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Created November 1, 2010 20:17
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Proposed syntax for Skinr (draft).
* @file
* Implementation of a Skinr plugin.
* @todo Decide on the naming convention for this style. This depends on whether
* or not CTools will handle the plugin functionality. Currently proposed
* naming convention which doesn't use CTools, is
* Implements hook_skinr_info().
* Define the API version of this Skinr plugin. This is required when
* creating a new Skinr plugin. It checks to make sure your Skins are compatible
* with the installed version of Skinr. The plugin will inherit information such
* as what version of core it applies to from the module or theme implementing
* it.
* The "hook" prefix is substituted with the name of the module or theme that
* implements it, e.g. THEMENAME_PLUGINNAME_skinr_info(), or
* @todo We are not sure this will be necessary, if we do not end up using
* and external too such as CTools to handle plugin functionality. If we do use
* CTools, it will be required and will need to contain more information.
function skinr_styles_skinr_info() {
return array('skinr api' => '2.0');
* Implements hook_skinr_groups().
* Optional. Defines group(s) that will contain skins. Groups are form element
* containers used to organize skins categorically using vertical_tabs. If you
* don't define a group, your skins will appear in Skinr's default group, which
* is labeled "General."
* Group name(s):
* Each group name must be unique. It is recommended to prefix the name of each
* group with the name of the theme or module name implementing it, followed by
* the name of the group. Note that you cannot define 2 groups with the same
* the same name, even if they are in different plugins.
* Group properties:
* - #title (required): Brief title of the tab.
* - #description (optional): Description of the tab group.
* - #weight (discouraged): Weight of the tab group; NULL by default.
* - admin_title (recommended): Administrative title of the group, displayed on
* the "Manage Skins" page.
* - admin_description (recommended): Administrative description of the group
* and a technical description of the skins it contains for the "Manage skins"
* page.
* - screenshot (optional): The path to an image containing a screenshot of the
* skin, which will be used on the "Manage Skins" page. Defaults to
* $path_to_plugin/screenshot.png, so only needs to be specified if different.
* The "hook" prefix is substituted with the name of the module or theme that
* implements it, followed by the plugin name, e.g.
* THEMENAME_PLUGINNAME_skinr_groups(), or MODULENAME_PLUGINNAME_skinr_groups().
* @todo Create Skinr's default group implementation. Skinr will provide a
* plugin containing groups to provide some consistency in the UI, promote the
* re-use of groups as categories, and ease the burden of creating skins.
* @todo Document that collapsible/collapsed options are obsolete for groups in
* the new version.
function skinr_styles_skinr_groups() {
$groups['skinr_typography'] = array(
'#title' => t('Typography'),
'#description' => t('Choose one or more styles to apply to content of this element.'),
'admin_title' => t('Skinr content styles'),
'admin_description' => t('Contains 3 @font-face fonts (Droid Sans, Fontin Sans and Museo) that style headings, and font sizing options designed for a base font-size of 13px.'),
return $groups;
* Implements hook_skinr_skins().
* Required. Define the skin(s) for this Skinr plugin. Each skin definition
* consists of properties that define its form element and settings that are
* needed to make it work, such as the class(es) Skinr should apply, which files
* it should load, whether or not it should be disabled by default and which
* theme hook(s) it was designed to work with.
* Skin name(s):
* Each skin name must be unique. It is recommended to prefix the name of each
* group with the name of the theme or module name implementing it, followed by
* the name of the skin. Note that you cannot define 2 skins with the same
* the same name, even if they are in different plugins.
* Skin settings:
* - #title (required): Label of the skin form element.
* - #description (optional): End-user facing description of the skin.
* - #group (optional): The group the skin is attached to; defaults to a Skinr
* provided group.
* - #type (optional): The type of form element. Allowed values:
* - checkboxes (default): Useful when single or multiple options can be
* chosen.
* Does not need to be set manually, as Skinr will apply this by default.
* - select: Useful when a single option can be chosen, but many exist.
