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Created April 30, 2023 09:26
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DEVONthink script for creating daily (Markdown) journal file.
Based on script by Chuck Lane October 2, 2013
Updated and optimized for DEVONthink 3 by Christian Grunenberg April 30, 2019
Localized by Eric Böhnisch-Volkmann June 28, 2019
Revised for Markdown by Christian Grunenberg Oct 19, 2020
DEVONthink script for creating daily (Markdown) journal file.
You'll need to modify the zip code in line 152
Updated to include weather rather than a quote by Jack Baty, April 30, 2023
property headerColor : {40000, 20000, 0}
property blackColor : {0, 0, 0}
property dateColor : {30000, 30000, 30000}
property numHeadlines : 4
-- Import helper library
tell application "Finder" to set pathToAdditions to ((path to application id "DNtp" as string) & "Contents:Resources:Template Script Additions.scpt") as alias
set helperLibrary to load script pathToAdditions
-- Retrieve the user's locale so that we can e.g. get localized quotes and headlines
set theLocale to user locale of (get system info)
if the (length of theLocale > 2) then
set theLocale to (characters 1 through 2 of theLocale) as string
end if
-- Format the time, strip out the seconds but keep the AM/PM indicator
set theDate to current date
set theTime to time string of theDate
if (theTime contains "AM" or theTime contains "PM") then
if character 5 of theTime is ":" then
set theTime to (characters 1 through 4 of theTime) & (characters 8 through 10 of theTime) as string
set theTime to (characters 1 through 5 of theTime) & (characters 9 through 11 of theTime) as string
end if
else if character 5 of theTime is ":" then
set theTime to (characters 1 through 4 of theTime)
set theTime to (characters 1 through 5 of theTime)
end if
-- Format the month number
set numMonth to (month of theDate as integer) as string
if the (length of numMonth) < 2 then set numMonth to "0" & numMonth
-- Format the day, calculate suffix for English if needed
set theDay to day of theDate as string
set shortDay to theDay -- shortDay won't have a leading zero
if the (length of theDay) < 2 then set theDay to "0" & theDay
set daySuffix to ""
if theLocale is not "de" then
set suffixList to {"st", "nd", "rd"}
set theIndex to last character of theDay as integer
if (theIndex > 0) and (theIndex < 4) and the first character of theDay is not "1" then
set daySuffix to item theIndex of suffixList
set daySuffix to "th"
end if
end if
-- Format the year
set theYear to year of theDate as string
-- Format month and weekday names (localized)
if theLocale is "de" then
set theMonth to word 3 of (theDate as text)
set longWeekday to word 1 of (theDate as string)
set theMonth to month of theDate as string
set longWeekday to weekday of theDate as string
end if
set shortWeekday to characters 1 thru 3 of longWeekday
tell application id "DNtp"
set myGroup to create location "/Journal/" & "/" & theYear & "/" & numMonth
set recordName to theYear & "-" & numMonth & "-" & theDay & "-" & shortWeekday
set myRecords to children of myGroup whose name is recordName and type is markdown
if ((count of myRecords) is 0) then -- Create the document from scratch
if my theLocale is "de" then
set theHeadline to (longWeekday & "," & space & shortDay & "." & space & theMonth)
set theHeadline to (theMonth & space & shortDay & daySuffix & "," & space & longWeekday)
end if
set theWeather to my getWeather()
set myNews to my getNews()
set theContent to "# " & theHeadline & return & theWeather & return & return & "# Headlines" & return & return
repeat with i from 1 to (count of items of myNews) by 2
set theContent to theContent & "[" & item i of myNews & "]"
set theContent to theContent & "(" & item (i + 1) of myNews & ") " & return
end repeat
set myRecord to create record with {name:recordName, content:theContent, type:markdown, tags:theYear & "," & theMonth} in myGroup
else -- Record already exists, just add new weather/time header
set myRecord to item 1 of myRecords
end if
set theContent to plain text of myRecord
set plain text of myRecord to theContent & return & return & "## " & theTime & return & "- "
open tab for record myRecord
on error errMsg number errNum
display alert (localized string "An error occured when adding the document.") & space & errMsg
end try
end tell
-- Get a daily quote
on getQuote()
tell application id "DNtp"
set myQuote to ""
if my theLocale is "de" then
set getSource to download markup from "feed://"
set getSource to download markup from "feed://"
end if
set getFeed to get items of feed getSource
if items of getFeed is not {} then
set randItem to some item of getFeed
set myQuote to description of randItem & return & "= " & title of randItem & " =" & return
end if
end try
return myQuote
end tell
end getQuote
--Get the news headlines
on getNews()
set myNews to {}
tell application id "DNtp"
if my theLocale is "de" then
set getNewsSource to download markup from "feed://"
set getNewsSource to download markup from "feed://"
end if
set getNewsFeed to items 1 thru numHeadlines of (get items of feed getNewsSource)
repeat with theItems in getNewsFeed
set end of myNews to title of theItems
set end of myNews to link of theItems
end repeat
end try
return myNews
end tell
end getNews
on getWeather()
tell application id "DNtp"
set theWeather to download markup from ""
end try
return theWeather
end tell
end getWeather
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