
[2011-07-12 17::37:04] ericduran: but we'll see
[2011-07-12 17::37:05] rupl: ericduran: all those guys are super helpful. was it @t ?
[2011-07-12 17::37:12] rupl: or glenn?
[2011-07-12 17::37:16] rupl: they're always on point
[2011-07-12 17::37:32] ericduran: markwunsch
[2011-07-12 17::37:36] ericduran: idk
[2011-07-12 17::37:55] rupl: hm, not ringing a bell. help is help.
[2011-07-12 17::37:59] ericduran: lol yea
[2011-07-12 17::38:09] ericduran: oh he's in NYC I should probably buy him a beer
[2011-07-12 17::38:17] ericduran: anyways we'll see what google thinks of my micro-formats
[2011-07-12 17::38:18] ericduran: lol
[2011-07-12 17::38:29] ericduran: also I remember that at 1st I had votes
[2011-07-12 17::38:41] ericduran: and I had to change it because it doesn't validate against their recipe test tool
[2011-07-12 17::38:42] ericduran: lol
[2011-07-12 17::38:50] rupl: until you add the hrevew-aggregate, right?
[2011-07-12 17::39:02] ericduran: nope until you add count lol
[2011-07-12 17::39:18] ericduran: so I figure I don't need them both, I'll just leave count
[2011-07-12 17::39:22] ericduran: but now we got both of them in there
[2011-07-12 17::39:29] ericduran: playing it super safe
[2011-07-12 17::39:39] » rocksoup_ joined the chat room.
[2011-07-12 17::39:46] rupl: ericduran: you technically need both
[2011-07-12 17::39:58] ericduran: idk, technically I think I only need one
[2011-07-12 17::40:03] ericduran: lol
[2011-07-12 17::40:05] rupl: the rating is a required part of hReview. the count is a required part of hReview-aggregate
[2011-07-12 17::40:15] ericduran: well I have rating
[2011-07-12 17::40:18] ericduran: and I have count
[2011-07-12 17::40:26] ericduran: is the votes that seems to be the issue
[2011-07-12 17::40:39] rupl: I always default to MOAR DATA
[2011-07-12 17::41:08] ericduran: lol yea
[2011-07-12 17::41:11] » rocksoup left the chat room.
[2011-07-12 17::41:26] ericduran: i didn't like all those spans lol
[2011-07-12 17::41:26] » rocksoup_ is now known as rocksoup.
[2011-07-12 17::42:37] ericduran: now to write gigya functionality
[2011-07-12 17::42:47] ericduran: between d6 and d7 fun! lol
[2011-07-12 17::43:13] ericduran: in a pop-up lol
[2011-07-12 17::43:20] ericduran: just to make it fun
[2011-07-12 17::45:25] mortendk: spans are the herpes of html ... ;)
[2011-07-12 17::45:30] rupl: lol
[2011-07-12 17::46:39] » davereid is now known as davereid|brb.
[2011-07-12 17::47:11] johnvsc: lol
[2011-07-12 17::55:09] » rocksoup left the chat room.
[2011-07-12 17::56:55] » MediaDoneRight joined the chat room.
[2011-07-12 17::58:15] » timplunkett is now known as timplunkettAFK.
[2011-07-12 18::01:14] » bleen is now known as bleen|away.
[2011-07-12 18::01:21] » sviebrock_ left the chat room.
[2011-07-12 18::10:30] » zachattack joined the chat room.
[2011-07-12 18::10:41] jacine: johnvsc: hey :D
[2011-07-12 18::10:46] johnvsc: heh
[2011-07-12 18::10:53] johnvsc: sorry, just wiped out your tag :(
[2011-07-12 18::10:54] jacine: johnvsc: I see you're getting started! woot :D
[2011-07-12 18::10:56] zachattack: johnvsc: word up
[2011-07-12 18::11:05] johnvsc: hey zachattack !
[2011-07-12 18::11:07] jacine: Yeah, no worries! We don't want to use the sprint one here.
[2011-07-12 18::11:13] johnvsc: ah ok cool
[2011-07-12 18::11:19] johnvsc: good i will follow your lead ...
[2011-07-12 18::11:30] johnvsc: i will work on these now :)
[2011-07-12 18::11:33] jacine: johnvsc: that'd be stuff we're aiming to get done in the next 2 weeks :) Just use "Front end, html5"
[2011-07-12 18::11:41] jacine: johnvsc: thank you :D
[2011-07-12 18::11:42] johnvsc: gotcha
[2011-07-12 18::11:46] johnvsc: np :)
[2011-07-12 18::12:20] jacine: johnvsc: And we can just name them "Clean up the CSS for X module"
[2011-07-12 18::12:32] jacine: so, they'll all be consistent in our table :D
[2011-07-12 18::12:36] johnvsc: sure :)
[2011-07-12 18::12:42] jacine: johnvsc++
[2011-07-12 18::12:54] » travist left the chat room.
[2011-07-12 18::12:56] johnvsc: i was trying to add the HTML5 in there to give it content in the issue q
[2011-07-12 18::13:37] johnvsc: but the tag says it all :)
[2011-07-12 18::13:43] jacine: johnvsc: I hear ya... At least we've got the tag and that CSS cleanup node is officially in the initiative. I'll add more information to that page soon.
[2011-07-12 18::13:48] jacine: yup :)
[2011-07-12 18::13:54] johnvsc: ok
[2011-07-12 18::16:22] » ericduran left the chat room.
[2011-07-12 18::22:38] » Snugug left the chat room.
[2011-07-12 18::22:52] » mlncn left the chat room.
[2011-07-12 18::25:24] » adshill joined the chat room.
[2011-07-12 18::25:38] » scottalan left the chat room.
[2011-07-12 18::26:30] » davereid|brb is now known as davereid.
[2011-07-12 18::29:58] » mortendk left the chat room.
[2011-07-12 18::31:59] » You are now known as jacine|afk.
[2011-07-12 18::35:01] » rocksoup joined the chat room.
[2011-07-12 18::41:42] » iflista left the chat room.
[2011-07-12 18::43:39] » johnvsc left the chat room.
[2011-07-12 18::47:40] » timplunkettAFK is now known as timplunkett.
[2011-07-12 18::48:25] » timplunkett is now known as timplunkettAFK.
[2011-07-12 18::49:13] » timplunkettAFK is now known as timplunkett.
[2011-07-12 18::49:53] » timplunkett is now known as timplunkettAFK.
[2011-07-12 18::51:15] » johnvsc joined the chat room.
[2011-07-12 18::52:14] » jmburnz left the chat room.
[2011-07-12 19::03:52] » timplunkettAFK is now known as timplunkett.
[2011-07-12 19::09:52] johnvsc: jacine|afk: done :)
[2011-07-12 19::09:52] Druplicon: => CSS Cleanup => 0 comments, 12 IRC mentions
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