* - radios: Useful when a single option can be chosen and only a few options
* exist.
* - #weight (discouraged): Sets the weight of the skin inside the group; NULL
* by default.
* - stylesheets (optional): A array containing information about stylesheet(s) the skin
* requires. This maps to the functionality of drupal_add_css() with one
* exception: paths are automatically assumed as relative to the plugin
* directory, unless external. Examples:
* - Simple:
* 'stylesheets' => array('css/skin-name.css')
* - Advanced:
* 'stylesheets' => array(
* array('css/skin-name-ie.css', array(
* 'media' => 'screen',
* 'browsers' => array(
* 'IE' => 'lte IE 8'
* ),
* ),
* )
* - scripts (optional): A array containing information about script(s) the
* skin requires. This maps to the functionality of drupal_add_js() with one
* exception: paths are automatically assumed as relative to the plugin
* directory, unless external. Examples:
* - Simple:
* 'scripts' => array('js/skin-name.js'),
* - Advanced:
* 'scripts' => array(
* array(
* 'js/skin-name-advanced.js',
* array(
* 'scope' => 'footer',
* 'group' => JS_THEME,
* ),
* ),
* - #options (required): An array containing one or more options (also arrays)
* for the user to choose from when applying skins. Each option key should be
* a machine name describing the option. An option should including the
* following keys:
* - label (required): The option label.
* - class (required): An array containing one or more classes the skin
* should apply. A single class may be entered as a string, but multiple
* classes should be entered as an array: For example:
* - Single:
* 'class' => 'class'
* - Multiple:
* 'class' => array('class-b', 'class-b')
* - stylesheets (optional): Same syntax as above, but applies to a specific
* option only.
* - scripts (optional): Same syntax as above, but applies to a specific
* option only.
* - features (optional): An array containing certain allowed hooks, which
* allow you to limit where the skin can be used. Allowed options include:
* block, block__MODULE, comment, comment__NODETYPE, comment_wrapper,
* comment__wrapper_NODETYPE, node, node__NODETYPE, region,
* region__REGIONNAME, panels_display, panels_region, panels_pane, views_view,
* views_view__STYLENAME, views_view__DISPLAY_NAME, views_view__VIEWNAME, and
* - default_status (optional): Skins are disabled by default to keep UI
* clutter to a minimum. In some cases, like contrib themes, it makes sense to
* enable skins which are required to make the theme work properly by default.
* Setting this property to 1, will cause it to be enabled it by default for
* all installed themes.
* Programmatically added data:
* - status: An array containing each theme as the key and the status of the
* skin in it (0/1). These values override #default_status on a per theme
* basis. The "Manage skins" page only lists skins which are contained in an
* enabled theme or module. This setting is useful for sub-themes to override
* via an hook_skinr_skins_alter() to auto-enable skins located in a parent
* theme which may not be enabled.
* For example:
* 'status' => array(
* 'theme_name' => 1,
* ),
* - source: An array containing the following information about the module or
* theme implementing the skin:
* - type: Either module or theme.
* - name: The name of the module or theme.
* - plugin: The name of the plugin.
* - path: The path to the skin's plugin directory.
* The "hook" prefix is substituted with the name of the module or theme
* implementing it, followed by the plugin name, e.g.
* @todo Document that support for #templates have been removed. The code does
* not work properly and will eventually need an overhaul, so removing fluff.
* @todo Document that collapsible/collapsed options are obsolete for groups in
* the new version.
* @todo A better name needs to be agreed upon for #features. This name is
* confusing people to death, and doesn't accurately describe what it does.
* @todo A helper function needs to be created for alter hooks to use to control
* the status of a dependency skin.
function skinr_styles_skinr_skins() {
$skins['skinr_font'] = array(
'#title' => t('Font family'),
'#type' => 'select',
'#group' => 'skinr_styles_typography',
'stylesheets' => array('css/typography.css'),
'options' => array(
'font_1' => array(
'label' => t('Arial, Helvetica, Nimbus Sans L, Liberation Sans, FreeSans'),
'class' => 'font-1',
'font_2' => array(
'label' => t('Lucida Grande, Lucida Sans Unicode, DejaVu Sans, Tahoma'),
'class' => 'font-2',
'font_3' => array(
'label' => t('Geneva, Bitstream Vera Serif, Tahoma'),
'class' => 'font-3',
'font_4' => array(
'label' => t('Georgia, Bitstream Vera Serif'),
'class' => 'font-4',
'font_5' => array(
'label' => t('Tahoma, Geneva, DejaVu Sans Condensed'),
'class' => 'font-5',
'font_6' => array(
'label' => t('Bitstream Vera Sans, Verdana, Arial'),
'class' => 'font-6',
'font_7' => array(
'label' => t('Palatino Linotype, URW Palladio L, Book Antiqua, Palatino'),
'class' => 'font-7',
'font_8' => array(
'label' => t('Free Serif, Times New Roman, Times'),
'class' => 'font-8',
$skins['skinr_font_size'] = array(
'#title' => t('Font size'),
'#type' => 'select',
'#group' => 'skinr_styles_typography',
'stylesheets' => array('css/typography.css'),
'options' => array(
'size_1' => array(
'label' => '0.846em (11px)',
'class' => 'size-1',
'size_2' => array(
'label' => '0.923em (12px)',
'class' => 'size-2',
'size_3' => array(
'label' => '1.077em (14px)',
'class' => 'size-3',
'size_4' => array(
'label' => '1.231em (16px)',
'class' => 'size-4',
'size_5' => array(
'label' => '1.385em (18px)',
'class' => 'size-5',
'size_6' => array(
'label' => '1.538em (20px)',
'class' => 'size-6',
$skins['skinr_font_style'] = array(
'#title' => t('Font style'),
'#type' => 'radios',
'#group' => 'skinr_styles_typography',
'stylesheets' => array('css/typography.css'),
'options' => array(
'normal' => array(
'label' => t('Normal'),
'class' => 'fs-normal',
'italic' => array(
'label' => t('Italic'),
'class' => 'fs-italic',
$skins['skinr_font_other'] = array(
'#title' => t('Font weight'),
'#group' => 'skinr_styles_typography',
'stylesheets' => array('css/typography.css'),
'options' => array(
'bold' => array(
'label' => t('Bold'),
'class' => 'fs-bold',
'small_caps' => array(
'label' => t('Normal'),
'class' => 'fv-smallcaps',
$skins['skinr_font_face'] = array(
'#title' => t('Heading font family'),
'#description' => t('Applies to headings level 1-3.'),
'#group' => 'skinr_styles_typography',
'options' => array(
'droid_sans' => array(
'label' => t('Droid Sans'),
'class' => array('ff', 'droid-sans'),
'stylesheets' => array('fonts/droid-sans/css/normal.css'),
'droid_sans_bold' => array(
'label' => t('Droid Sans (bold)'),
'class' => array('ff', 'droid-sans-b'),
'stylesheets' => array('fonts/droid-sans/css/bold.css'),
'fontin_sans' => array(
'label' => t('Fontin Sans'),
'class' => array('ff', 'fontin-sans'),
'stylesheets' => array('fonts/fontin-sans/css/regular.css'),
'fontin_sans_bold' => array(
'label' => t('Fontin Sans (bold)'),
'class' => array('ff', 'fontin-sans-b'),
'stylesheets' => array('fonts/fontin-sans/css/bold.css'),
'museo_300' => array(
'label' => t('Museo (300)'),
'class' => array('ff', 'museo-300'),
'stylesheets' => array('fonts/museo/css/300.css'),
'museo_500' => array(
'label' => t('Museo (500)'),
'class' => array('ff', 'museo-500'),
'stylesheets' => array('fonts/museo/css/500.css'),
'museo_700' => array(
'label' => t('Museo (700)'),
'class' => array('ff', 'museo-700'),
'stylesheets' => array('fonts/museo/css/700.css'),
return $skins;
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